Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Verdict Is In.....

The Princess came this morning and helped the Beast get Baron into the car.  If you are new to this blog, Baron is an oversize Doberman (AKC registered) that is 9 years old.  We noticed several things that he started having a problem with over the last few months.  I thought it was arthritis....the Beast was hoping against hope that it wasn't hip dysplasia.  Baron weighs in at 120 lbs and it's not fat.

So he goes to the vet and Baron got so excited.  For some reason, he loves to go there.  The vet x-rayed the hip and leg joints and said, *He's got arthritis like an 85 year old man.*  Phew!  I was right....LOL.  His arthritis is in the knee joints and where the muscles from the knee connects at the hip.  The thing we have to do is prevent it from reaching his backbone as well as the hip joint itself.

The Beast got two different things to give him.  One he starts giving him on Sunday because of giving him aspirin yesterday.  There can't be any aspirin in his system when he starts it.  He gets two of those every day for two weeks.  The other is a soft, chewable tablet that he will take indefinitely for pain.  He gets two of those a day for 4-6 weeks and then just one a day after that.  The vet will see him again in two months and will redo the x-rays to see how he's doing.

Baron was so excited about seeing the vet that he got into the car, by himself, when the Beast went to take him home.  It surprised the hell out of the Beast but it was almost like Baron was happy that something was going to be done for him finally.  In fact, for the first time in a couple months, Baron even got in the Beast's lap when he was sitting in his recliner!  He wouldn't sit in his lap when the Beast sat  in my recliner but mine is not as wide or as padded as the Beast's.  

Cee and I are thinking about another lunch out with Babybrat, who suffers from depression about living alone.  Anything to cheer her up.  She's been through so much in her life.  Having to get a hysterectomy at age 25 due to cervical cancer, then a few years later, losing a breast to breast cancer.  She managed to graduate from college a few years after her divorce (and is still paying off her student loans from her SS disability payments).  She had a dream job but was doing a lot of drinking between assignments and that resulted in her having several mini-strokes that left her with extreme short memory problems due to many dead areas in her brain.  It's no wonder she gets depressed and weepy.  I should see if my bff, Carol, might call her and just talk to her.  Babybrat should know that there are a lot of other people suffering in different ways other than me.  Other than her memory problem (which is severe), she is in good health although her teeth need work.

Which is a shame since her insurance has dental work included.  I'm surprised my niece, Tara, didn't take her to see the dentist while she was living with her since she is her guardian.  I know that Tara took herself and her son to the dentist regularly.   Unfortunately, Babybrat cannot drive with her memory being so bad.  She would not remember how to get home or even how to get to the dentist's office by herself.  Tara really didn't believe that but I think she learned over time that it would never happen.  Babybrat couldn't even take the written test because she wouldn't/couldn't remember the answers no matter how hard she might study.  Sad, but true.

The Beast's extravagances goes on.  He told me today that he ordered a floor scrubber.  You know the kind.  It probably has two brushes instead of one and a tank you fill with some kind of water/soap/cleaner and then you mop up after it does it's thing.  It's only for the kitchen floor, which needs it to get the old wax up off the tile.  The wax he used (he got cheap) wore in strange ways.  Plus he's hoping to get rid of the dog hair in the kitchen.  He's never been able to fully get rid of it because they will hang in the air.  I told him the only way to get rid of the dog hair is to get rid of the dog and that will NEVER happen.  LOL!

Oh well.  Time to go before this becomes a novel.  Love you all.  Be good and choose to be happy.  What happens in your life is by the choices you make.  ***Hugs***

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