Monday, September 19, 2016

The Beast And The Floor.....

So I find the Beast sweeping the floor and figure out (easily) that he is going to finish working on the rest of the kitchen floor, finally.  Imagine my surprise to see him mopping the floor after that.  When I asked him if he was still going to use the scrubber, he tells me *Of course!*

Okay, then why do normal mopping?  *I want to get up as much of Baron's hair before I use it so it doesn't get into the brushes and clog them.*  Oh.  Okay.

He then fills up the scrubber's soap dispenser and the water tank.  Don't forget that it also vacuums it up but that goes into a second big tank.  He does his *thing* with the scrubber up and down the kitchen and in front of the utility closet.  When he pulls up the dirty water/soap tank to empty it, it was really kind of shocking at how dirty it was.  It also had a wad of Baron's hair in it, too!  THAT was a real shock.  It showed that the mopping, which looked like the Beast did a good job, wasn't good enough.

After vacuuming up all the soap from the scrubber, the Beast let it dry well.  That's when he started with the wax.  I was kind of shocked at how spotty it dried.  It's like parts of the tile was repelling the wax.  He is going to wait until tomorrow to give it a second coat.  If that still is spotty, he says he will put down a third coat over the whole floor and then wait to see how it looks.  He said to me, *If it still looks spotty, I guess I may have to strip the floor of all the wax.*  He meant that he knew the spotty areas might be from residual wax from when he originally decided to apply that to the tile so that it was *shiny*.  I am wondering if he is just looking for a job so that he feels useful.

I seriously think that might be what is going on here.  He's been so depressed about not being able to work on most AC units when that was his life before his strokes.  He was still able to do some work on units to help people out up until just a few months ago.  It 's partially his age and the fact that his left side is getting worse.  That's the side that was affected by his strokes.  Although he regained the ability to walk and use his left arm again, it was NOT a FULL recovery.  He suffered with pain still, mostly in his leg.  That left him with a kind of limp/shuffle/drag and is why he wears out that side of any shoes he wears very quickly.

Feeling like he is contributing is why he still has to cook on occasion plus he really likes to make certain dishes.  His potato pancakes are a family favorite.  I think it might even be time to request he makes it and invite others over to enjoy that.  It would please him a lot to be praised for something.

Diane invited us over to her house for dinner this week.  The Beast tried to get us out of it by saying her first few suggestions wouldn't work for us.  He doesn't like to be the only man there for Dennis to talk to but he finally accepted Thursday as the day we will go over there.  I think I will buy her a bottle of wine as a nice little gift for her generosity.  I feel bad that we haven't invited them over for dinner in ages.  By that, I mean it's been a couple years.  It's mostly due to all my surgeries and time recovering from them.  The Beast only had the one surgery to remove part of his prostate that was *funky* (the doctor's word) and it turned out to be cancerous.  He's still undergoing treatment for his skin cancer, which is rather widespread.  It's on his face and both arms.  The arms are the worst and, if you run your hands down them, it feels like it should be full of scabs or some such thing.  After the next couple treatments, those should be gone.

Anyway, I like going over to Diane and Dennis' for dinner.  It's always a surprise as to what she is going to serve.  I'd like to contribute but she always insists that nothing is needed.  The one time I brought over something for dessert, we never even got to it.  The meal was so filling that no one had any room for dessert.  But I wouldn't let Diane give it back to me so she and Dennis had dessert for a while.

Time to go now.  I'm just awake because I had to use the bathroom (of course!).  I remembered that I hadn't done my blog so here it is.  Love you all.  ***Hugs***

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