Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I Think He's Learning.....

....that he's not getting hand-fed any more!  Yes, today he finally ate food out of his bowls.  First he tried his sad, head down pleading.  We both ignored it and he gave up and went to eat some food out of his own bowls.  He didn't eat a lot at first.  He kept turning his head to see if we were watching.  It was actually funny to see him turn away, head down and he laid down and gave a big sigh.  He turned away from first.  But I just had to laugh when he turned his head to see if we were still watching him.

Later on, when he saw we were doing other things, he went back to his bowl and finished eating his food.  I know only because I had checked his bowls after he left....both times.  But the bowl with his soft food was licked clean the second time I checked.  Today I finally got the Beast to give him his pain pills (in liquid form, of course).  I think he recognized the taste so he swallowed all of the liquid.  We may just keep giving him those like we have been since that's what the doctor prescribed for his arthritis.  It's easier than trying to give it to him in the capsule form pushed inside a piece of hot dog.  We've seen him eat the hot dog and spit out the capsule.  Don't ask me how he manages to do that but he can and does.

Well, the surprise from my bff (the gift from Taste of Chicago) was....ta da!....Italian beef!!!!!  I kid you not.  It has all the goodies....the Italian beef, the gravy, the green peppers, the rolls and even the garnish.  I love it!  What a great gift.  I'm just flabbergasted.  Tomorrow....a feast!

Today the Beast did his underwear wash so I folded that stuff after it was dry.  I was going to do my laundry but I got so many damn telephone sales calls (and I am on the *do not call* list).  I just counted it and I got 14 calls today.  A couple of the calls were about my *requested* student loan!  What a crock!  I just told them that I was   70 years old and did they really think I wanted to continue my education???  I get the craziest calls at times.  I just wonder who is selling my phone number to these people?  I actually rejected the last 6 or 7 of the calls.  I especially hate the ones that say *Unknown caller*.  I answered those only because a friend of mine from England calls occasionally and that is how his calls show up.  I need to email him, I guess.  I worry about his health.

Well, good night all and sweet dreams.  I love you bunches.  Be good.  Be happy.  It's your choice.  ***Hugs***


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