Thursday, September 15, 2016

I Get A Shopping Bug....

I was looking over my clothes for Fall and Winter the other day and realized that I didn't actually have much that fit me any more.  That bothered me a lot, especially since I would have had some nice sweaters and a few long sleeve tops if the Beast hadn't decided that I *hadn't worn them in a long time (his thoughts, not the truth of the matter)* and thrown them away.   When I first went to look for them last Fall, he denied it (of course) but then he finally said, *Well, you hadn't worn them in a long time and they were only taking up space*.  He didn't do the same for his own things that he hadn't worn in ages, including a big bunch of jeans that he couldn't even fit in any more.  But that's the Beast.

So, today, I got a bug up my butt and decided to go do some shopping for clothes for Fall and Winter.  But, unlike him who only buys NEW, I went to a resale shop.  It's a nice one that Cee and I found a while back.  So nice that one of the pair of slacks and two of the sweaters I bought were brand new and had never been worn!  I found the original tags in them from the stores that they had come of them was actually LLBean.  Those items I paid $5.99 for but most of the other things I bought were only $3.99.  I bought two pair of jeans, two pair of dark slacks,  four nice sweaters (pullover kind), a sweater jacket and four nice tops (two are dressy/casual).  These all came to around $44. since a couple were actually on a special markdown for the day.  I was shocked at how little I actually spent for what I bought.

I came home fully prepared to have a big argument with the Beast about it but he was strangely silent.  I think he intends to wait to *discuss* it.  I don't think he felt it would be wise when the floor scrubber (and a big box of the special soap for it) came today.  His argument will be that what he bought was necessary to get the wax off the kitchen tiles (that HE put down on it).  They are ceramic, and shiny on their own, before he started wanting to *improve* it with a *protective* wax finish.  He can never leave well enough alone.  He even waxed the living room wood floors and it's one of the things they tell you in the instructions that you should NOT do because it ruins the laminate  finish on it.  But he always knows better.

But I actually had a nice day and went over to Cee's house after I finished doing my shopping.  I didn't drag up the bags of clothes but I will put them away for now and when she is over at the house next time, I'll show them to her.  I still need to get a few more things, like some sweats for colder weather, but that can wait for a while.

It may seem nutty to get these things when the weather outside is still in the 80's and 90's but if I didn't get them now, the nicest ones would be gone.

Okay, it's been a long and busy day for me.  Love you all.  Have a nice Friday and a great weekend.  ***Hugs***

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