Thursday, September 8, 2016

We Have Ghosts In Town?????

I was watching a program and was surprised that it was about our town.  It seems that several shop owners downtown have had some strange and creepy things going on and they suspected it was ghosts!  They ended up contacting the University of Alabama and had these people come down that investigate paranormal events.

They came with all this strange equipment that can detect changes in the room or, in this case, the shops.  It seems this one flower shop gets a lot of *activity* (doors opening by themselves, the sound of footsteps and sometimes running, things that move when there's no wind in the get the idea).  The shops involved are just one story so it isn't because there are apartments above them.  They suspected it might be some people that died tragically almost 100 years ago due to a very bad tornado that destroyed all the shops and homes that were in the downtown area.  It wasn't *commercial* at that time like it is now.    They thought that their *spirits* didn't know they were dead or some such thing.

So they set up their equipment and also did this one thing that was kind of spooky.  Since one family lost all their children (I think it was five children and a mother) and the home was located where our downtown is now, they suspected it might be the children hanging around.  So the woman had this Raggedy Ann doll and she sat in the doorway of a shop with the doll a few feet away from her.  

This man was holding a piece of equipment that was pointed at the doll.  The woman (out loud) asked if someone wanted to play.  The equipment detected a certain kind of color change on the doll that spooked him since it was an indication of someone (or rather, some thing) that was touching the doll.  When they went back to the flower shop, they had a tape recorder and asked if anyone there would talk to them.  There was an indication that there was something talking.  The woman asked the spirit who they were and the graph or whatever it was indicated a reply.

When they played it back slowly, the name that was clearly given was the oldest boy of the family I mentioned above.  They played it back for several people the next morning (including our mayor) and they felt vindicated.  I think they might even have been less afraid of the noises now that they had *proof* that it was, indeed, ghosts.  Weird, huh?  I mean this is a small town and the program was about OUR town.  It was on TV.   It just seemed weird to me.

Today was a nice, quiet day.  Baron drove me nuts because he kept nagging me to go out  but all he really wanted was to roll in the grass.  It wasn't until after he ate his dinner that he finally went outside and pooped.  It was still light out but he just did what he had to and then wanted back in the house right away.  I made him go outside later so that he wouldn't have to wake me during the night.  It's bad enough that I get up every 2-3 hours to use the bathroom!  He always seems to wait until I am in a deep sleep and then he barks in my ear to wake me up.  I am a zombie letting him out and then having to wait up until he is done.  Oh well.

Tomorrow is market day...and this is strange.  It's a Farmers Market thing doesn't open until 3pm.  It closes at 6pm.  I guess I am just too used to the one in Guntersville that opens at 7am and doesn't close down until 6pm.  Of course, if the different sellers sell all their products that they brought with them, then they close down their stalls for the day.  Anyway, Diane and I will meet up there with Cee and check out what they are offering.  I would like to find some nice tomatoes and I wish someone was offering onions but I doubt it.  I was hoping to avoid going to Walmart for some but I guess I'll have to just bite the bullet and go since I am totally out.

Well, time to see if I can get back to sleep.  Love you all.  Be good.  Stay cool and keep hydrated.  Watch out for flash floods if you are in one of the states under alert.  ***Hugs***

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