Monday, September 12, 2016

Not A Good Day For The Beast.....

The day started out on the crazy side.  First the Beast couldn't find his set of keys for my Yaris.  He wanted to go to the store and couldn't remember what he had done with them.  He said he knew he didn't want to take them to Chicago with him so he was going to put them away.  However, after he searched the obvious places (his drawers, his desk, the night stands and the dresser in the guest room), he couldn't find hide nor hair of them.  

He asked me if I had seen them...better yet, if I knew what he had done with them.  After we both re-searched the places he had already searched, I asked him if he had possibly put them in the glove compartment in the car.  After a lot of cussing and more searching at dumb places, he finally went out to check the Prius and he came back and said to me, *I should have listened to you*.   *Fainting*  He found them in the car (of course).  

So he's getting ready to go to the store with my list and he can't find his wallet.  I asked him if he had checked the pants he had been wearing yesterday.  I had no idea that he thought I meant the jeans but I meant the beige dress pants he had worn most of the day.  I didn't help him in his search but did throw out a suggestion or two.  Turns out he had thrown the beige pants into the washer.....and yes, everything in it was washed and rinsed.  So it spent time in the dryer after the Beast removed all his credit cards, license, etc. and laid it out on the counter to dry.

The Princess, both kids and Sheepie came by and visited for a bit.  The Princess is coming over Wednesday morning to help the Beast put Baron into the car so he can take him to the vet's office.  Turns out that the Princess is using the same vet for her puppy that she got a week ago.  It's a cute little thing and is part heeler-type dog.  I just love it's coloring.  Baron liked him and I think wanted to play with him but the puppy was having no part of Baron.  Later on, after the puppy got used to Baron, he was running around trying to get Baron to play.  Turnabout is fair play, however, and I think Baron just didn't know HOW to play with such a little dog.

I got rid of four dozen eggs, thanks to Sheepie.  She called her future in-laws to see if they would like some (of course) and she took some for herself and one of her neighbors.  Hurrah!!  BUT...I still have four and a half dozen eggs here.

Our fur baby cat, Sassy, was not liking it when Cooper (that's the little pup's name) was out on the deck.  She didn't hiss at him but her back was arched and she backed away from him.  Then she jumped up to the bird feeder and just looked down at him until he came inside the house again.  She stayed down in the yard with the chickens until she found out that the pup was gone.  We didn't see her until later on when I brought her food out.  She knows when it's dinner time..  She practically flew up the stairs because she was getting salmon (the kind people usually buy for themselves in the can).  I'm not sure but I think she smelled it.  LOL!  I know she can't read and I don't think she recognized the can.

So we shower early and eat dinner (lasagne).  The Beast heads for his computer and so do I.  A little later, the Beast suddenly remembers that he didn't put the chickens away for the night.  I hand him a flashlight because it's dark out (I know the chickens put themselves away already).  He goes out to the coop, counts the chickens (all there), gathers the eggs and locks up the coop.  I told the Beast that the chickens were going to be pissed at him because they didn't get their corn tonight.  It was too dark out.  
He will probably put some out for them in the morning.

Oh, the reason I handed the Beast my flashlight was because earlier in the day, he couldn't find his big flashlight.  He practically accused me of using it and misplacing it.  I showed him my flashlight and said I use this if I need one so why would I take that big, heavy flashlight of yours?  His face said he didn't believe me but, guess what?  When he came into the house, he had his flashlight with him.  He had found it ON HIS DESK BEHIND HIS COMPUTER SCREEN.  He didn't tell me he'd found it but I saw him with it in his hand and said, *OH!  So you found it?*  He at least had the good grace of looking embarrassed when he told me where he had found it.  I just looked at him and then walked away.

Time to get this posted.  Love you all.  Hope you have a great week.  ***Hugs***

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