Monday, September 26, 2016

What A Spoiled Brat!

Today Baron seemed to be really getting his appetite back.  The Beast wanted to entice him to eat something so he took a leftover piece of steak (flank steak....not the really good kind), cut it into small pieces and hand-fed some of it to him.  Baron ate what he was fed!  So then I fed him some chicken (a whole thigh), also by hand.  The Beast cut up some more of the flank steak and put it into Baron's bowl....and he turned up his nose at it.  That is, until he was hand-fed more.  The Brat was willing to eat as long as we hand-fed it to him!  I kid you not.  He's really playing up this sick bit for all it's worth.

He actually ate quite a bit (hey!, he was really sick and still isn't well).  We indulged him with the hand feeding....for now.  But it isn't going to continue.  He has two more shots and just a few more pills to take.  Then it's back to the vet's to see if he needs more or different stuff or if we can count our blessings and he's better.

The Beast has decided that he's just going to totally build a new set of garage stairs (he built the ones we have).  Don't ask me why except it must mean it will make adding a ramp to it easier.  He bought all the wood for it today and says he will do it tomorrow.  

Cee, Babybrat and I are planning on getting together tomorrow for lunch.  We just feel like it and I won't miss the blue language that is sure to be coming from the garage.  LOL!  If he can use the nail gun, that will be different.  If he has to use regular nails, then he is sure to end up with a bruised thumb at some point.  That is when the swearing will commence....LOL!

Well, for someone that only got up to use the bathroom and write this, I have rambled on long enough.  Love you all.  I hope you had some fun, a few laughs and an otherwise great weekend.  I wish you all a fantastic week.  ***Hugs***

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