Friday, September 16, 2016

He Breaks Out The Scrubber.....

Today was the big day.  The Beast unpacked the scrubber and set it up (or so he thought) so he could use it.  Turns out it DOES suck up the water and soap on the floor.  In fact, it has a really big tank to do that.  It holds the clean water in one part and the soapy water in another.

After setting up the much smaller part that holds the soap, the Beast started his scrubbing but...can you believe it?  It wasn't sucking anything up!  He got down and studied it and decided it was missing a part.  So he goes back to the box and, surprise!  surprise!  he finds the part.  That tells you that even men who *know it all* should read the instructions.  It was actually kind of funny because he DID sit down and read the instructions after finding the part that was still in the box.  I didn't laugh until I got into my computer room.  Aren't you proud of me?  LOL!

Since he chose to move all the furniture in the dining room out by himself (it's actually easy and light), he was finally ready to give it a real try.  It worked!  So he cleaned 1/3 of the tile area and then let it dry.  He had bought a special type of wax for hard floors and just HAD to try it out.  He mopped it over the cleaned area and then let THAT dry.  It wasn't evenly applied so he ended up putting down a second coat.  It STILL has some spots that didn't cover well but he's going to wait until the whole floor is done and has two coats before applying a third coat to it all at once.  I would have preferred no wax at all but, as you know, he never listens to me.  Wasn't it just yesterday that he said he SHOULD listen to me when he was searching for his keys to my Yaris?  Or was that on Monday?   I forget.  How soon HE forgets...LOL.

He called it quits until tomorrow since he started all this so late in the afternoon.  I fell asleep after eating my dinner (a spicy meat pie that was delicious) and when I awoke, the Beast had gone to bed.  So I showered and got into my pj's and now am writing this before heading back to get more sleep.  My day was mostly staying out of his way since he went out to diagnose someone's AC unit's problem and came home frustrated because he couldn't just fix it himself.  But he's known that for a while so I don't get why he would get so cranky over that.  Of course, he was hot, sweaty and tired so that didn't help.  

Love you all.  Be good.  Have a great weekend.  Be happy.  ***Hugs***



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