Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Day Of Laughs....

It was a rainy, thundering day today and my internet connection was awful so I gave up and decided to play my Jewel Quest game which does not require an internet connection since I own it on a disk.  I didn't know how the TV was going to react since it, too, is satellite based but I decided I wouldn't watch any movies in case it got knocked off.  So, I turned on the Comedy channel to watch comedians.  I felt like having a laugh or two.

It was not a wasted effort.  Although the TV did lose connection a few times, I watched a load of Julio Iglesias comedy shows and I just love him!  He's a *clean* comedian and I really enjoy that.  He's so funny when he talks about some of the places he's performed (like Saudia Arabia!).  His jokes about his stepson hit the mark if you have ever raised a boy (I had two).  I watched him for five or six hours and laughed out loud a lot.  Laughing is healing or so I've read in some of the medical articles I've read so I figure I will be fine that much faster because of him...LOL!

The Beast was watching a day long documentary about the old kings of industry.  We all know their names...Rockefeller and those guys that were all the venture capitalists of their day.  He had to keep running into my room to tell me various ways that they screwed many supposedly brilliant people because they were NOT businessmen (like Edison).  I hated having MY programs interrupted to hear about people that had no conscience about the way they did business just to amass a fortune that most of them never got to enjoy.  But they sure left fortunes for their descendents to use and misuse.  

But once he went to bed (early, which he seems to be doing a lot of lately), I could watch to my hearts content without interruption.  It was heaven and it had stopped raining and thundering by then.  The temperature outside is a really nice 72 degrees and it's going to go down into the 60's by the time I go to bed....nice!  No AC on mostly because the humidity in the house hasn't gone up at all even with all the rain.

My girlfriend in California, Carol, decided to send me a surprise to make me feel good and guess what it was?  Scented candles.  They are so cute in mason jars and they smell great.  She sent me a cinnamon, a French Vanilla and a Lemon Pound Cake one.  They smell EXACTLY like they should.  The Lemon Pound Cake one smells just like the lemon pound cake the Beast bought the other day.    Even Chewlee recognized it when she smelled it.  After I got them and thanked her for them (she knew I loved candles), she drops another bomb on me and says she sent me something else that will take until around the 9th of September for me to receive..  She says, *I know you will LOVE this one!*

So now I am really wondering.  I loved the candles.  What the hell could she be sending me that will top that???  I will be sure to let you know when I receive it.  Any ideas?

Another Julio Iglesias is ready to start so I am going to leave you so I can relax and enjoy it.  After this is a Kevin Hart one.  I know the name but can't put a face to him.  I hope he's a *clean* comedian.  If not, I will be channel surfing....LOL!

Love you all.  Have a great Sunday.  Hope you have good weather.  More thunderstorms for us or so my weatherbug tells me.  Oh well!  The flowers can use it.  ***Hugs***

Friday, August 29, 2014

A Good Day Was Had By All....

We hit 94 today and Baron got his bath outside.  He was reluctant at first...he always is but stood still because the cool hose water felt good to him, I'm sure.  He even allowed the Beast to wash his head and face.  That is a rare thing but shows you just how hot it was.  The funny thing is that he didn't charge around the house like he normally does after a bath, either.  He normally would run all over and then roll on the carpets then run up to us to be petted.  Either he's getting older and less puppy-ish (he IS 7 years old now) or it really, really felt good to him.

The Beast and I both are having back problems.  I know mine is partly caused by the accident I was in years ago (I was at a full stop and a guy rear ended me doing 65 mph) and partly by how uncomfortable it is to keep my darn leg up over my heart.  I just saw a yoga video that showed an exercise that might do me just as well.  I think I am going to try it tomorrow.

I really have no idea why the Beast is having his problems except for his age and how he abused his body when he was younger just to prove himself himself, I think.  Perhaps it's a leftover from the strokes.  He took a hot bath and then I rubbed some ointment over the area.

We just made some spaghetti with alfredo sauce for our was fast and easy.  Also some garlic bread.  Tomorrow I am going to make us a nice salad since I really am salad hungry.  I would have loved some today but, oh well!

I watched Avatar on TV today.  It was on FX and the director showed a lot of how it was made.  The actors all were heavily involved in it and did many of the stunts you see in the movie.  They were all wired up to show expression on the faces of the Avatars as well as the body movements.  It really was amazing to see that (it was shown during the commercial breaks).  It's one of the things that is so cool about FX.  They give you insights into the movies they show.  There are three more Avatar movies's that for something to look forward to?

I had a good day today with my leg.  The swelling is starting to lessen but that is what is supposed to happen, thankfully.  Also, I've had no pain so far today.  I'm grateful for that because I really hate to take my pain pills.  They put me to sleep whenever I take them.  I guess because I so seldom use them and am not used to them.  They are strong or so people tell me.  I know they sure act like they are when I take them.  LOL!

It's cooling down a bit according to my Weatherbug.  It's just 77 outside but only expected to go down to 70.  Not that I care because the Beast left the AC on in the guest room and living room so my fan pulls it into my computer room.  He also has the AC on in our bedroom so it's more than comfortable in there.  I'm glad there's a comforter on the bed.  I don't mind the air being cool but not my body....LOL!  Even the Beast ends up under it after he's fallen asleep.  He pulls it over himself without even waking up.

Love you all.  Have a happy weekend.  Summer is rapidly approaching it's end and fall will be upon us shortly.  Our peach trees have already started dropping their leaves.  *Sigh*  ***Hugs***

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Commercials That Crack Me Up!

I love the Subaru commercial where the dad asks the little kid in his electric car if he wants the keys to dad's car.  The kid imagines himself behind the wheel with all kinds of different problems he might have and then tells his dad, *No thanks!  I'm good.*

It's the different problems that make me laugh because I really can't imagine a kid noticing things like getting a parking ticket or carrying groceries to the car and having the bottom of the bag rip.  But I sure can remember times that happened to me!  

Another one is the one where the dad and three kids are talking to the mother via laptop and all looks just great.  They have done homework, eaten, taken their baths and all is well.  As soon as they say goodbye, food drops from the ceiling and you see they have cleaned just enough of the wall behind them to look clean.  It's a paint commercial, of course, but I laugh because it's just such a dumb but possible scenario.  I can't really imagine anyone *I* know doing that....they would just complain about how bad the kids have behaved.  LOL!

Just got the call to go over to babysit the kids for a bit so have to cut this short.  Love you all.  Hope you've had a great day.  ***Hugs***

It's A Good Thing...

...that I check my blog on occasion.  It seems my blog for yesterday got lost in space somewhere.  I wrote it, hit the *publish* button but where it ended up, I have no idea.  That's what happens when you are tired and don't really stay to see if it ends up where it is supposed to be.

I spent  a lot of time with my leg up.  I am discovering that I don't rest well when I do that.  I keep waking up (not fully) to put my leg back where it should be.  If I don't, the swelling doesn't go down much.  I still can't believe how long the doctor says that will last but, since I don't really remember how long it took the other leg, what can I say to dispute that?  I still have a couple more weeks to go.

Yesterday the Beast was underfoot all day long with short trips to Walmart and then to Lowe's.  I keep telling the Beast we should be buying stock in Lowe's for all the money he spends there...LOL!  I DID spend a lot of time on my computer because something went on when I ran a program on here that I have run many times before but this time, I lost bookmarks.  They were all bookmarks I use a lot or I might not have noticed it for a while.  A couple, I admit, were just ones that I checked on occasion (mostly because the owners didn't add anything new on any specific days).  But once I found the missing ones, I started checking on all the bookmarks I remembered.  Lord, who knows how many I DON'T remember.....

The Beast, who has none of his bookmarks organized at all, wouldn't remember if he lost any at all unless it was Amazon or one or two others that he uses constantly.  He has the same program that he runs but swears he has never lost any bookmarks.  I want to know just how he could tell.

He did make us a nice dinner.  Chicken filets with a spicy breading, some onion rings and corn.  It tasted great with the special sauce he bought (we have both a honey mustard one and one that is just called chicken sauce).  I forget who makes them but they are both great.  You can actually chose a different one depending on how you feel.   I was going to make us some spaghetti but he had already started frying up the chicken so there went that good intention.

My girlfriend from California, Carol, sent me an email that told me to watch the mail on both Friday and Saturday for a surprise.  She can be such a nut at times.  She said another friend of hers said it was something I might get a kick out of and that's all she would say.  She said the only reason I will be getting something both days is the company broke the shipment into two.  Okay....what the hell could it be?  She DID say it's not food (darn!) but I am really curious about it now.  I'll let you know when I get it.

Well, the Princess is sick today so I am going over there later to relieve Johnnycakes from taking care of Gunner so he can sleep before work.  She is going to call me so I got dressed and am ready to go give her a hand.  It's rough to be sick and have a new baby in the house.

Love you all.  Have a great day.  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

An Apology To BabyBrat.....

I was watching TV today and they mentioned birthdays on the program.  It made my mind wander a bit and then it hit me.....I FORGOT my baby sister's birthday!!  I was just floored because I usually remember all my siblings birthdays and try not to forget to wish them a Happy Birthday in my blog.

With all that's been going on lately with my leg and all, I just flat out forgot.  Hell, I forgot to wish two of my grandkids a happy birthday.  Shame on me.  My grandson, Doc, the Marine, is one and also my granddaughter, Aimee.  Bad grandma!  Bad big sister!

I feel like our (my) family has gotten so big that you know definitely that we are Irish....we breed like flies....LOL!   Look at me.  I had four kids.  Two girls and two boys.  They gave me five grandkids (one we ended up adopting since we pretty much raised her from birth just about) and those five have given me three great-grandkids.  That's 12 so far (I am sure more are to come) just from my marriage.  When I thought about it, my siblings pretty much have both a lot of kids and grandkids.  I think only Bee has a great-grand.  But I couldn't possibly remember all their birthdays without a reminder.  I try but I have been so wrapped up in my own health problems that I am lucky when I remember all my siblings birthdays AND my childrens.  In August, I have my baby sister PLUS three of my five grandkids were born then.  Doc was born just after Hurricane Andrew hit us when we lived in the Ft. Lauderdale area.  And I mean JUST after.  The very next day.  LOL!  I was worried about having to help deliver my own grandchild because my son and daughter in law were with us for that event.

So this is a multiple BabyBrat, Aimee and Doc...HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND MANY MORE IN YOUR FUTURE!!!!

Love you all.  Have a great Hump Day and drive carefully.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, August 24, 2014

So There I Was.....

...putting my pills into my weekly pillbox when I suddenly realized that I didn't have any more probiotic pills.  I had no intention of going out to the store but I refuse to go without them.  If I don't have them every day, my IBS rears it's ugly head and makes me sick as a dog.

So I had to get dressed and jump in the car.  I hated the idea of going to Walmart on a Sunday.  It's always so busy here.  But an idea hit me.  Dollar General carries a lot of vitamins, laxatives and other things you find in a pharmacy.  Maybe they have a probiotic they carry.  They did.  A national brand, too.  I even saved around $4.00 compared to what it would have cost me at Walmart.

I also bought myself another candle.  I love the scented candles that the stores sell.  Unfortunately, none of them that I have ever gotten will fill the computer room with scent but I can smell it sitting at my desk.  What I really liked about going to DG is that I was in and out quickly.

Since I was dressed when the Beast got home from church, he asked me where I had gone and what did I buy.  I told him I had gone to DG and bought my probiotics because, as I started to put my pills together for the week, I found I was out of them.  I'm sure the first thing he did was go online to see how much I spent.  Like he is without sin....LOL!  He can find more things to buy than you can believe.  You should take a tour thru my house while I point  out everything he's bought....just in the last year!

I'm really getting tired of how my leg is swelling.  I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow to try to find out just how long this will be going on.  I have a suspicion I am not going to like it.  I am spending more than half my day with my leg up in the air to get the fluid out of my lower leg.  Then, when I am up for just a couple hours, it needs to be put up in the air again.  I often get so tired of that that I say *the hell with it!* and put my game up on my computer.  It's Jewel Quest 2 and, if you've ever played it, it's addicting.  The Beast bought it for me 10 years ago.  I had it put away for a long time and recently resurrected it.  Now I an playing it a lot...LOL!

I was so worried about my bff Carol out in California when I heard there was an earthquake near San Francisco.  I tried calling this morning but got a *all circuits are busy* recording so I figured a lot of people were calling to check on family and friends.  But she sent me an email to let me know they were fine and didn't even feel it.  They live on the San Andreas fault but that wasn't the one that had the quake.  It was such a relief to me to hear from her.  You just don't know with an earthquake.  They are as scary, if not more, than a tornado.  We have a safe room available to us and could lose our home but having the ground underneath you be unsafe....shudder!!!

Love you all.  Have a great day.  Hope you had sweet dreams.  Try to have a good week.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Same Chit, Different Day....

I really had no intention of posting today because it was probably one of the most boring days I've had in ages.  Nothing happened that was the least bit interesting.   Nothing!

But then, after I finished speaking to Mustachio online and then playing my Jewel Quest game, I got into bed and BOOM!  Power failure.  

Now that's not really a big deal if there's  no storm.  And there wasn't.  It just meant an accident of some kind, hopefully not a fatal one.  But I just shrugged and went to sleep.  Until the Beast woke me up because he wanted me to call about the power failure.  I had been asleep for an hour.  All I could think was....if he's so damn worried about how long it's going to last, he KNOWS who to call.  But I got myself out of bed and called after I located a flashlight so I could read the number in my address book.  The recording said it was system wide and would take approximately an hour to an hour and a half to repair.  I passed on the information to the Beast who could then relax and not worry about the food in the freezer.  As soon as I settled back to go to sleep, what did I hear but the sound of various appliances coming back on.  Yep, we had our power back.    I made sure the Beast knew that but the AC in the bedroom had come back on so he already knew that.  I was just being a stinker since he had woken me up out of a nice sleep.

And that is the only reason this short post now exists.  If he hadn't annoyed me, I would have spared you from my boring day.  But I still love you all.  Have a great Sunday.  ***Hugs***

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Beast Succeeds.....

The Beast has always been tenacious.  I call it *stubborn* because it's almost as if he just will NOT accept the fact that something will not do exactly what he wants it to do.  But he got his tablet to do what he wanted.  He DID find he had  to buy an auxillary speaker for it in order to hear it well but it's wireless (the speaker).  He also found out that his church has Wi-Fi availability and it's unlimited access.  He was sooooo happy about finding that out.  He spent a couple hours there this morning and that is  the reason he finally got his tablet doing exactly what he wanted.

I spent the day doing leg exercises, off and on.  My legs tire easily and also the left leg is still swelling.  My right leg gets tired mainly because I am putting more stress on it because the left leg is so weak in comparison.  I noticed that in just a few weeks, I had actually worn down the right  sole of my old sandals due to the same factor.  I HAD been proud of the fact that I seem to wear my heels on my shoes evenly, which means I wasn't favoring one leg over another.  I used to wear out the outside of my heels when I was a kid but I knew why I did that back then.  After a long time, it becomes a habit.  I worked hard to break that habit.

Other than that, our life pretty much was nice and peaceful and mostly inside the house.  It was hot today (92 degrees F.) and no breeze to speak of.  Baron lay around like a scatter rug on the wood floors (cooler than the rug areas).  

I ate some grapes and strawberries along with my yogurt for my lunch and, wouldn't you know it?  The Beast comes home with a Jr. Whopper for me along with some onion rings.  I didn't want to  hurt his feelings since he actually got something I normally like so I ate about half of it and a few of the onion rings before I buried it in my trash.  

We ate spaghetti with Alfredo sauce (Newman brand).  It's good but a bit on the mild side for me but adding some nice parmesan cheese made all the difference.  Delish!  It was too hot to put the oven on or we could have made some garlic bread to go with it,  I suggested eating later tomorrow (so it will have cooled down a bit outside) and having the garlic bread, too.  The Beast thought that made sense so you know what WE will be eating tomorrow.

I think I will have to make some macaroni salad with tuna for Sunday.  I may have him pick up some canned shrimp and add it to the salad for a really great tasting meal.  I love it with shrimp (you can even forget about the tuna as far as I am concerned) but it must have at least some peas in it and even some corn for a truly tasty treat.  LOL!

My sister, Cee, and I used to make a big bowl of it together and then just share it.  It was fun to chop up the onions and celery together while we waited for the macaroni to finish cooking.  A lot of the time it was because Cee would catch a sale on the canned shrimp.  I always had plenty of mayonnaise, celery and onion in the house and also macaroni so it worked out just fine for us.  I kind of miss those days.  I think it's why I enjoyed Sheepie's visit the other day because of our working together to make up something for us to share.

My sister, Cee, says she will be moving up here in about a year.  She's waiting for her Medicare to kick in for her and she also has to deal with Frankenstein.  From what I understand, he really should be in a nursing home due to his incontinence.  It's just too much for Cee to deal with.  He quit claimed half of the ownership of the condo to her years ago (as tenants in common, of course) since he had purchased it on his own but she needed to be listed as an owner in order to be on the Board of her building.  Didn't take her long to find out it's not a fun job...LOL!

Well, I am tired and need to think about taking my shower and going to bed soon.  Love you all and I wish you fantastic weather over the weekend.  Be good.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Beast And His Tablet...

The Beast got his tablet on Wednesday as originally expected.  He was excited and eager to get it set up for himself.  But he had a couple problems.  One, he needed to register it using a Wi-Fi setup but the only place he knew of where he could use the Wi-Fi was at McD's and he didn't want to put the information in it in such a public place.  

I remembered that the Princess had Wi-Fi (she had it for Chewlee's tablet) so I called her and asked if he could come over and use it for a bit.  She was trying to get Gunner down for a nap and asked if he could wait a couple hours.  I know the Beast and he couldn't wait that long so I assured her that he could be quiet.  So she said he could come then.  Off he went to do whatever it was he needed to do.

When he got home, Sheepie was here with Daphne so he came in to say HI to her and to meet her dog.  Daphne shied away from him and Sheepie tried to explain why she was like that.  I'm not sure how the Beast felt about that but he was glad to see that Daphne wasn't afraid of Baron, just not joining in playing.  I'm sure if they get to know each other after a few visits that Daphne will relax more.  She is still getting used to being loved and not ignored.

Sheepie, who worked with the electronics for almost a year at the store she works for, tried to help the Beast with his set-up.  She told him to return the one he had and get a *real* tablet because he couldn't set up the one he had like he wanted it.  I know the Beast.  He did his homework and knows it is *supposed* to be able to do what he wants.  Sheepie just worked with all the different ones on the market and knew the ones that would set up easier.  The Beast, if nothing else, is stubborn and will get it to work at least CLOSE to what he wants.

When I asked him about it before he left for church, he said it *almost* was where he wanted it to be.  So I guess we shall see.  Stay tuned for further developments.  LOL!

I went out and bought myself some new sandals today.  I was hoping to find closed toe ones but they didn't have any that didn't squeeze my toes too tight.  So I have another pair that has an open toe but they are really nice leather.  Very soft and comfortable.  The leather has a bit of stretch in it so that it flexes when I walk.  They cost me more than I wanted (hoped) to spend but I don't buy many pairs of shoes each year so I bit the bullet and got them.

While I was at the store, I also indulged and got a small but very heavy cheesecake.  Then I bought some strawberries and some seedless grapes that were on sale (half price).  I really was fruit hungry but the peaches were hard as rocks and so were the plums.  We have apples here at the house and even a couple of oranges.  As a diabetic, I have to be careful about things like grapes and oranges but the rest are fine.  It's just I LOVE seedless grapes but I do keep track of how many I eat at any one time.

I was watching a documentary about the southern tornado alley, which may not be quite as active as the one that runs through the Great Plains but is just as deadly.  Unfortunately, our area is included in that.  They were showing the construction that is best, which is concrete block filled with a special kind of grout.  That is what we had in our house in Florida that we had built.  So what do we live in here in Alabama??  A frame house with aluminum siding.  Even worse, we have a crawl space underneath the house so we might as well live in a flying carpet.  It's truly scary.  It's why I am so glad that our friends have a safe room in their new house that is large enough for them, us and Baron, too.  In a pinch, we could probably get more into it but that's up to them.  I just HATE tornadoes.  You can't prepare for them like you can a hurricane and you don't get much warning.  

We've been lucky so far.  We've had tornadoes hit all around us within just a bit more than a block but no direct hits.  We even went for more than a week without electricity but we had both solar and our big generator (which can handle our whole house and did during that time).  I just get very nervous when it's tornado weather.  I keep my eyes on the sky then.

It was really HOT today....94 degrees F.  and the local weatherman said it would be even hotter for the next week.  We are supposed to prepare for 100 degree F. temps.  Yikes!  I love hot weather but that's more than's HOT!  Cook an egg on the pavement type hot!  Baron will be a speed pee-er.  LOL!  He hates hot, hot weather.  But with a black coat on him, it just heats the poor thing up quickly.

Love you all.  Have a fantastic Friday.  Drive carefully and makes plans for a nice weekend.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sheepie Comes To Visit!

Sheepie and her dog, Daphne, came to visit today.  It wasn't a *wham, bam, thank you, Ma'am* kind of visit either.  You could tell that Daphne had not been socialized by the way she reacted to Baron.  Oh, she wasn't afraid of him but she didn't know how to play with him either....and Baron wanted to play even though Daphne was only about 1/8 the size of Baron.  She could stand underneath him and there would still be daylight showing over her back.

But Baron tried hard not to spook her and was very friendly.  When she didn't respond to his invitations to play, he finally went and lay down in front of the door like he usually does.  Daphne explored the house, little-by-little but kept running back into my computer room to make sure Sheepie was there.  The poor thing came from a hoarder's home and was a rescue by Sheepie and Teach.  She seems to be a sweet dog but is a bit on the easily spooked side.  She started to warm up to me a bit and let me touch her after many tries.  I got to scratch her under her chin and she seemed to like that.  But there was no prolonged petting that she allowed me to do.  She would back away from that.  But, like I said, she seemed sweet and even lay down on the floor in front of my door and fell asleep.

When Sheepie got here, she inspected my fridge and asked what smelled so wonderful.  I told her it was the stuffing I made with the chicken that was in the bread pan.  She immediately went and cut herself some and nuked it in the microwave.  Later on, she helped me make the chicken salad that we ate for dinner.  Hell, she actually made the chicken salad.  She cut up everything and all I did was cut and pull the chicken apart for her.  LOL!  

Later on, she took home some of the chicken salad and also a couple of the meatballs the Beast made.  I think those will be part of her lunch at work tomorrow.  She had Teach bring a container so that she wouldn't have to take any of mine.  

We didn't discuss anything world shaking but I really enjoyed her company.  She can talk about darn near anything and we enjoy it.  We had a few laughs and she talked about work, one of her managers and some of the problems she has but seems to be handling well.  The one thing you can say about Sheepie is she isn't shy about letting you know how she feels, good OR bad!  It may not be politically correct but it's who she is.  She was like that as a little girl and is still like that as a young woman.

Teach looked good and happy.  I hadn't seen him in a while but it was nice to see him, too.  I was sure to give him a big hug before they left to go home.  Sheepie and I said our goodbyes several times before she finally left.  I haven't enjoyed anyone's company as much except for Chewlee.  I miss my little doll now that she's back in school and she has her cheerleading, too.  Sigh!  I have to talk to the Princess and see if there is any chance I can keep her for a sleepover this Saturday, after her game, of course!

Love you all.  Have a fantastic day!  ***Hugs***

Another Good Day....

Although I still have swelling occurring in my left leg when I am up too long, I did not have it happening to me as badly today.  I was able to spend a great deal of the day doing a few things that I needed to get done.  

The Beast cut some breast meat off the chicken I made yesterday and I made some good gravy for it so we were able to have some open face chicken sandwiches with lots of yummy gravy over it.  He also cut a couple *slabs* of stuffing from the bread pan (and they really were slabs...LOL!) that we heated up along with some peas, for a change.  I was surprised he selected peas for our vegetable because he isn't really fond of them.  But I guess we all need a change on occasion.  I just know it tasted great.

He had cut breast meat earlier and that was our meat for sandwiches that we had for lunch.  I was so glad I had gotten a decent sized roaster chicken, even if it was on the pricey side.   Getting at least three meals out of it made it a reasonable investment.  AND...there is still enough meat left on the chicken for me to make some chicken salad, which I plan to do tomorrow.

I am horrified at how expensive meats have become.  Even ground beef is just awful for anything decent.  But at least a good plan makes some purchases not too bad a deal.  The Beast hasn't complained, which he usually does when HE hasn't made the purchase.  

He is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the tablet he ordered.  However, there seems to be some confusion about just WHEN it is being delivered.  He was originally told when it was shipped and that it would be delivered on Wednesday, which is what his Prime membership should be entitling him.  It guarantees two day delivery.  But today he got an email that said it would be delivered on Thursday.  When he went online to track it, it showed that it arrived here in our local Post Office today, which should mean delivery tomorrow.  He was totally confused by the disparity.  I told him to ignore the email because, if it was already here in town, he would get it tomorrow as was originally told to him.  We shall see.

He is so anxious to get it set up and it frustrates him that he will have to wait a couple hours while he charges it up.  I hadn't thought about that part...duh!  But it will keep him busy tomorrow and out from under my feet while I am making the chicken salad.  I just hope it is delivered early since it is coming USPS and not just regular mail.  If it had been sent Fed-Ex, we wouldn't get it until around 5 PM.  That's when it usually comes with them.

I hate that my blogs seem to revolve around food lately but that's pretty much my life when I can't do much walking.  I'm so glad my leg is healing well but I had forgotten about the need to build up strength again since my muscles were all cut up to hell for this surgery.  But I am anxious and will be continually getting up and down and walking to exercise it.  I know what I need to do to get myself back up to speed.  It won't be fun but I am determined.  I have plans of my own that I want to be able to do and I need to be able to walk so the Beast will stop acting like I am a cripple.

Love you all.  I hope your week has gone well so far and that you have a great Hump Day.  ***Hugs***

Monday, August 18, 2014

I Did My Chicken Dance....

I felt better today but I discovered something.  My leg may be healing okay now!  they are weak.  Or maybe it's an after affect of feeling so bad yesterday.  I'm not sure but I couldn't stay on my feet for long.

I sat down to cut up the bread and veggies for my stuffing but standing up to stuff the bird was not fun.  I ended up leaning against the counter...A LOT!  But I managed to get it all done and the chicken turned out fantastic.  It was nice and juicy and the stuffing was perfect!  We have a lot left over so I will slice it up tomorrow, make some gravy and we can have hot chicken open face sandwiches along with more stuffing.  I made a bread pan full of stuffing that we haven't touched yet.  The Beast, bless his heart, covered everything and put it in the fridge so I didn't have to do that, too.

The rest of the night I spent with my leg up in the air, watching TV as well as I could.  It's either lean over to the side with my head propped up or bring the leg down a little bit.  It actually seems to work.  I mean, it seems like I don't have to have it so much above my heart to get the swelling down now.

Today we had rain complete with thunder.  In fact, the thunder sounded awful and I expected more severe weather than we had.  It didn't even rain least not here.  And we didn't have a power outage like we usually do when the thunder is as bad as it was.

It was hot again....88 degrees F. but it's down to a nice 70 degrees and still getting cooler.  I'm enjoying this hot weather during the days but nice, cool sleeping weather at night.  I could get used to it easily.

The Beast informed me that he bought a refurbished tablet today.  My concern was if it had any kind of warranty and he said it had one for a year.  He spent about half of what a brand new one would have cost so how could I even yell at him.  He sometimes tries to be thrifty although he still keeps buying stuff all the time.  I know he wants to leave me broke but there's not a whole lot I can do about that except prepare for it.

At least the house and cars are paid for.  That makes a difference.  I'll only have to worry about cremating him and scattering his ashes in the ocean.  That's what he wants.  Then I have to worry about what will happen with Baron since he is so attached to the Beast.  There may be real problems.  Only time will tell.

Love you all.  Have a great week.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Disappointing Day....

I woke up this morning with a howling stomach ache.  I knew immediately what caused it.  I suspected as much when I made myself an egg salad sandwich from some that was four days old.  Even tho' it was in the fridge the whole time, with all the door openings, it was bound to be dicey.  It looked and smelled all right and didn't taste bad to me either.  But, at the time, I was very hungry.

So I was paying the price and I was expecting two visitors.  Tara had said she was going to stop by after they got home from camping and Sheepie said she was going to bring her dog over to play with Baron for a bit.  I was really looking forward to that.

After the Beast left for church, I decided I was going to make a roast chicken and some stuffing for our dinner as a surprise.  I ran up to Walmart (okay, I drove there!), got what I needed and a few other things I wanted, then came home.  When I got into the house and was going to start working on our meal, I found myself shaky as hell.  I could hardly stand up and my tummy was going nuts!  I had to lay down.  

When the Beast got home, I apologized to him about the chicken and promised that I would feel better tomorrow.  I knew eventually I would have to go to the bathroom and the stomach ache would relent.

He made up some meatballs for meatball sandwiches but knew I wouldn't have the appetite for that.  He still brought me two small meatballs to eat since he was worried about my not having eaten anything.  He also offered me a sandwich before he put everything away just before he went to bed.

Needless-to-say, neither Tara nor Sheepie showed up or called to let me know they weren't coming.  I knew that Sheepie had to work and, even tho' it's supposed to be a short day for her, they often ask her to stay longer to help.  I texted Tara because she doesn't answer her phone when she is busy.  And, oh boy!...was she busy!  She just had too much on her plate so I told her I understood and that I loved her.  She has much to deal with since Keith starts school tomorrow.  Not a full day but an Engineering intro.  And don't forget that Chance is now in school.  They had a nice weekend of camping (but came home later than planned) but then reality hits you.

So, I was both disappointed and yet glad since I had this stomach ache from hell.  I won't be up late, that's for sure.  In fact, that is why I am posting this earlier than usual.

Love you all.  I wish you all a great week.  ***Hugs***

Friday, August 15, 2014

What A Great Day!

It's happened...finally!  My leg feels great...not a lot of strength in it yet but I can walk damn near normally now.  The oozing has stopped but I still keep a bandage on it, just in case!  But it's a regular bandage like you would put on any wound.  It's just a little bigger.

I no longer have *stretch* pains from the scar and most of the scabbing is gone now.  There's still healing to do but, for the most part, I would have to say I am almost healed.  I can get around without pain and no more pain pills!!!  I feel wonderful!

Now, all I need is to try to get into a more normal sleep pattern!  That would be great.  Right now, I seem to be sleeping more during the day than at night.  *Sigh*  I force myself to stay awake as much as I can during the day but the minute I have to put my leg up to get down the swelling (which is only around my ankle now), I fall asleep for a couple hours...LOL!  It's awful.  I have things I want to get done but can't when the Beast is sleeping.

One thing that has me worried is a lump we found on Baron's paw tonight.  It's not a bug bite or a bee sting either.  I told the Beast he HAS to take Baron in to see the vet tomorrow.  He will probably wait until Monday, knowing him.  I have no idea why, when he is so damn attached to the dog, he would hesitate to do that.  Not me.  I worry.  He pisses me off that way at times.  But we shall see just how worried HE is.

Sheepie stopped by after work tonight and finally picked up the two paperweights that Carol sent for her.  She just loved the one with blue swirls in it and thought the other one, with the multi-color swirls (egg-shaped) was fascinating.  But it was the blue one that goes with her decor that caught her fancy.  She also picked out her necklace from the ones Carol sent.  I am going to give Tara and her sister-in-law, Lucy, the other two.  The Princess already picked hers out.  So all the girls in the family have necklaces now.  Even Chewlee has one (the ballerina one Carol sent her).  It's so neat that we all have them.  At least, all of us here...LOL!

It's been warm during the day here and nice and cool at night.  It's down to 64 degrees F. here already so I will sleep comfy.  It only takes a light cover and that suits me to a T.  No rain, thank goodness.  We don't need it and it helps keep the humidity down.  We sat out on the porch this afternoon while Baron rolled around in the grass and just had a ball!  It was really nice but my poor butt (I really don't have one left these days).  I need to grab a cushion the next time we do that.  

Love you all.  Have a fantastic weekend.  I wish you all great weather and a chance to get together with friends and/or family to have a bit of fun.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Finally! Some Good News....

Two wonderful things happened today.  First, I got my baby fix and brought back a shitload of Chewlee's clothes to her house.  I knew I didn't need them and, with the way she's growing, she should have the chance to wear some of her things that were here.  I kept a pair of her jeans, two shirts, underwear, sox and a pair of pajamas.  That's all I need to have for one of her sleepovers.
Gunner is so damn cute!  He is pulling himself up in your lap and can hold his head up pretty well.  And he's just a bit over 2 months old!

The Princess gave me the litany of shots that he's gotten.  They have a couple of new shots I never heard of before but the old familiar ones are there, too.  I did get to play with him for a bit but then he wanted mama and her boob....LOL.  That's a breast fed baby for you!  He knows where the food is!  I didn't stay for the feeding since he would go to sleep then and I know the Princess puts that time to good use.  But I got to hold him and love him.  He really is such a little boy already.

The second wonderful thing that happened is....the seepage has slowed down tremendously!  I kid you not!  I am now wearing just a large bandage on it and that is all I need.  I changed it only once today so far but I am just so jazzed over the fact that the area is finally healing, I can't begin to tell you.

I helped the Beast clean our floors today, too.  I really love our Shark vacuum cleaner but have one complaint that applies to most of the vacuum cleaners on the market.  The hose is too short!!!!  I have no idea what they were thinking but the darn thing doesn't even stretch 3 feet...  If you stretch it that far, it knocks over the cleaner.  The wand is not long enough to make up for it, either if that's what they had in mind.  You almost have to carry the vacuum to vacuum up any cobwebs in the corners of a room or anywhere up near the ceiling.  Other than that, I love the attachments.  They are just fantastic, especially for our laminate floors.  

We also have the Shark steam cleaner.  Perfect for any floor (well, not rugs...LOL!).  It did a fantastic job on the tile in the kitchen and dining area and also the laminate floors.  The house looks fantastic and well worth the effort.  I admit the Beast carried most of the burden but I did sweep, vacuum and dust the floors (special attachment) and cleaned the lamps, end tables, coffee table and one of the shelves with the fisherman figures that is on the wall by the TV.  THAT was really dirty!  You could tell it has been a while since it was dusted.

I also found the perfect spot for the new orchid I received for our anniversary.  The flowers are still on it and I trimmed it today so that it would encourage the new blooms once these fall off.  It's on top of the fireplace.  The lighting is perfect!  Totally indirect and it is always opened during the day because that is where Baron perches the front door.  The fireplace is directly behind where he plops down.  He gets upset if you don't open the door so he can watch what's going on outside.  But, as I was cleaning the top of the coffee table (it's glass), I looked up and realized I found the perfect spot for the orchid.  

I quickly watered it (it had been a week since I last wet down the wood chips) and then placed it on the fireplace.  I am just so happy to have found a good spot.  I love orchids.  I had a bunch of them on my screened patio and they did great for me.  It actually takes a bit of neglect but I watered when it rained outside...just a bit because the orchids can grab moisture out of the air.  They ARE parasitic, after all.  That's what all those weird roots are for!

We are having cool nights for some reason, although our days are still steamy.  But I am enjoying it just the same.  The poor Beast was complaining that he hurt all over so he took a bath and tried to soak some of the hurt out.  He is trying hard to make up for something he did and I am too upset to discuss it at the moment.  Maybe in a week or two.  Yes, it's THAT serious.  I may never forgive him.

Love you all.  Please drive carefully.  It's probably Friday when you read this and the end of a long work week (if you didn't get Monday off).  ***Hugs*** 


A Bucket List? Hmm....

A lot of the programs I watch on a daily basis have made references to a Bucket List.  I saw the movie (very funny and sad, both) so I get the idea of what a Bucket List is.  To me, it's my *Just once..* list of things I would like to do....just once!

Just once....I would like to take a train ride where I have a sleeper suite or whatever they are called.  Like the sleeper that the *Thin Man* had in the movies.

Just once....I would love to see Australia.  Tour it in a motor home.  I'm not sure with whom...sisters, kids or grandkids.  Maybe all of them.  I want to see kangaroos in the wild, koala bears in their natural habitat, wombats, dingos, all the exotic (to us) animals.  I want to hear that adorable accent spoken everywhere I turn.  My son, Mustachio, loved the country and the people.  He really tried to find a job there but wasn't able to and still regrets that.  He would have put roots down there, gladly.

Just once.....I would love to quickly pack a bag of clothes and take off on a trip to nowhere with no time limit.

Just once....I would love to stay in a 5-star hotel and order room service.

Just once....I would love to go camping on horseback for a weekend, complete with guide.  The problem is that I'm not sure just WHERE I want this to happen.  There are so many wonderful places.......

Just once....I would love to have my kids, grandkids, great-grandkids and my sisters all together for a family reunion.  I want it to last a whole week and we would have rooms at the hotel with a big pool (and a bar with entertainment at night) that is in Guntersville.  Hey, some of my dreams are on the realistic side...LOL!

Just once....I would love to take a ride in a helicopter.  Not one of those 5 minute tourist rides but a real ride around an area that's interesting from the air.  I'm still doing research on that.

Here's one I know I will never live to experience but have always wanted....Just once, I would love to step foot on another planet other than Earth.  I hope that once of my great-grandchildren will live to enjoy that in their future.  My loving Chewlee wanted to go on a spaceship with me and didn't understand why that would never happen (I told her I was pretty sure I wouldn't be around for that....and I am sure I wouldn't pass the physical).   But it pleased me that the idea appealed to her.  Go Chewlee!!!!

Just once....I would love for my kids to be happy to celebrate Mother's Day with me.  I have often felt I failed them because I didn't divorce the Beast.

Just once.....I would love for the Beast to keep one promise he makes.  He has made multiple ones to me over the years but has NEVER kept even one of them.  He's been too self-indulgent to care that he has disappointed me so often.  

Just once....I would like to feel truly loved for myself, warts and all.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Had A Sick Day Today...

I have no idea why but I woke up this morning feeling like chit!  I was sweaty but not running a temperature.  I was so lethargic feeling that I just couldn't even bring myself to go get any coffee in an effort to wake up.  I tried...I got up and turned on my computer but then realized I had no interest in being online at all.  So I ended up going back to bed.

About noon, I realized I had an awful stomach ache.  That was an *ut oh!* moment since it usually means my IBS is rearing it's awful head.  However, although the stomache ache persisted, none of the other fun aspects of IBS showed up so I was kind of at a loss.  Until I went to the bathroom.  I realized then that, had I not been taking a daily probiotic plus some yogurt, I probably would have had a real IBS episode.  

Needless-to-say, it took about three bathroom visits before the stomach ache passed and I started to feel normal again.  The Beast actually worried about my not eating or drinking anything and kept offering me different things to entice me to eat.  I finally had some oatmeal he made and I got my cup of coffee plus a glass of ice water.

I did spend more time in bed waiting for the overall feeling of ickiness to pass.  I got online a time or two trying to make contact with my friend, Carol but I guess we were showing up at totally different times.  

I spoke with Mustachio for a bit and he's found a new apartment that he likes.  He says it's not the perfect one but it has a bigger living room area and the rest of the apartment is just about the same size as his current one.  He just hates the idea of moving but would rather move than sign another lease with his current landlord.  The man has been nothing but hateful to him over a dispute that was actually with Buttmunch and Hoop and not him at all.  

Now I am heading for a shower that I am sure the world at large will appreciate and then back to bed for a restful night's sleep, I hope.  Love you all and I hope you have a great day.  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Wonderful Comedian Is Dead.....

Late Monday afternoon, the news was full of the shocking death by suicide of Robin Williams.  He was an incredible talent.  But he was a man that had his own demons to fight and he lost the battle.
It's so sad.  For his wife, his children...who adored him...and for us, his devoted fans.

I first saw him in Mork and Mindy, more years ago than I want to think about.  I even remember the sad episode he did after his idol, Jonathan Winters, committed suicide.  Another great talent that had demons he fought and lost to.

I will miss seeing him and will love the movies and other DVD's I have of him.  I'm so sorry he committed suicide but we have no idea what he struggled with other than alcohol.  That seems a shame since he beat his drug habit only to succumb to that problem.  Rest in Peace, Robin!

Today was the first day of school here in our county.  A day earlier than most others in our state.  But, from the way she looked in the picture her mother took of her as she was leaving for school, Chewlee was happy to go.  So was Tara's son, Chance, from HIS photo....but his mother cried at his first day of kindergarten.  She felt dumb after sending off her older children before him but he IS the baby after all!  Doesn't surprise me one bit...LOL!

 It's hot here again and they claim it is going to rain at some point but the skies are clear as of now.  I'm tired from the heat since my computer room (my decision) is not air conditioned.  I also need to get my foot up in the air (above my heart, of course!) for a while.

Love you all.  Take care.  Be nice to one another.  Smile....a lot!  ***Hugs***

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I Hate Just One Fat Leg....LOL

My biggest problem these days is the swelling of my left leg.  I'm still keeping it up over my heart for what turns out to be most of the darn day but as soon as I am up and walking, the swelling starts.  My leg swells up to about half again it's size.  The skin is so tight that it is shiny and as smooth as glass.  Weird.  When I have had it up for a couple hours, the legs softens and feels normal again.  But to have to keep doing that means I get nothing done around here.  I hate it!

I have no idea when or if this is going to stop.  Is it the bypass needing to increase in size so it can carry off the excess fluid or what?  I am going to call the doctor tomorrow and try to find out.  The only thing that pleases me is that the seepage seems to be slowing down a lot.  I hope that means the area is starting to heal up.

We made a pizza for our dinner tonight....after we added a few things.  He bought a pepperoni pizza and we added Italian sausage and more cheese.  After it was cooked, we sprinkled some crushed red peppers on it.  It was really tasty and filling, too.

Then it was down with leg up, up for a bit on my computer, then down again with leg up, back up and playing a game on my other words, booooooorrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnngggg!!!!

I'm up now, leg is swollen and I don't plan to lay down until I am ready to sleep for the night.  I'm waiting for my friend Carol to come back online.  She was watching a taped 60 Minutes segment with her hubby before she came back on to chat.

It's raining out and I may lose my internet if the rain gets any harder so I want to get this posted.  Love you all and I wish you a fantastic week!  The kids go back to school this Wednesday so I hope to have Chewlee for a sleepover tomorrow.  Be good.  Drive safely.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Last night we were hit by some big storms.  It lasted most of the night.  Lightning, thunder, hard rain...lots of wind.  I was up and down all night and kept checking to see if I had gotten my internet back but no such luck.  That's why there was no blog.  Sorry.

Not that anything exciting happened.  Except the weeping seems to be slowing down...a lot.  Enough that I made us dinner and I think it made the Beast happy.  I was up and down so much during the night, however, that I ended up sleeping late.  I didn't wake until almost 11am.  I feel like such a slug....LOL!

The Beast showed me something he had ordered....expensive, of course!  He ordered us a combo AC/heating unit for our living room that he wants for this winter for us.  He says it will supply us with our heat this winter.  I was a bit upset due to the price of it and asked him why he didn't just get the propane tanks filled up so we could use the fireplace like we normally did.  He said because the price of propane has gone thru the roof.  He swears this will be more economical.  I told him he was just a shopping junkie, which he just gave me a *look* over and ignored me after that.

I swear, he intends to spend us totally broke before he dies.  My kids think the same thing so I am not alone in that.  I'm beginning to shake when he looks at cars online.  Both our cars are only two years old so they are barely broken in.  I told him he would see a real screaming mimi if he even makes a move that way.  We don't need a new car.  His car is a *green* one and very economical.  He seems to love it and I like my Yaris.  It may not be luxurious but it's a kind of fun car to drive.  You can zip into small spaces and have lots of room.  It's more than adequate for around town and for carrying Baron around, too.

It's going to rain here again shortly so I am going to get this posted while I can.  Love you all.  Enjoy your weekend if you can.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Baron And I Take A Walk....

I woke up feeling just awful.  I had a stomach ache that just wouldn't quit and it made me just miserable.  BUT...after a couple hours, I ran to the bathroom in an attempt to beat the poop that came pouring out of me (I made it!).  It was an IBS attack didn't last long.  Thank goodness!  After that, I felt much better.  I have no idea just why it hit me the way it did.  I even took my temperature because I felt THAT bad.  However, my temperature was normal.

The Beast went to his church meeting around 6:30pm and I took Baron outside for a while to let him do his rolling in the grass that he seems to love.  He kept looking across the street at Dennis and Dianne's house and I finally discovered why.  They were doing some work on the house.

So, I decided to go take a walk over there to see the progress on the house.  They did get the outside painted and it looks really nice.  Dianne also got some plants in along the side of the house.  I didn't look closely at what she had planted but I will do that another time.

Baron walked along with me once he saw where I was going.  He loves Dennis (he really IS a man's dog!).  But he was very unhappy when Baron walked into one of the rooms where the tile was just set today and he yelled at Baron to *get out!*.  Baron went outside but he barked his unhappiness in the doorway before he lay down on the patio to wait for me.

The majority of the tile has been put down and really looks great.  The kitchen is starting to take shape although Dianne is unhappy with the cabinets.  They were not what she wanted but she wants the house to get finished so she has accepted the fact that they *will do*.  She told me she had shown the carpenter at least 12 examples of what she wanted but at least the cabinets are real wood and not veneer.  I told her that perhaps the carpenter wasn't a real cabinetmaker and the design was just more than he could handle with his tools.  She said she hadn't really thought there was a difference.  So much for her being smart!  She is but she hadn't thought about the fact that there ARE special pieces of equipment needed for some designs.  

Dennis was all for turning them down but Dianne wouldn't hear of it.  There have been so many problems with building this house and she is so sick of them.  The Beast keeps telling Dennis that he isn't building a house, he's started a hobby!  I admit their problems have seemed almost incredible (doors that are bowed, others out of true, tiles that arrived broken, etc.).  You name it and it's probably been a problem for them.  Dianne says the electrician hasn't finished wiring the house so they can't put insulation in the attic area and there's still a plumbing problem they are dealing with....  Oh lord!

We walked home after Dianne went and got a doggie cookie for Baron.  They've been buying treats for him for months now.  They don't own a dog either.  Dianne came over to our house and put Chewlee's bike in the garage since we had a storm brewing.  It was the furthest I've walked since the surgery and I made it!  I was proud of myself.  You have to understand that their house is set back on their land so it's not as close as you might think.  But, it was nice to be outside for a bit before coming back inside and changing my bandage on my leg.  The exercise really made the weeping more than usual.

Don't laugh but I am using Poise pads to sop up the weeping.  It lasts me many more hours than even stacks of gauze pads.  It also provides a barrier against the weeping reaching my clothes.  When I told the nurse at the doctor's office, she laughed and said some women used maxi pads.  LOL!  So, I'm not a nut.

It reached 94 here today before the storm hit.  It's down to 70 degrees now at 11pm so sleeping won't be a problem.  It will be in the upper 80's tomorrow but more thunderstorms are expected.  I lose my internet during those so I am hoping we get them early in the day and not at night or I won't be able to blog about my boring day.  LOL!  

Love you all.  Hope you are having a good week so far and have a great Friday.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

It Was A Great Day!

It was cute how Chewlee was today when her mother dropped her off.  She was outside, helping the Beast water the flowers out front and then out back on the deck.  The Beast let her pick a flower for her mother and she brought it in the house to put it in water.

She told me she was glad I didn't have staples in my leg any more but she really wasn't happy with the little bandages that were put on to make sure the wound held itself closed.  I told her they would be gone in a day or two and she just gave me this look like she was saying, *Oh sure!*  It was too funny.

She admitted to me that she loved her little brother.  She was horrified that I asked her about changing his diapers.  I told her that I was just 8 years old when I started changing baby diapers and she really didn't believe me.  It's true but I was a strange kid and was eager to help out.  It's only because my mother had four kids at the time (she ended up with 7) that she gave in and let me help out.

I was able to walk around more comfortably and I did so.  I made my self some lunch (just some chicken broth and toast) that the Beast said smelled great.  I laughed and told him that it just showed he was hungry,  

I took a nap after Chewlee was picked up by the Princess and didn't put my leg up over my heart like I had been doing.  I slept like the dead for four hours and woke up feeling great.  I can hardly wait until the scar stretches out fully and I can walk normally.  Right now, I walk with a bit of a limp.  In fact, I told the Beast, *Hey, we are walking alike!*  He laughed.

I talked to a few friends online AND Bratfink before going to bed for the night.  I knew I would wake up around this time so I planned on doing my blog when I woke up.  I'm heading back to bed now and I wish everyone a great night's sleep.  Love you all.  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Doing A Happy Dance!!

Today I was at the doctor's office, bright and early (and I do mean EARLY!).  He looked over my leg and said, *Out, damn staples! Out!*  Well, he didn't really say that but he did say the staples were coming out.  I was worried about the area that was leaking.  He said it was normal and it would (eventually) stop on it's own.  He gave me a bunch of special pads to use for the next few days and then came the removal of the staples.  The only area that hurt was the area along the side of my knee.  Wow!  Is that a tender area! The nurse took pity on me and removed all the other staples before working on that area.  I grit my teeth and it was soon over.  There were only about a dozen she had to take out.

Then she placed these special tabs all along the incisions.  The doctor told me they would come off in two to three days but it would keep the area from opening up as I stretched the area when I walked now.  They also have some kind of antiseptic that will help prevent infection.  But, I have to tell you, it was much more comfortable walking without the damn staples.  I have no real idea of what the scar will end up looking like but there's no big gap like I have along my other leg.  

I no longer feel depressed.  That's a biggie.  And I don't have to return to see the doctor for two months and that is to scope the leg to check the bypass.  I can do that.  Easily.  **Grin**

It's hot outside right now (89F)and very little breeze.  The Beast has decided to clear up some of the mess in the garage that he's never put back after  Men!  But he's staying out of the sun and the heat, thankfully.  

Juli was dropped off while the Princess went to the SS office and the college.  The people at the SS office confiscated her SS card and said it was no longer valid with her married name necessitating a new card.  She was told at the college office that they HAD to have her SS card (even tho' she was registered there for the last couple of years)and she won't be getting it for 3-5 weeks she was told.  She was really pissed off and said that if she had known the SS office would do that to her, she would have registered for college first.  She would then just have had to come in when her new card came to let them make a copy for their files.

My friend Carol came up with a good idea that I passed along to the Princess.  The suggestion actually came from her hubby.  He said she should contact her State representative.  That is what they are there for.  He might be able to help her there.  There is no harm in trying.

I am sorry I didn't post last night.  I was too wound up and upset about the pain from the damn staples and the seepage, knew I needed sleep and went to bed hoping I could relax enough to actually get some.  I got about two hours sleep and finally gave it up and just waited until I could get dressed.  Now I am exhausted and need a nap so I will just say I love you all.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Happy News....

Yesterday was the Beast's and my 50th Anniversary, as you know.  It was also the day that the Princess and Johnnycake got married.  Yes!  So we now share an anniversary.  Isn't that neat?  We knew they were supposed to do the deed but it was so tentative that we had to call and check today to make sure if they had done it or not.

They are taking the weekend to camp out for a type of honeymoon.  Of course, how do you honeymoon with two kids?  LOL!  Not that it matters.  The deed is done.  Congrats kids!

I am ready to slit my throat.  I now have two areas that are leaking.  The original one high up on the inside of my thigh and now one just below the knee.  Sigh.  I am rapidly running out of pads to soak it all up.  The upper one is slowing down but I wonder if that's partly because of the new one.  Now I am hoping that the doctor is going to be able to take a couple stitches and close up those areas after he removes the staples.  If not, I don't know what we will have to do.

The day was warm and quiet around here.  Outside it got up to 86 degrees but there was a nice breeze.  The Beast stayed inside and out of the heat.  No lawn cutting or weed pulling for him.  I just kept changing my bandages all day long.

Love you all.  Have a fantastic Sunday.  Get together with some friends or family while the weather is decent.  ***Hugs***

For Bratfink And Sheldon....whom I love dearly

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... 
Author unknown...

Friday, August 1, 2014

It Was A Happy Anniversary!

This will be short because I have been on my feet, so-to-speak, for too many hours and my foot is swollen again badly.  I need to get it up and I am also very tired. 

We went to Red Lobster for dinner and it was wonderful.  We ate coconut shrimp which was really tasty but they made the shrimp a little too thin compared to Outback.  You got more taste of coconut rather than any shrimp because of it but it was still tasty.  We also had some seafood stuffed mushrooms, also very good.  We ordered a special plate that included Maine lobster tails, Snow crab legs, fried shrimp, shrimp scampi along with salad and a side.  I ordered broccoli and the Beast ordered a baked potato with butter and sour cream.  Lots of food but we sure did a number on it all.  We didn't really have all that much to bring home but I know what I am having for breakfast tomorrow morning.  LOL!

We ended up using the whole amount of our gift card and had to charge the tip on our credit card since the Beast had no cash on him and I left my purse at home.  But everything was wonderful and I ate like a  pig.  I had a yen for lobster for ages and we even ordered a second lobster tail that we split.  When we finally filled up, we both felt like it was nap time.  Unfortunately, I had to change my bandage when we got home because it had started leaking and then had to attend a special online charm party on this game site that a friend was throwing for me.  When you are the guest of honor, you MUST show up.  The party lasted almost a half hour and I was really fading by the time it was over.  I had a couple friends from the same site that were trying to talk to me afterward and I had to be nice because most of them were congratulating me on my 50th Anniversary.  Sigh!

Now I am blogging early so I can get this darn foot up and try to get comfortable.  I know I will fall asleep for at least 3-4 hours....maybe more if I am lucky.  It was great weather and no rain so far but I don't care if it rains like crazy now that I am home...LOL!

Love you all.  Have a fantastic weekend, my friends and family.  ***Hugs****