Thursday, September 29, 2016

He's Back! He's Back!

Today Baron was finally back to normal.  It started with two hot dogs and a piece of cheese to *whet his appetite*.  He then went over to his bowl, looked down on the empty bowl and went back to the Beast and barked at him.  The Beast laughed and gave him a can of his favorite dog food and he ate it up.  He then went up to the Beast and barked his *hungry* bark again.  The Beast fed him another can and a piece of chicken.  He STILL was hungry so the Beast got another can and Baron ate a little more than half of it.  He was finally full.

Since he had lost 11 pounds in a week from when he first saw the vet and the second time, I don't think it was such a bad thing to feed him until he was full.  He really hasn't eaten a whole lot for this whole past week.  I hate that you can see his bones (ribs, mostly) starting to be obvious when he's standing up.  Another week or two and that should be corrected.  What's funny is that he still has a shiny coat on him.

He goes down the front steps with no problem but the Beast brings him in via the garage since those are easier on him.  I watched him come in that way and he didn't hesitate at all.  It makes me feel so much better now.  I don't think the Beast will hesitate to take him to the vet's the next time he's acting like he doesn't feel he did this time.  But that might just be hope on my part.  We'll see how that goes.

We didn't have the Italian beef tonight because the Beast was so happy about Baron that he forgot all about getting the ingredients out of the freezer.  So we had hot dogs.  They were really good and the Beast found more of the poppy seed hot dog rolls so that was a touch of Chicago memories.  I love the hot dogs there but we can make our own here, thankfully.  I cut up the onions and tomatoes and everything else, we keep in our fridge all the time.  We just usually can't find the poppy seed rolls but that is a minor part of it all.  I don't have to pick them out of my teeth or brush them afterward....LOL.

Tomorrow will definitely be Italian beef night, however.  I'll get everything we need out of the freezer myself and not leave it up to him.  His memory is getting worse and worse, I swear.    It takes so little for him to end up forgetting things that he starts out to do.  Sometimes, it's funny just because of the look he gets on his face.

The *girls* were on the ball today and we got an egg from each of them.  I now have 9 dozen eggs in the fridge.  Anyone need some?  Stop by and pick some up...please!  The Beast swears he's going to make some of his banana bread and maybe a nice bundt cake as soon as the apple pie is gone.  I figure it will be gone tomorrow so I'm hoping he means it.  Otherwise, I guess I'll go ahead and make something.  I actually have tapioca in mind plus a nice cake.  How does that sound?

I've taken my shower, set my hair (yes, I still own rollers!) and have my jammies on.  It's time to head for bed.  Love you all.  Be kind.  I wish you a great day with lots of laughs.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I Think He's Learning.....

....that he's not getting hand-fed any more!  Yes, today he finally ate food out of his bowls.  First he tried his sad, head down pleading.  We both ignored it and he gave up and went to eat some food out of his own bowls.  He didn't eat a lot at first.  He kept turning his head to see if we were watching.  It was actually funny to see him turn away, head down and he laid down and gave a big sigh.  He turned away from first.  But I just had to laugh when he turned his head to see if we were still watching him.

Later on, when he saw we were doing other things, he went back to his bowl and finished eating his food.  I know only because I had checked his bowls after he left....both times.  But the bowl with his soft food was licked clean the second time I checked.  Today I finally got the Beast to give him his pain pills (in liquid form, of course).  I think he recognized the taste so he swallowed all of the liquid.  We may just keep giving him those like we have been since that's what the doctor prescribed for his arthritis.  It's easier than trying to give it to him in the capsule form pushed inside a piece of hot dog.  We've seen him eat the hot dog and spit out the capsule.  Don't ask me how he manages to do that but he can and does.

Well, the surprise from my bff (the gift from Taste of Chicago) was....ta da!....Italian beef!!!!!  I kid you not.  It has all the goodies....the Italian beef, the gravy, the green peppers, the rolls and even the garnish.  I love it!  What a great gift.  I'm just flabbergasted.  Tomorrow....a feast!

Today the Beast did his underwear wash so I folded that stuff after it was dry.  I was going to do my laundry but I got so many damn telephone sales calls (and I am on the *do not call* list).  I just counted it and I got 14 calls today.  A couple of the calls were about my *requested* student loan!  What a crock!  I just told them that I was   70 years old and did they really think I wanted to continue my education???  I get the craziest calls at times.  I just wonder who is selling my phone number to these people?  I actually rejected the last 6 or 7 of the calls.  I especially hate the ones that say *Unknown caller*.  I answered those only because a friend of mine from England calls occasionally and that is how his calls show up.  I need to email him, I guess.  I worry about his health.

Well, good night all and sweet dreams.  I love you bunches.  Be good.  Be happy.  It's your choice.  ***Hugs***


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Just How Does A Dog Learn These Things???

I don't mean *sit* *lay down* or *speak*!  I mean how would a dog learn that he can get special treatment just because he's sick?  Baron has his appetite back but he refuses to eat out of his bowls.  He wants to be hand-fed all the time.  Today the Beast put just chicken in his bowl and Baron went over, looked at it, took a tiny taste and then walked back to where the Beast was standing and looked at him with that pitiful head down thing he's been doing.

So, of course, because the Beast has been so worried about him, he went over and got the bowl and hand-fed the chicken to him.  Baron ate every bit of it.  Then, because Baron kept staring at him, he fed him pieces of a hamburger that Baron also ate.  Later, when the Beast left for church, he started the same kind of stuff with me.  And what did I do?  I fed him by hand, of course.  Another piece of thigh, some more chicken jerky and then a leftover pork chop (but no bone!).  I almost.....almost....was going to try to spoon feed him some of his regular dog food but I caught myself and didn't do it.  I thought, *IF we keep this up, he's never going to feed himself.*

When the Beast got home, I told him all about this and said, *Do NOT feed him by hand any more.  If he gets hungry enough now that his appetite is back, he'll eat out of his damn bowl!  I do not feel like hand feeding him for the rest of his life.  Do you?*  He hemmed and hawed but said he knew what I was saying.  I don't for a minute think he won't keep hand feeding him.....for a while.  He (Baron) still has two more shots to go and a few more of his pills before he will either be okay or will need another round of a different antibiotic.  We won't know until Friday when he sees the vet again.

I noticed today that Baron still has a problem with the two stairs left on the remodeled stairs in the garage.  BUT...with the platform, it doesn't take him long to brave it.  I think we need to start making sure he gets a pain pill at least every other day.  That really seems to help him.  The arthritis in his back legs has to be just awful.  I hate to see him in pain but I refuse to coddle him any more than necessary.  No more hand feeding from me.

Our days have revolved around Baron, as you can understand.  He's like one of our kids, only less demanding (usually).  We try to keep him comfortable and make sure he gets all his medication.  We pay attention to his comfort since it seems to take him so long to decide how he wants to lay down.  He seems to sit first, then he decides on which side he is going to lay on.  He's on his mattress more often now since that's memory foam and it must put less pressure on his back side.  I know how he feels.  It's what I love about our memory foam mattress.  

Well, time to go.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.  Love you all.  ***Hugs***

Monday, September 26, 2016

Lunch With Two Of My Sisters.....

I called Cee around 9:30am or 10 to find out when she wanted to meet up at our new favorite (and secret from the Beast) restaurant.  She had to pick up Babybrat and run an errand first so we agreed that 1pm worked for us both.  This would be the first time that Babybrat joined us.

Our favorite bartender was there so we sat at the bar to eat, have a drink or two and a few laughs.  Babybrat said it was nice to laugh.  We made jokes about being old but not feeling like it, and laughing loudly but not caring what anyone thought.  We were having fun!  We even admitted that, once upon a time when we were young, seeing three old ladies laughing and having a good time would have made us feel sorry for their bad manners.  But, now that WE are the old ladies, we know just WHY they didn't care if they were a bit loud.  We literally don't give a damn what anyone thinks at this point in our lives.

Babybrat came unraveled when I said something about being 70.  I never saw such a shocked look on her face.  She hadn't thought about our ages but the idea of me being 70 was not how old she thought I was.  She told me that, for being 70, I was doing good.  She thought I looked younger than that (I don't!).   I guess her idea of someone who is 70 must be very wrinkled, infirm and one foot in the grave.  LOL!  I told her that it was just numbers and I felt much younger than that.  It's true!  It's just my body betrays me on occasion.

When I got home, the Beast had finished changing the stairs in the garage.  It wasn't what I expected but Baron didn't even hesitate to use it to get in the house.  The *bottom stair* is actually a platform that is lower than the original step and it's long enough for Baron to stand on with all four paws on it.   It has an indoor-outdoor rug covering it.  Then there are two regular steps into the house.  Baron definitely feels more secure getting on that and then there are only two stairs for him to climb.  He went up it like a champ!  This will eliminate problems we had in the winter when the front porch and steps got a bit icy.  We had to use sand on it, not salt, because salt burned Baron's pads on his feet.  We will just use these stairs from now on for him.

Cee stopped at a new outlet store that just opened that is on her way home after she dropped off Babybrat.  It's just called VR outlet.  It features Lee jeans that range in price from $8.95 to $19.  It also has great quality tops from $4.00 to $8.95.  The higher priced ones are 3/4 sleeves (and perhaps some that are longer).  She said there's no comparison to the very best stuff they sell at Walmart.  These are fine cotton and cotton blends.  She bought a few things for herself and I believe she picked up a top for Babybrat.  I'm anxious now to get up there and take a look around.  I could really use a couple more pair of jeans (and I love Lee jeans!) and some nice casual tops.

Well, time to get myself ready for bed.  I tried taking a nap earlier but only got in 1/2 hour one.  The Beast kept coming in and waking me so I gave that up as a lost cause.  But it will be nice if it means I get more sleep tonight than the last few nights.

Love you all.  Hope your week started out well.  Remember, be kind.  Even a small act of kindness may make someone's day.  ***Hugs***

What A Spoiled Brat!

Today Baron seemed to be really getting his appetite back.  The Beast wanted to entice him to eat something so he took a leftover piece of steak (flank steak....not the really good kind), cut it into small pieces and hand-fed some of it to him.  Baron ate what he was fed!  So then I fed him some chicken (a whole thigh), also by hand.  The Beast cut up some more of the flank steak and put it into Baron's bowl....and he turned up his nose at it.  That is, until he was hand-fed more.  The Brat was willing to eat as long as we hand-fed it to him!  I kid you not.  He's really playing up this sick bit for all it's worth.

He actually ate quite a bit (hey!, he was really sick and still isn't well).  We indulged him with the hand feeding....for now.  But it isn't going to continue.  He has two more shots and just a few more pills to take.  Then it's back to the vet's to see if he needs more or different stuff or if we can count our blessings and he's better.

The Beast has decided that he's just going to totally build a new set of garage stairs (he built the ones we have).  Don't ask me why except it must mean it will make adding a ramp to it easier.  He bought all the wood for it today and says he will do it tomorrow.  

Cee, Babybrat and I are planning on getting together tomorrow for lunch.  We just feel like it and I won't miss the blue language that is sure to be coming from the garage.  LOL!  If he can use the nail gun, that will be different.  If he has to use regular nails, then he is sure to end up with a bruised thumb at some point.  That is when the swearing will commence....LOL!

Well, for someone that only got up to use the bathroom and write this, I have rambled on long enough.  Love you all.  I hope you had some fun, a few laughs and an otherwise great weekend.  I wish you all a fantastic week.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, September 24, 2016

He Ate A Little Bit Today....

Not his food but he ate some treats (chicken jerky) and a couple of potato chips this evening.  We cut the jerky into smaller pieces to make it easier for him to eat.  We were finally able to give him some of his pain medication by dissolving it in water and using the feeder tube.  He seemed to like the taste of it (we gave him two tablets per instructions).  I was glad it easily dissolved, which was a surprise.  But, a half hour later, he was actually acting a bit perky.  He was even wagging his tail.

He's still sleeping a lot but it's giving his body time to fight the infection.  He is also getting up much easier.  He still can't quite manage to get up the front stairs easily.  The Beast plans to make him a ramp and cover it with indoor-outdoor carpet so he can have better traction on it without fear of slivers.  He's going to put it on half of the stairs in the garage, he thinks.  He's not doing it until Monday due to other things he's committed to doing for the next few days.  Baron's difficulties are due to his arthritis in his back legs.  He has to get into the perfect position before he can manage to make it up all three stairs to the porch.  Sometimes it takes him three tries, other times it can take six or seven.  It's kind of sad.  If we try to help by lifting up his hind end, he gets upset so we stopped doing that and just let him take his time.

My bff is sending me a surprise on the 28th.  It's actually something from Taste of Chicago (they notified me but said they couldn't tell us what it was or it wouldn't be a surprise).  They are shipping it out on the 26th and said we would get it on the 28th.  I'll make certain we are here, that's for sure....LOL.   Knowing Carol, it could be anything.  She says she likes to make my life a bit happier with her surprises.  She's such a fantastic person.   I love her dearly.

Time to get this posted.  Love you all.  Have a fantastic weekend.  Enjoy yourself.  Have some fun.  Laugh a lot.  Tell the friends and family that you care about that you love having them in your life.  ***Hugs***

Friday, September 23, 2016

Great News!

The Princess got here, bright and early, to help the Beast get Baron into the car and then she accompanied him to the vet's office.  She helped get Baron out of the car then and stayed with him during the visit.  The vet took a stool sample to check for parasites, also some blood to check for heartworms, signs of infection and took his temperature.  He was running a low grade fever and the blood test showed a high white count (sign of infection).  His favoring his left hind leg was his arthritis.  But what was wrong with Baron is an unspecific infection (meaning he couldn't find the source).  

He gave Baron a shot.  Then he gave the Beast  five hypodermics filled with the same broad spectrum antibiotic to give a shot to Baron for the next five days.  He also gave him a special liquid *feeder* type hypo that he puts a pill into and some water to fill it.  He shakes it up until the pill is well dissolved (I noticed it does that easily), and he puts it into Baron's mouth until he swallows it all.  Luckily, Baron seems to like the taste of it.  A few drops fell on his paw and he licked those off quickly.  He gives that to Baron twice a day until the pills are gone.  BUT.....he told the Beast that if Baron showed no signs of improvement by 10am tomorrow, he was to bring him right back in.  I have no idea why and neither did the Beast but we shall see.

I've seen little signs of improvement but nothing major so far.  I'm hoping that by the morning, it will show much improvement when the antibiotic has had a chance to work.

I had to help the Beast get Baron out of the car when they got home but Baron actually went and pee'd plus he pooped before he came up the stairs (still having a difficult time but that's the arthritis, not the illness) and laid down.  Yes, he laid down.  No standing with his head down.

Dennis came over to the house to find out what the vet said about Baron and was relieved to find out it was an infection.  He said he would tell Diane so she would stop worrying.  The rest of our day revolved around trying to entice Baron to eat but he was sticking to drinking water.  He's sleeping soundly right now and was still laying on the rug, next to the Beast's recliner.  He never heard the Beast when he tried to call him into the bedroom.  Somehow, I think Baron didn't sleep well last night and is making it up tonight.  He will probably wake up later and move onto his bed in the Master bedroom.  It's a nice mattress and is more comfortable for his arthritic limbs.

Now that I am relieved, I hope I can get some decent sleep.  I sure didn't sleep well last night.  Love you all.  Thank you for any prayers said.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, September 22, 2016

I Am Almost Afraid He Won't Make It Through The Night.....

Today Baron is even worse than he was yesterday.  He still won't eat or even take special treats that he used to just love. A new thing that has developed is that we could not get him to lay down.  He is also showing that his left hind leg seems to be paining him a great deal.

The laying down thing is really serious.  He was going from room to room like he was searching for his normal places to lay down and rest but he just DIDN'T.  Instead, he stood in each place, with his head down, and was rocking from exhaustion/pain.  The Beast said he would give him something for the pain but we can't get him to swallow anything (except his water).  After his drinking about a gallon of water, we tried to take him out front so he could pee but he acted totally afraid and stood on the porch with his head down.  No matter how we tried to coax him, no dice.

After hours of this, I think he finally gave up and did lay down or he would have fallen down.  Diane came to the house with me after dinner and saw what we had been saying.  She tried coaxing him with some chicken treats he normally loves but he just didn't even try to eat one.  When she left , she was crying.  She said to me, *He's such a good dog.*  I gave her a hug and said, *What will be, will be, Diane.*  She went back to her house, crying.  I cried, too.

The princess is coming over tomorrow after she drops Chewlee off at school to help the Beast get Baron into the car.  Dennis volunteered, if needed, to come over and help move Baron into the car on a rug we have that Baron fits on just perfectly.  He may even go to the vet's office with him so that he can get Baron out of the car and into the vet's office.  It's all just so sad because we don't know what's wrong and poor Baron can't tell us.  Dennis said to me, before the Beast got to the house when I told them what was going on,  that the Beast would be devastated if Baron died.  I told him that I knew that since they are best buddies.

I can't tell you how many times the Beast got down on the floor and tried to get Baron to lay down and put his head in his lap.  Even yesterday, this would have worked but Baron just stood there, on shaky legs, with his head down and the most  sad face on him.  That's really why I am scared to death that Baron may not last the night.  I told the Beast, *I feel like he's saying goodbye but it breaks his heart.*  That got me an angry look from the Beast but he didn't deny that is how HE felt, too.

I will probably be up all night, checking to make sure Baron is breathing.  No, I'm not being morbid, it's just that he has to have something seriously wrong with him for him to be acting this way.  Baron really IS a good dog and losing him will break my heart.

Freddy (the rooster), ended up getting beat with the broom today when he attacked the Beast.  We thought Freddy had gotten over trying to be the boss of it all but he was just planning his attack tonight.  He came at the Beast with his claws and beak, trying to hurt him.  If the Beast hadn't had on his blue jeans, he might have succeeded in his plot.  Instead, the Beast got the broom out and just swatted him each time Freddy came at him.  He thinks he finally hurt him because he finally ran into the coop and stopped attacking.  The hens had all scattered but came back when the Beast scattered the cracked corn for them.  I think Freddy may be heading for a soup pot soon.

I have to go check on Baron again so I will get this posted.  I will let you know how things turn out.  Love you all.  Say a prayer for Baron please.  I don't want him to take that trip over the rainbow bridge just yet.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Worried Sick.......

....about Baron.  This is the fourth day that Baron hasn't eaten.  He's been drinking a lot of water but he's shown no interest in food at all.  He's done nothing but continually sleeping after trying to find a place where he can be comfortable.  The Beast went so far as to buy a piece of steak that he cooked up a bit for him and tried to entice him with small slices of it.  No dice.

So now the Beast says if there's no improvement in Baron (meaning if he still hasn't eaten) by tomorrow afternoon, he's taking him to the vet's.  If you could see him and just watch his behavior, you would be worried, too.  He isn't even interested in taking his *fast walk* with the Beast on his scooter.  He just stands on the front lawn and watches the Beast move down the street, albeit slowly, because he keeps hoping Baron will join him.  Most of the time, when we take him outside, he just lays down on the driveway or the grass.  He doesn't even roll around in the grass like he was doing five days ago.

I just hope the vet can find out what is wrong with him without too much trouble.  His last visit (with all the x-rays taken) was pricey enough.  But the vet isn't really as bad in his prices as some of them are, thankfully.  It's only bad if there are things that must go to an outside lab.  I know he can do some of the simpler things in his office so keep your fingers crossed that it's all he needs to find out what is going on with Baron.

I need to go take a shower and put my hair in rollers so I look decent for having dinner with Dennis and Diane tomorrow.  I did my wash today and did the hang things up and fold the rest.  I only have my pj's left to put away but I will do that before I go to bed.

Love you all.  Be happy.  Be kind.  Live your life without worry because life is too short.  Tell those you love that you  Tomorrow is not promised.  Have no regrets.  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Surprise In The Mail And I Think I Am Addicted To Ice !!!

My bff sent me an email the other day and she called herself my *fairy godmother*.  She said I should look for a surprise on Tuesday (today).  She does this to me on occasion and there's no stopping her.  She flat out told me not to try to tell her to stop because she would do what she wanted to do and that was that!  She is such a sweetheart and so very thoughtful.  I love her for that but I would love her even if she didn't surprise me with her gifts.

Today she sent me the Amope Pedi Perfect that I had wondered about until I found out how expensive they were (for me it was expensive).  She sent me the rechargeable one so that I don't even have to buy batteries for it.  I damn near cried when I took it out of the package.  It came with a partial charge so you could try it out without waiting what might be hours for it to charge.  I am so touched by this, I can't even describe it.  I had found a knockoff at a much cheaper price that would do the trick (but in two steps since the primary roller was much coarser so it required a second roller with a finer grain to smooth things out).  I guess I will give that one to Cee now since she has some spots that could use it she told me.  That way, Cee won't have to buy one for herself which I think she was considering.

I made our dinner tonight.  It was from a recipe that I saw on FB.  Shrimp and pasta baked in an Alfredo sauce and topped with fresh parmesan cheese.  I know that seems like overkill since the sauce itself is made up of fresh parmesan cheese but it was delicious.  I used penne pasta for it but that was perfect.  The salad was kind of overkill....LOL.  We both were so full that there was no snacking later on.

BUT....I did get myself a large glass of ice after dinner.  Our ice is shaped like little canoes and sometimes the cubes break when dropped into the bin.  I like to gather up as much of the broken ones as I can because those are faster to dissolve.  As they get smaller, I love to crunch them.  I find myself filling up glass after glass every night.  If my glass gets empty, I just hate it and I have to go fill it up again.  Some of it melts and I drink that when I finish with each glass of ice.  I have no idea how I can convert the ice into volume of water consumed but I tell myself that I am just *keeping hydrated*....LOL.  I just hope this is a summer thing since my computer room isn't air conditioned and does get rather warm.  But I worry....can you become addicted to eating ice?  **Hi!  My name is Bratsis and I am addicted to ice.** LMAO!

Time for bed for me.  Love you all.  I hope you have sweet dreams and peaceful days.  ***Hugs***

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Beast And The Floor, Part 2.....

Today, the Beast's first priority (after breakfast) was finishing up the floor.  He swept it up to make sure it was clean and clear and then put down the second coat of wax.  After it was dry, he decided that the floor needed a bit of walking on before he decided if he was going to put down a third coat or strip all the wax off it and start fresh.

So, when I woke up, the floor was dry and everything back in it's place.  Funny, but if you don't look too close, the floor looks nice.  It's shiny and bright and actually makes me smile when I see it.  Don't ask me why.  I'm just a bit nutty, I guess.  It will probably be at least a week before the Beast decides exactly what he will do about the floor.  I know he dreads the idea of stripping the floor of all the wax (there's old wax on it, remember).  It's always so messy but he CAN use the floor scrubber so that may help him decide, one way or another.

Our day was on the quiet side with the Beast just doing one load of laundry (his undies, T-shirts and socks) that I folded for him.  We do have one problem that has us worried, however.  Baron has stopped eating.  This is the second day.  It's obvious that he isn't feeling well so the Beast has stopped giving him the medication that the vet gave him.  It's only temporary until we see if he gets his appetite back.  His lethargy is so bad that Baron wouldn't even leave our yard when the Beast tried to take him for a run on his scooter.  We are both keeping the doors open for him and letting him select where he wants to sleep tonight.  Right now he's in the guest room, asleep on the rug.  Earlier he was in our bedroom, on his mattress.  It kind of scares me.  He doesn't usually go two days without eating.  He's drinking a lot of water.  I filled up his bowl twice today.  I added some ice this last time since he seems to like that.  Now it's just wait and see.

I was sitting in my computer room, playing my game, when something on the game reminded me of my aunt and uncle, who live in California.  I thought about the fact that they might not have been contacted about the death of my brother, Uncle Icky.    They had gotten to know Icky while he lived with us there for a while so he wasn't just a memory of a little kid.  I decided to call them (and find out how they were since it had been almost a year the last time I spoke with them.  The Beast and I used to hang out with them.  They were a lot of fun and they loved getting to know my two brothers when they (my brothers) lived with us for a while.  They were shocked, to say the least.  They knew that he was #5 of us 7 siblings.  But they expressed their condolences and asked that we tell the rest of the kids how sorry they were to hear about him.

It was so nice to talk to them.  My aunt, AJ, got on the other phone so all three of us were able to talk.  My uncle said he was 90 now and he had to use a walker to get around.  AJ said she had to use a cane.  We talked about what a bitch it is to get old when you don't feel like you your heart.  I was surprised to hear that they now have 10 great-grandchildren and most of their kids, grandkids and great-grands live in Texas, of all places.  Their daughter, Robin, lives in Arizona, and one granddaughter lives near them and she has two of their great-grands.  They are both girls, ages 1 and 4.  They said they were glad that they lived nearby since that helped them feel much younger than their bodies were acting....LOL.  I understood completely what they meant.  The only thing better than grandchildren is great-grandchildren.

Well, it's late and my eyes are slamming shut.  Time to get this posted.  Love you all.  I hope you are having a great week.  ***Hugs***

The Beast And The Floor.....

So I find the Beast sweeping the floor and figure out (easily) that he is going to finish working on the rest of the kitchen floor, finally.  Imagine my surprise to see him mopping the floor after that.  When I asked him if he was still going to use the scrubber, he tells me *Of course!*

Okay, then why do normal mopping?  *I want to get up as much of Baron's hair before I use it so it doesn't get into the brushes and clog them.*  Oh.  Okay.

He then fills up the scrubber's soap dispenser and the water tank.  Don't forget that it also vacuums it up but that goes into a second big tank.  He does his *thing* with the scrubber up and down the kitchen and in front of the utility closet.  When he pulls up the dirty water/soap tank to empty it, it was really kind of shocking at how dirty it was.  It also had a wad of Baron's hair in it, too!  THAT was a real shock.  It showed that the mopping, which looked like the Beast did a good job, wasn't good enough.

After vacuuming up all the soap from the scrubber, the Beast let it dry well.  That's when he started with the wax.  I was kind of shocked at how spotty it dried.  It's like parts of the tile was repelling the wax.  He is going to wait until tomorrow to give it a second coat.  If that still is spotty, he says he will put down a third coat over the whole floor and then wait to see how it looks.  He said to me, *If it still looks spotty, I guess I may have to strip the floor of all the wax.*  He meant that he knew the spotty areas might be from residual wax from when he originally decided to apply that to the tile so that it was *shiny*.  I am wondering if he is just looking for a job so that he feels useful.

I seriously think that might be what is going on here.  He's been so depressed about not being able to work on most AC units when that was his life before his strokes.  He was still able to do some work on units to help people out up until just a few months ago.  It 's partially his age and the fact that his left side is getting worse.  That's the side that was affected by his strokes.  Although he regained the ability to walk and use his left arm again, it was NOT a FULL recovery.  He suffered with pain still, mostly in his leg.  That left him with a kind of limp/shuffle/drag and is why he wears out that side of any shoes he wears very quickly.

Feeling like he is contributing is why he still has to cook on occasion plus he really likes to make certain dishes.  His potato pancakes are a family favorite.  I think it might even be time to request he makes it and invite others over to enjoy that.  It would please him a lot to be praised for something.

Diane invited us over to her house for dinner this week.  The Beast tried to get us out of it by saying her first few suggestions wouldn't work for us.  He doesn't like to be the only man there for Dennis to talk to but he finally accepted Thursday as the day we will go over there.  I think I will buy her a bottle of wine as a nice little gift for her generosity.  I feel bad that we haven't invited them over for dinner in ages.  By that, I mean it's been a couple years.  It's mostly due to all my surgeries and time recovering from them.  The Beast only had the one surgery to remove part of his prostate that was *funky* (the doctor's word) and it turned out to be cancerous.  He's still undergoing treatment for his skin cancer, which is rather widespread.  It's on his face and both arms.  The arms are the worst and, if you run your hands down them, it feels like it should be full of scabs or some such thing.  After the next couple treatments, those should be gone.

Anyway, I like going over to Diane and Dennis' for dinner.  It's always a surprise as to what she is going to serve.  I'd like to contribute but she always insists that nothing is needed.  The one time I brought over something for dessert, we never even got to it.  The meal was so filling that no one had any room for dessert.  But I wouldn't let Diane give it back to me so she and Dennis had dessert for a while.

Time to go now.  I'm just awake because I had to use the bathroom (of course!).  I remembered that I hadn't done my blog so here it is.  Love you all.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, September 17, 2016

OMG! The Prices!

Remember me asking, a few posts ago, if anyone had an Amope Pedi Perfect?  Today I found myself at Walmart to pick up a prescription and I checked on the price.  I almost had a heart attack.  No wonder they were offering a $15. off coupon for it.  The battery operated one (it comes with the four required) costs $40.  You can buy a rechargeable one for $60.  *Thud*

As much as I would love one, I just couldn't see paying that kind of money for it.  I have a problem with one heel and the area where my toe is missing.  I guess I will just use the foot files I have even though it takes AGES for me to get them down to a decent section of skin.  I DID buy myself some special lotion made for feet, however.  If I use it first and let it soak in, perhaps it will be easier when I file them.  I also get a thick callus on the underside of my big toe on the other foot and that gets painful.  It can't be helped, however, since I use that for my balance now that I only have the one big toe.  Funny how that works.  You never realize that much of your balance is dependent on your big toes.

I did a little shopping while I was there since we needed a few things for the dinners I am planning on over the next few days.  I also indulged myself by buying some Gulf shrimp (uncooked) that I will probably make for tomorrow.  It's been a while since the Beast and I had peel-and-eat shrimp.

The Beast didn't do any work on the tile in the kitchen.  His scrubber, the broom and several different supply items are just sitting around, taking up space.  He just *didn't feel like it* because he said he was in pain still from what he did yesterday.  I'm sure he is.  He's getting more fragile by the day, it seems.  He always seems to suffer for a few days after doing anything physical.  He won't take a pain pill, or even just aspirin.  It's a man thing, I think.

I have to admit that I only take a pain pill when I can't handle the pain.  I have a high tolerance for pain so I just ignore it when I can.  But if it gets really bad, then I will take a pain pill.  I just don't want to ever be dependent on those things.  The ones I have are very mild and because I don't take them all the time, it's why (as my doctor says) they work well for me.

Time to head for bed.  Love you all.  Be good.  Be kind.  ***Hugs***

Friday, September 16, 2016

He Breaks Out The Scrubber.....

Today was the big day.  The Beast unpacked the scrubber and set it up (or so he thought) so he could use it.  Turns out it DOES suck up the water and soap on the floor.  In fact, it has a really big tank to do that.  It holds the clean water in one part and the soapy water in another.

After setting up the much smaller part that holds the soap, the Beast started his scrubbing but...can you believe it?  It wasn't sucking anything up!  He got down and studied it and decided it was missing a part.  So he goes back to the box and, surprise!  surprise!  he finds the part.  That tells you that even men who *know it all* should read the instructions.  It was actually kind of funny because he DID sit down and read the instructions after finding the part that was still in the box.  I didn't laugh until I got into my computer room.  Aren't you proud of me?  LOL!

Since he chose to move all the furniture in the dining room out by himself (it's actually easy and light), he was finally ready to give it a real try.  It worked!  So he cleaned 1/3 of the tile area and then let it dry.  He had bought a special type of wax for hard floors and just HAD to try it out.  He mopped it over the cleaned area and then let THAT dry.  It wasn't evenly applied so he ended up putting down a second coat.  It STILL has some spots that didn't cover well but he's going to wait until the whole floor is done and has two coats before applying a third coat to it all at once.  I would have preferred no wax at all but, as you know, he never listens to me.  Wasn't it just yesterday that he said he SHOULD listen to me when he was searching for his keys to my Yaris?  Or was that on Monday?   I forget.  How soon HE forgets...LOL.

He called it quits until tomorrow since he started all this so late in the afternoon.  I fell asleep after eating my dinner (a spicy meat pie that was delicious) and when I awoke, the Beast had gone to bed.  So I showered and got into my pj's and now am writing this before heading back to get more sleep.  My day was mostly staying out of his way since he went out to diagnose someone's AC unit's problem and came home frustrated because he couldn't just fix it himself.  But he's known that for a while so I don't get why he would get so cranky over that.  Of course, he was hot, sweaty and tired so that didn't help.  

Love you all.  Be good.  Have a great weekend.  Be happy.  ***Hugs***



Thursday, September 15, 2016

I Get A Shopping Bug....

I was looking over my clothes for Fall and Winter the other day and realized that I didn't actually have much that fit me any more.  That bothered me a lot, especially since I would have had some nice sweaters and a few long sleeve tops if the Beast hadn't decided that I *hadn't worn them in a long time (his thoughts, not the truth of the matter)* and thrown them away.   When I first went to look for them last Fall, he denied it (of course) but then he finally said, *Well, you hadn't worn them in a long time and they were only taking up space*.  He didn't do the same for his own things that he hadn't worn in ages, including a big bunch of jeans that he couldn't even fit in any more.  But that's the Beast.

So, today, I got a bug up my butt and decided to go do some shopping for clothes for Fall and Winter.  But, unlike him who only buys NEW, I went to a resale shop.  It's a nice one that Cee and I found a while back.  So nice that one of the pair of slacks and two of the sweaters I bought were brand new and had never been worn!  I found the original tags in them from the stores that they had come of them was actually LLBean.  Those items I paid $5.99 for but most of the other things I bought were only $3.99.  I bought two pair of jeans, two pair of dark slacks,  four nice sweaters (pullover kind), a sweater jacket and four nice tops (two are dressy/casual).  These all came to around $44. since a couple were actually on a special markdown for the day.  I was shocked at how little I actually spent for what I bought.

I came home fully prepared to have a big argument with the Beast about it but he was strangely silent.  I think he intends to wait to *discuss* it.  I don't think he felt it would be wise when the floor scrubber (and a big box of the special soap for it) came today.  His argument will be that what he bought was necessary to get the wax off the kitchen tiles (that HE put down on it).  They are ceramic, and shiny on their own, before he started wanting to *improve* it with a *protective* wax finish.  He can never leave well enough alone.  He even waxed the living room wood floors and it's one of the things they tell you in the instructions that you should NOT do because it ruins the laminate  finish on it.  But he always knows better.

But I actually had a nice day and went over to Cee's house after I finished doing my shopping.  I didn't drag up the bags of clothes but I will put them away for now and when she is over at the house next time, I'll show them to her.  I still need to get a few more things, like some sweats for colder weather, but that can wait for a while.

It may seem nutty to get these things when the weather outside is still in the 80's and 90's but if I didn't get them now, the nicest ones would be gone.

Okay, it's been a long and busy day for me.  Love you all.  Have a nice Friday and a great weekend.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Verdict Is In.....

The Princess came this morning and helped the Beast get Baron into the car.  If you are new to this blog, Baron is an oversize Doberman (AKC registered) that is 9 years old.  We noticed several things that he started having a problem with over the last few months.  I thought it was arthritis....the Beast was hoping against hope that it wasn't hip dysplasia.  Baron weighs in at 120 lbs and it's not fat.

So he goes to the vet and Baron got so excited.  For some reason, he loves to go there.  The vet x-rayed the hip and leg joints and said, *He's got arthritis like an 85 year old man.*  Phew!  I was right....LOL.  His arthritis is in the knee joints and where the muscles from the knee connects at the hip.  The thing we have to do is prevent it from reaching his backbone as well as the hip joint itself.

The Beast got two different things to give him.  One he starts giving him on Sunday because of giving him aspirin yesterday.  There can't be any aspirin in his system when he starts it.  He gets two of those every day for two weeks.  The other is a soft, chewable tablet that he will take indefinitely for pain.  He gets two of those a day for 4-6 weeks and then just one a day after that.  The vet will see him again in two months and will redo the x-rays to see how he's doing.

Baron was so excited about seeing the vet that he got into the car, by himself, when the Beast went to take him home.  It surprised the hell out of the Beast but it was almost like Baron was happy that something was going to be done for him finally.  In fact, for the first time in a couple months, Baron even got in the Beast's lap when he was sitting in his recliner!  He wouldn't sit in his lap when the Beast sat  in my recliner but mine is not as wide or as padded as the Beast's.  

Cee and I are thinking about another lunch out with Babybrat, who suffers from depression about living alone.  Anything to cheer her up.  She's been through so much in her life.  Having to get a hysterectomy at age 25 due to cervical cancer, then a few years later, losing a breast to breast cancer.  She managed to graduate from college a few years after her divorce (and is still paying off her student loans from her SS disability payments).  She had a dream job but was doing a lot of drinking between assignments and that resulted in her having several mini-strokes that left her with extreme short memory problems due to many dead areas in her brain.  It's no wonder she gets depressed and weepy.  I should see if my bff, Carol, might call her and just talk to her.  Babybrat should know that there are a lot of other people suffering in different ways other than me.  Other than her memory problem (which is severe), she is in good health although her teeth need work.

Which is a shame since her insurance has dental work included.  I'm surprised my niece, Tara, didn't take her to see the dentist while she was living with her since she is her guardian.  I know that Tara took herself and her son to the dentist regularly.   Unfortunately, Babybrat cannot drive with her memory being so bad.  She would not remember how to get home or even how to get to the dentist's office by herself.  Tara really didn't believe that but I think she learned over time that it would never happen.  Babybrat couldn't even take the written test because she wouldn't/couldn't remember the answers no matter how hard she might study.  Sad, but true.

The Beast's extravagances goes on.  He told me today that he ordered a floor scrubber.  You know the kind.  It probably has two brushes instead of one and a tank you fill with some kind of water/soap/cleaner and then you mop up after it does it's thing.  It's only for the kitchen floor, which needs it to get the old wax up off the tile.  The wax he used (he got cheap) wore in strange ways.  Plus he's hoping to get rid of the dog hair in the kitchen.  He's never been able to fully get rid of it because they will hang in the air.  I told him the only way to get rid of the dog hair is to get rid of the dog and that will NEVER happen.  LOL!

Oh well.  Time to go before this becomes a novel.  Love you all.  Be good and choose to be happy.  What happens in your life is by the choices you make.  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A Better Day...For Us Both....

Although I had a tough time getting to sleep last night, I did manage to get five hours in a row with no trips to the bathroom. Hurrah!  The Beast slept in (something he almost never does) and didn't get up until almost 9am.  But he was in a much better mood and that always bodes well for me.  

He ran out to do some errands and I gather those went well for him, too.  I didn't even ask because I really didn't care what they were.  He runs so many for either his church or his church friends.  If I open up dialogue about that, there's no end to his preaching to me.

He picked up some half and half to use on his sister's rice pudding.  I happen to enjoy that, too, so I was happy to see that addition to our fridge.  I made us a dinner of some pork loin chops (courtesy of my bff, Carol, in her meat surprise), along with some fried, sliced new potatoes, beets and pineapple.  The Beast loves his beets and said this to me, *These are so good.  I don't know why we don't have them more often.*  I can tell him why....he just doesn't buy them enough.  LOL!

I stopped making a full grocery list a long time ago since he insists on doing the shopping.  He will ignore most of the things I want and then wonders why I don't cook more often.  He buys things that are frozen for family meals (like lasagne, salisbury steaks for six, TV dinners, pot pies by the dozen) and then he wonders WHY I don't cook?  If I am cooking, I like to make my own main dishes....from scratch.  He says I use too many *extras*...which means things like bullion, spices, veggies, etc.  I just don't know where his head is.  I also like to make real mashed potatoes.  He buys the instant kind and wonders why I don't use them.  I would rather they rot in the box.  I used to use that stuff but it was mostly because I had four kids (or more) that I also had to feed.  It was cheaper and faster.  I was working and really didn't get any help in the kitchen most of the time.  

Now I just make a list of special items I don't want him to forget.  That will only be like six items or so and he will get those for me with little argument.  If he does happen to ask what I need a certain item for, it's usually for something he likes to eat so he is happy to get it for me.

The Beast finally bought some shoes (actually, boots) that I don't have to help him put them on due to his lack of good movement, especially on his left side.  Even his left hand seems to be losing flexibility.  I usually have to get down and use the shoe horn on his good shoes so he can get his foot into it.  These boots have zippers going down both sides and they are the short boots....just above ankle high.  He actually couldn't lean over well to zip up one side but I showed him how he could zip up the one side halfway and he was able to zip it up by himself after he got his feet into them.  

I put the chickens away tonight since he had church and, as usual, they were already in the barn.  They jumped down off the roosts while I was gathering the eggs and went out in the coop area to get their corn treat.  I like their putting themselves away like that.  I think it has something to do with the light outside.  That's a good thing since we will be changing our clocks next month and it will get darker earlier.   That makes it much easier for them to adjust to the time change.  I'm not sure what it will do to US.....LOL.

Tomorrow the Princess is coming over in the morning to help the Beast get Baron in the car so he can take him to the vet's office.  She has to take her puppy in for his shots and his last de-worming, I think she said.  Good thing as she will probably have to help him get Baron into  the car for the trip home.  They use the same vet so that helps.

Remember, I love you all.  Thank you, family and friends for taking the time to read this.  Be happy.  Be kind.  ***Hugs***

Monday, September 12, 2016

Not A Good Day For The Beast.....

The day started out on the crazy side.  First the Beast couldn't find his set of keys for my Yaris.  He wanted to go to the store and couldn't remember what he had done with them.  He said he knew he didn't want to take them to Chicago with him so he was going to put them away.  However, after he searched the obvious places (his drawers, his desk, the night stands and the dresser in the guest room), he couldn't find hide nor hair of them.  

He asked me if I had seen them...better yet, if I knew what he had done with them.  After we both re-searched the places he had already searched, I asked him if he had possibly put them in the glove compartment in the car.  After a lot of cussing and more searching at dumb places, he finally went out to check the Prius and he came back and said to me, *I should have listened to you*.   *Fainting*  He found them in the car (of course).  

So he's getting ready to go to the store with my list and he can't find his wallet.  I asked him if he had checked the pants he had been wearing yesterday.  I had no idea that he thought I meant the jeans but I meant the beige dress pants he had worn most of the day.  I didn't help him in his search but did throw out a suggestion or two.  Turns out he had thrown the beige pants into the washer.....and yes, everything in it was washed and rinsed.  So it spent time in the dryer after the Beast removed all his credit cards, license, etc. and laid it out on the counter to dry.

The Princess, both kids and Sheepie came by and visited for a bit.  The Princess is coming over Wednesday morning to help the Beast put Baron into the car so he can take him to the vet's office.  Turns out that the Princess is using the same vet for her puppy that she got a week ago.  It's a cute little thing and is part heeler-type dog.  I just love it's coloring.  Baron liked him and I think wanted to play with him but the puppy was having no part of Baron.  Later on, after the puppy got used to Baron, he was running around trying to get Baron to play.  Turnabout is fair play, however, and I think Baron just didn't know HOW to play with such a little dog.

I got rid of four dozen eggs, thanks to Sheepie.  She called her future in-laws to see if they would like some (of course) and she took some for herself and one of her neighbors.  Hurrah!!  BUT...I still have four and a half dozen eggs here.

Our fur baby cat, Sassy, was not liking it when Cooper (that's the little pup's name) was out on the deck.  She didn't hiss at him but her back was arched and she backed away from him.  Then she jumped up to the bird feeder and just looked down at him until he came inside the house again.  She stayed down in the yard with the chickens until she found out that the pup was gone.  We didn't see her until later on when I brought her food out.  She knows when it's dinner time..  She practically flew up the stairs because she was getting salmon (the kind people usually buy for themselves in the can).  I'm not sure but I think she smelled it.  LOL!  I know she can't read and I don't think she recognized the can.

So we shower early and eat dinner (lasagne).  The Beast heads for his computer and so do I.  A little later, the Beast suddenly remembers that he didn't put the chickens away for the night.  I hand him a flashlight because it's dark out (I know the chickens put themselves away already).  He goes out to the coop, counts the chickens (all there), gathers the eggs and locks up the coop.  I told the Beast that the chickens were going to be pissed at him because they didn't get their corn tonight.  It was too dark out.  
He will probably put some out for them in the morning.

Oh, the reason I handed the Beast my flashlight was because earlier in the day, he couldn't find his big flashlight.  He practically accused me of using it and misplacing it.  I showed him my flashlight and said I use this if I need one so why would I take that big, heavy flashlight of yours?  His face said he didn't believe me but, guess what?  When he came into the house, he had his flashlight with him.  He had found it ON HIS DESK BEHIND HIS COMPUTER SCREEN.  He didn't tell me he'd found it but I saw him with it in his hand and said, *OH!  So you found it?*  He at least had the good grace of looking embarrassed when he told me where he had found it.  I just looked at him and then walked away.

Time to get this posted.  Love you all.  Hope you have a great week.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Beast Returns.....

I did manage to vacuum and clean my computer room rug.  I am a big slob, I guess.  I could not believe the various spots I had of some unknown source.  They required me to use other *stuff* for them.  By the time I got through, I was exhausted.  But it was done.  I also managed to cook up Baron's chicken for the next 9 days (I used up one today).  It was the first time I used the pressure cooker but I got it right.  I also washed another load of clothes since I barfed on a small blanket and the shirt I had on  last night.  No clue why I barfed unless the Marie Callender meal I ate about a half hour before that was bad.  But it had been in the freezer only since the day before the Beast left for his vacation.

The Beast left Chicago for the return trip at 6:15am and got here at 5:30pm.  That beat the best time we ever made on that trip.  Only by about 45 minutes but the Beast does sometimes run 10 mph over the speed limit (or more...LOL).  The first thing he did was take Baron for a run and Baron came home happy.  He really did have a grin on his face.  Then the Beast unpacked his dirty clothes and put a load in the washer.  I have them all folded now but he went to bed around 9pm so putting them away will have to wait until tomorrow.  He has another load to do (his good clothes) and I am not allowed to wash those.  Like I really cared?  I'm happy he takes on a lot of the household stuff.  If he wants to take care of his own clothes, bless his heart.

I ended up putting the chickens away tonight because the Beast is still hurting from doing the *tourist* thing in downtown Chicago and Old Town with his sister and his two friends from church.  They were fascinated with a lot of things, like Buckingham Fountain, Navy Pier (they rode the huge ferris wheel there) and they got to eat Italian beef sandwiches as well as a Chicago pizza.  His buddy raved about the pizza there (I don't blame him).  But the Beast didn't bring home any Italian beef for us.  He said we can always order it like we normally do and it comes here still frozen.  I love Portillo's Italian beef and their tamales, too.   I was really hoping.......  Oh well!

His sister sent me some of her rice pudding.  I took a taste test and it is really good!  The stinker must have Auntie Em's recipe because that is what it tastes like.  I'll probably have a bowl of it before I go to bed.

I'm going to have to cut up more of the watermelon tomorrow.  The Beast really decimated it after he finally sat down to relax.  I don't blame him since it is so very sweet and also juicy.  I haven't had a watermelon that good in ages.

Well, it's THAT time again.  I need to go shower and get ready for bed.  I really am beat after all I did today.  Tomorrow I will have to make up a list of things I need the Beast to get at Walmart.  It's all minor but there are a few things I need to make my spaghetti.  I have a taste for it so why not?  I just hope the Beast has no objections since his taste buds might still be up in Chicago....LOL.

Love you all.  I hope your week goes well.  Remember to tell those you love that you do, and do it often.  Life is just too short not to tell them that.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, September 10, 2016

So The Beast Will Be Home Tomorrow......

I got a phone call this morning from the Beast to let me know he would be home tomorrow.  He plans on leaving around 6 or 7am.   I didn't ask him if he was bringing home any Italian beef (I restrained myself) but I did want to get an idea of just when he would make it home.  I have two things I MUST do before he gets here.  I (still) need to vacuum my computer room and then clean the carpet.  I didn't find where the Beast had stashed the rug cleaner until this afternoon.  What's sad about that is that this house is not that big but I hadn't figured that he would put it in the cottage.  

You should have seen me struggling to get it from there into the house.  I damn near had to crawl up the stairs and drag it behind me!  It was just awful.  I feel like I need to be wearing a girdle or some such thing to keep my hip joints in place.  I kid you not.  My back didn't hurt me because I had my back brace on.  Why don't they make a hip brace too???

I gave Baron his last piece of chicken and had to pull out his frozen chicken from the freezer so it could thaw.  Once it's pretty much thawed, I'll throw it into the pressure cooker and cook it up for him.  The last ones that the Beast made up were the greasiest thighs that I have ever seen (or felt, as I pulled it apart for Baron's evening meal).  Yuk!  But he could hardly wait to dig in....LOL.  I guess he likes chicken grease.  I sure don't.

I did move most of the furniture and other things out of the room so it will be easier to do the cleaning in here tomorrow.  I was shocked (but shouldn't have been) at just how dirty it is where I sit at my desk.  I've spilled coffee and had to scramble for a rag to wipe it all up.  The rest?  I have no clue.  Just normal crumbs and stuff, I guess.  Think good thoughts for me, please.  I'll need it with the hip pain that starts shortly after I am upright and walking around.  I'll vacuum in here while sitting in my desk chair but after that....I'll be in trouble.

Cee and I never did have a sleepover for one reason or another.  We also didn't go to lunch with Diane because she started having some serious pain last night and it was still causing her a lot of grief this morning.  She was hoping it wasn't her gall bladder.  She knows she has stones in it because when she had a sonogram for something else, they told her that.  She said if the pain didn't go away, she was going to go to the emergency room.  I assured her that the surgery was easy and she would only have a small scar.  Recovery is different, however.  But I didn't tell her that part.  Me bad!

Well, I am heading for the shower and then to bed.  I'm kind of looking forward to the Beast coming home  and taking over his chores again.   I even, finally, cut up part of the watermelon and got it all in the fridge.  I ate a bit of it, of course, and it is incredibly sweet.  *Patting myself on the back*  I remembered something I read about, or saw on TV,  about  looking for the yellow spot on the watermelons to ensure you got a good one.  It has something to do with how they are grown and if they are allowed to ripen fully.

Love you all.  Be good and live your life happy.  Get rid of any negative people in your life.  You don't need that.  If you can't get rid of them (if they are family, for instance) then learn to ignore them.  It's really not all that difficult.  ***Hugs***

Friday, September 9, 2016

Another Busy Day......

Today I got busy doing some of the things I had been putting off.  I got the kitchen and utility areas swept up good so that I could do my Wet Jet mopping.  I also did a bit of vacuuming in the living room area (we have a special vacuum for that....another thing the Beast bought...sigh).  I then vacuumed my computer room.  I've been making my bed every morning like a good girl so I didn't have to do that.  Tomorrow I will clean the rug in my computer room and that's the last of the big jobs to be done.  By big, I mean ones that exhaust me because using the rug cleaner is not easy for...let's admit old person.  My arms are always super tired afterward.  And it's not all that big a room!

It really IS a bitch to get old.  In my head, I don't feel like I am old but it is my body that betrays me.  I try to look after it.  I take my vitamins, my pills, to eat healthy as much as possible and it still has more aches and pains than I care to admit.  For every step forward, I take two back it seems.  I take care of one problem and another pops up.  Now it's my hips that are giving me more pain than I want to admit.  After walking for a bit, it actually feels like they both become slightly dislocated.  I'm almost afraid to mention it to the doctor for fear of what might be found.

The Beast will be coming home on Sunday some time.  No clue when so I have to have everything ready for that *big event*.  I know Baron will be glad to have his man home again and I will be glad to be able to sleep in once again in the morning.  No more getting up at 6am to let the chickens out of the coop.  I do have to fill the water tomorrow since it is getting low.  But their feed is fine and there's still corn in the bag that was open when he left.  I didn't have to open the new bag at all.

I know that, as much fun as the Beast has had visiting with his two siblings, he will be glad to be home again.  It's always best to sleep in your own bed and back into your regular routine.

Baron wants to go out and I have to go outside with him.  He's been growling and that worries me.  If it's raccoons, they can be vicious if they aren't afraid of dogs.  I'm pretty sure the ones around here are because Baron has chased them out of our yard a couple times.  But it could be just another dog and then it's a territory thing.  That's usually just barking and no real problem.  I just don't want him to chase the dog.

Well, I hope you have a great weekend.  Cee and I are going to lunch with Diane tomorrow so that will be a bit of a break for me before I have to clean the carpet in the computer room.  Love you all.  Be good.  Be happy.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, September 8, 2016

To Market, To Market We Go.......

I got in my car after feeding Baron his *snack* and then taking him outside to let him pee, and drove across the street to pick up Diane.  We headed for the Farmers Market with a short stop at my bank so I could get some cash.  Cee called me just as I was getting back in the car and said she was there already but where were we?  I told her we were on our way.  It was just three more blocks from my bank so I think we shocked her when we got there.  

It's not a large place but there was certainly a heck of a lot of variety of produce.  Cee and I decided we would share a couple things (tomatoes and some apples) since the amount we bought was more than either of us could use up before it would go bad.  I bought some peaches that I am going to make a cobbler out of.  It's been years since I made one for the Beast.  I'll do that on Saturday after Cee and I get back from lunch with Diane.   Diane is a sushi lover and she loves the sushi at the restaurant that Cee and I like to go to for lunch.  It's a Japanese restaurant that has a big variety of foods (even hamburgers).  

I also brought home some sweet potatoes (and had one with my dinner tonight), two HUGE onions and a medium size watermelon.  The apples we bought were recommended to us for making baked apples.  The farmer had several varieties of apples so we know who has a big orchard, don't we?  

On our way home, Diane and I both looked to see if the people with the pecan trees had their sign out.  Nope.  They sell them by the bag full, shelled.  I know they will have more in a month or so and Diane and I agreed to contact each other when we saw the sign out again.  I am going to make my nut cake (it's like a fruit cake without any citron in's got LOTS of nuts).  I may even make two and take one of them and soak it with rum.  You don't actually soak it but you add a shot glass of it about every week.  It turns out wonderful.  Even using brandy instead of rum is great.  Each cake takes four cups of chopped pecans.  Buying them from the orchard growers is a hell of a lot cheaper than buying pecans from the stores.

The chickens have been putting themselves to bed the last few days.  It's usually shortly before 7pm but they left a sentinel out  to watch for me today.  She squawked and they came running towards me then followed me back into the coop.  I gathered up the eggs and gave them their corn and they were happy.   I locked up the coop and came back into the house.  As soon as I came in, Baron was standing next to the table, waiting and he barked at me.  He wanted his dinner.  After I fed him, he went and laid down in my computer room.

He wasn't in my room when I got up to get some more ice water and that was a surprise.  I can usually hear him but it was like he tip-toed out of the room.  I checked on him and he's asleep on his mattress (a doggie one).  He's finally gotten used to the idea that I don't go to bed as early as the Beast does so he doesn't do his *time for bed* bark for me.  You should hear him nag at the Beast on those nights when the Beast stays up later than normal.  Baron will finally go lay down on his mattress, facing the Beast, and he stares at him.  Just stares and stares.  Sometimes, the Beast gives up and turns off his football game or whatever he's watching then goes to bed.

The first couple days that the Beast was gone, Baron tried that with me only he was laying to my right, on the rug in my computer room.  He'd whimper to try getting my attention but I knew what he was trying to do.  I just ignored him until he finally gave up and went to his bed.  I'm not letting a dog boss me around.....LOL.

Time to get this posted.  Remember I love you all.  Thank you for reading my posts.  ***Hugs***

We Have Ghosts In Town?????

I was watching a program and was surprised that it was about our town.  It seems that several shop owners downtown have had some strange and creepy things going on and they suspected it was ghosts!  They ended up contacting the University of Alabama and had these people come down that investigate paranormal events.

They came with all this strange equipment that can detect changes in the room or, in this case, the shops.  It seems this one flower shop gets a lot of *activity* (doors opening by themselves, the sound of footsteps and sometimes running, things that move when there's no wind in the get the idea).  The shops involved are just one story so it isn't because there are apartments above them.  They suspected it might be some people that died tragically almost 100 years ago due to a very bad tornado that destroyed all the shops and homes that were in the downtown area.  It wasn't *commercial* at that time like it is now.    They thought that their *spirits* didn't know they were dead or some such thing.

So they set up their equipment and also did this one thing that was kind of spooky.  Since one family lost all their children (I think it was five children and a mother) and the home was located where our downtown is now, they suspected it might be the children hanging around.  So the woman had this Raggedy Ann doll and she sat in the doorway of a shop with the doll a few feet away from her.  

This man was holding a piece of equipment that was pointed at the doll.  The woman (out loud) asked if someone wanted to play.  The equipment detected a certain kind of color change on the doll that spooked him since it was an indication of someone (or rather, some thing) that was touching the doll.  When they went back to the flower shop, they had a tape recorder and asked if anyone there would talk to them.  There was an indication that there was something talking.  The woman asked the spirit who they were and the graph or whatever it was indicated a reply.

When they played it back slowly, the name that was clearly given was the oldest boy of the family I mentioned above.  They played it back for several people the next morning (including our mayor) and they felt vindicated.  I think they might even have been less afraid of the noises now that they had *proof* that it was, indeed, ghosts.  Weird, huh?  I mean this is a small town and the program was about OUR town.  It was on TV.   It just seemed weird to me.

Today was a nice, quiet day.  Baron drove me nuts because he kept nagging me to go out  but all he really wanted was to roll in the grass.  It wasn't until after he ate his dinner that he finally went outside and pooped.  It was still light out but he just did what he had to and then wanted back in the house right away.  I made him go outside later so that he wouldn't have to wake me during the night.  It's bad enough that I get up every 2-3 hours to use the bathroom!  He always seems to wait until I am in a deep sleep and then he barks in my ear to wake me up.  I am a zombie letting him out and then having to wait up until he is done.  Oh well.

Tomorrow is market day...and this is strange.  It's a Farmers Market thing doesn't open until 3pm.  It closes at 6pm.  I guess I am just too used to the one in Guntersville that opens at 7am and doesn't close down until 6pm.  Of course, if the different sellers sell all their products that they brought with them, then they close down their stalls for the day.  Anyway, Diane and I will meet up there with Cee and check out what they are offering.  I would like to find some nice tomatoes and I wish someone was offering onions but I doubt it.  I was hoping to avoid going to Walmart for some but I guess I'll have to just bite the bullet and go since I am totally out.

Well, time to see if I can get back to sleep.  Love you all.  Be good.  Stay cool and keep hydrated.  Watch out for flash floods if you are in one of the states under alert.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Off To Visit With The Neighbors.....

Today was the day that Cee finally got to see Dennis and Diane's house.   Diane gave her a thorough tour, including the safe room.  It really has some amazing features including the most unusual *sinks* I have ever seen.  They don't look like sinks at all but rather like fountains that have the water turned off.  The first time I went to wash my hands, all I could think was *How the hell do you get the water to flow?*  Very different.

I brought her three dozen eggs since she had been telling me about how many eggs she goes through on an average day.  She had some more egg cartons she had saved for me.  Cee had brought me one, too.  We sat and visited for about 2-1/2 hours and then excused ourselves.  Diane had invited me to dinner if I felt up to it and I told her I would give her a call.  When Cee went home shortly thereafter, I gave her four of the tamales that she had a craving for.  I had forgotten we had them in our freezer out in the garage until the Beast reminded me.

After that, I called Diane and asked her when dinner would be served.  I had to give Baron his food (it's really a snack to tide him over to his meal later in the evening).  I made some rice to add as a kind of treat since he loves rice.  I then went across the street to Diane's where we had a pre-dinner drink and lots of good conversation that Dennis joined in, too.  We finished dinner before I had to leave so I could put the chickens away.  What's truly funny is that they had put themselves into the coop already.  I just gathered the eggs and put down the corn for them.  They jumped down off the roosts and ran out into the outside area to eat when I did that.  I could tell they were waiting, just patiently waiting, for that treat.

I made Baron his *big* meal which included more rice and some chicken added to his dog food.  I was surprised to see that the Beast had bought some dog food (canned) that said it was *Senior dog blend*.  I read the ingredients and noticed that it said it had added vitamins for good health.  The Beast only buys dog food that starts off with real meat and none of the crazy *filler* type ingredients that you have no idea what the hell they are but you know they can't be good.

I'm sitting here snacking on tortilla chips and chunky salsa.  Diane gave me some of the peppers that she is growing off her patio.  I forget the name of one of them but I also have some nice, fresh jalapenos.  The other type she gave me is a long, thin pepper that is super hot.  She said it's best to wear gloves to cut them up because their oil is incredibly hot and tough to get off your skin.  I can just imagine what it may do to the inside of your mouth.  LOL!

I'm writing this at 2am because I forgot to do it earlier and got up to use the bathroom.  Good timing because Baron had to go out.  I was in my jammies so I just let him go out front and turned the porch light on for him so he could see the stairs when he was done.  He has a hard time getting up them in the light and it usually takes him a couple tries before he makes it up.  At least he hasn't fallen going up the stairs..... so far.  When he came in and went to go lay down, he must have been a bit careless because he yelped in pain.  I feel so bad for him and debated giving him aspirin in a piece of hot dog but didn't since he was comfortable (finally).  I'll give him some in the morning so he has a decent day without too much pain.

Love you all.  Be good.  Be kind.  ***Hugs***

Monday, September 5, 2016

A Call From My Friend......

I got a call from my friend, Diane today.  She wanted to ask me over to her house as she had told me the other day.  She said to *just come over*.  I had to explain to her that I had been busy and had some chores to do this evening but tomorrow would be great.  She's going to call me after she gets home from shopping.  I promised her 3 dozen eggs since she makes eggs for breakfast every day and she said she was out. 

 She didn't know that the 18 count eggs that Dennis brought home with him last week was from out chickens.  I told her I got about a dozen eggs every two days from our seven hens.  That surprised her because she thought that the hens didn't lay during hot weather or really cold weather.  I know they don't ALL lay eggs every day but they haven't stopped just because it's been hot outside.  I don't know about during cold weather but I imagine we'll find out.

BUT....she told me that she was the one that sent over her used egg cartons.  She said there were more than a dozen so I knew for sure it was her.  I had no idea she was saving her egg cartons for us but I thanked her for them.  I'll bring over the eggs I promised her tomorrow after she calls me.

I'm going to call Cee tomorrow and see how she is feeling and if she's up to coming over.  Diane knows she is eager to see their house so she and I can go over and just hang out with Diane for a while.  I think she's lonely and I know she loves company.  Dennis has to be difficult to live with, especially when he's not feeling well.  If she's feeling good, maybe she will even want to make tomorrow night our *sleepover* night.  Regardless, I will have a bit of a surprise for her, even if she just comes over for a couple hours.  Shhhh.....don't tell her!

Baron is really missing his *man*.  He was sleeping in my computer room most of the day but today he started napping either next to the Beast's recliner or on his mattress that he dragged over to the Beast's side of the bed.  The Beast won't be home until Sunday.  I hope he doesn't mope all the time because then it starts to affect his eating.  At least he has been eating well so far.

Baron got a bit of a comeuppance tonight.  He came outside with me when I put the chickens away for the night.  He was in the mood to play (it's usually the cat wants to play and Baron isn't interested) but the cat didn't want any part of it.  She even hissed at Baron before he stopped trying to play with her.  In a way, I felt bad because he really did want to play.  He stayed in the yard for about 15 more minutes trying to woo the cat into playing but she finally ran up on the deck and then jumped up on the chair and on up to the bird feeder platform.  That's when Baron wanted in the house, finally.

Okay, time to close.  I'm tired tonight and will have to get up at that ungodly hour of 6am just to let the chickens out.  LOL!  The cat usually wants to escort me there and back.  She then wants her scratches and petting for a bit before I go back in the house.  She stays out and plays with the chickens most of the time.  It's cute and funny.

Love you all.  ***Hugs***