Sunday, November 29, 2015

Paying The Price.....

After the trip to the zoo yesterday, I am paying a high price for all that walking.  My legs and hips hurt me so bad that I am walking like a 90 year old lady that hasn't walked in a year!  Well, not quite that bad but I am in PAIN!  I tried not to take a pain pill but finally broke down and took one.  It hasn't kicked in yet but I am hopeful.  I knew this would happen when it started out that I had to stop and rest about every 50 feet or so.  It was my left hip that was giving me a problem.  

It all depended on the surface we were walking on, I noticed.  If it was paved and level, no problem.  But walking uphill or downhill on an uneven surface and I was miserable.  The zoo was loaded with both and I was never so glad to leave as I was yesterday.  I told the Beast that if we ever came back, I was using a motorized wheelchair!  I didn't care if it cost $25.  It would be worth it....LOL!

So, as you can guess, I didn't do much today although I did try to walk to the kitchen area a few times to stretch the muscles and get them moving.  I knew it would only be worse if I didn't.  I kept my heating blanket on as much as I could because I felt keeping the muscles warm would help....eventually.  Even the three or four steps from my recliner to my computer chair was painful but I haven't screamed even once!  LOL

I was on a link to a site called 1,000,000 quotes.  Interesting site.  I found some very inspiring quotes on it from various sources.  Here's one that I find is true:  "Be careful with your words.  Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten."  No source given.

Another:  "Sometimes we let go of people, even though we still want them in our lives, because we realize *they let go first*.

But here is one I truly believe:  "Never go to sleep angry.  Because you never know if you or the person you are mad at will wake up the next morning.  Always forgive because you never know if you'll talk to them again.  Things happen.  Always forgive.  You may not forget but it's better than knowing you'll never get to say sorry or I love you again.*  -No sourse given.

Another thing I really and truly believe....*If  you didn't hear it with your own ears, or see it with your own eyes....don't invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth.*  This is from 1,000,000 quotes and no other source given.  I think we all know someone that this applies to...the rumor mongers that always want you to think they know more than they do.  At my age, I am tired of the drama they always seem to crave.  

Just checked out what kind of weather we are expected to have and it's not too bad until Wednesday when the temperature at night will be very chilly (cold!).  I am so glad to have my electric blanket!  They also are saying we should expect some rain tonight.  The Beast hates that because our grass here seems to grow constantly which means he is mowing the lawn when most people are just looking at snow covering theirs!  LOL.

Love you all.  Be good and be kind.  It costs nothing and a smile is the same in any language.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Trip To The Zoo....

We got an early start today because the Beast kept nagging at me to get going and pick up Chewlee.  Her girlfriend didn't end up spending the night because she wanted to spend more time with her father.  I guess the parents are divorced but that's just a guess on my part.  

So I picked up Chewlee around 8am and my sister, Cee at 8:30am.  We were back at the house before 9am and out the door (after potty breaks, getting fresh coffee and grabbing our cameras).  The drive to the Birmingham Zoo took us about an hour and a half...slightly less, I believe.  We paid our pound of flesh and proceeded to attempt to make sense of the map (it was very confusing and we got lost a couple times by turning in the wrong direction).

I think that zoo has a lot of nerve charging us $10 each (Cee, the Beast and I got $5 off for Senior Citizen discounts from the normal $15 charge).  It has to be the absolute worst zoo I have ever been to, trust me.  Besides a lack of animals, they seemed to only have two of each except for the Red River boars, the elephants, the giraffes and zebra.  We never did see any tigers although people said they were out when THEY got to their cages.  Although they had apx. 10 elephants, the way that area was laid out, there was almost no way they could interact with each other with the exception of two of the African elephants.  The only baby we saw was an orangutan baby that had to be under a year old and was clinging to it's mother like a boil.  

But the lack of many species and the poor layout of their confines was just awful.  They ARE doing a lot of construction to expand the various areas and, I hope, make their surroundings a bit more open.  The birds were also poorly laid out and not a big variety, either.  I felt bad for the Golden Eagles because their area was small.  Deep but small.  Many of the animals really couldn't be photographed with any kind of what the Beast calls a *significant* image.  The glass or else the screening that comprised their cages saw to that.  Quite a few were in areas so deep down from the windows that you could barely see the animals.  I thought the whole thing was just awful.

After living in San Diego for almost six years and having a lifetime membership to the amazing zoo they have, it made this one seem like a roadside attraction.  We are going to do some checking to see if they have a zoo in Chattanooga and try that one in the future.  We know they have a good one in Atlanta but that's too long a drive for a day trip. least we had good weather conditions today.

It was around 70 degrees and almost no wind.  Chewlee had insisted on wearing shorts and her mother had checked the weather I think and told her they would probably be all right.  It was.  She was comfortable.  Cee and I had on long sleeved tops (hers was a lightweight sweatshirt/sweater combination and I had on a light sweater.  The Beast wore just a long sleeve cotton shirt so it worked out just fine.  No heavy coats needed.

We left the zoo around 2:30pm, exhausted, because we were starving.  They had lots of cafes and restaurants there but they were all closed for the season.  They really missed a trick there because we heard a lot of people that were hungry and didn't think they would have to leave the zoo to get food.  The zoo should have kept something open...just one would have done the keep the people there AND make some additional money for it.  But we stopped at a restaurant after we left and had some really good fried chicken for our late lunch/early dinner.  Chewlee ate chicken strips and fries then had some ice cream for dessert.  Strawberry...her favorite! 

They were making a big push for membership and/or sponsoring a zoo animal but it didn't look like they were attracting anyone for that honor.  LOL!  You know I am being sarcastic due to my disappointment, right?  Chit...Brookfield Zoo in Illinois was 1000% better than this zoo over 50 years ago.  Now it is more on a par with the San Diego zoo with all the expansion and changes that have been made.

They had ONE pair of lemurs.  The ring-tailed ones.  They were active, at least, but in a small glassed in cage with a skylight.  It was one of the cages that had more depth than space.  Awful, in my opinion.  Just a big lack of variety all around.

You will have to wait until tomorrow for any pictures (I hope) since it's giving me a problem with posting any right now.  No clue why it's *having difficulties* but I'm no tech so I have to wait and pray it will be fixed by then.  At least I dropped them a note to tell them about what I was running into when I tried to insert a picture so they are alerted.  I hope others have had the problem so I know it's on their end...LOL.

Chewlee is in bed already (since 8:30pm) and the Beast is going to drive her home after church.  We hadn't originally planned on having her overnight but at least her mother had no objections.  We were all just really tired when we got home and it was so much easier not to have to face that drive and I would have had to drive in the dark coming back home.  That wasn't really the reason I kept her.  I always enjoy having her and talking about this and that going on in her life.  It helps me keep up with what she's doing (and thinking).  I had gone to bed with her and fallen asleep but woke up for...the bathroom, of course.  So I decided to go ahead and get my blog written for the night so that it won't be on my mind when I fall asleep.  Most of the time, it will be on my mind and keeps me from deep sleep.  Most of the time.  

Love you all.  Have a nice Sunday.  If you are working on your Christmas shopping, try not to get trampled like some people did on Black Friday AND grey Thursday (MY term for it!).  People can be nuts at times.  I'll only have last minute shoppers to contend with since I won't be able to spend much so I reserve it for the kids.  Makes me feel bad since I get gifts from the Princess and a few others but I can't really afford to get gifts for them, too.  Between Mr. BAH Humbug and what he's spent of our limited funds...well, let's not go into that.  Having a fixed income sucks.  SAVE for your retirement.  Save everything you can..even pocket change adds up and you never know what can happen.  The Beast's sudden strokes derailed us and forced us into retirement much, much earlier than we ever thought would happen.  

Be careful.  Take care of your health and, for heaven's sake, CHOOSE to be happy.  It really IS up to you.  ***Hugs***



Thursday, November 26, 2015


I picked up Cee and we drove over to the Princess' house.  She had just started setting out some of the food that we were going to eat but the deep fried turkey was still cooking so we had some time to relax.  We lucked out and had a beautiful day for our Thanksgiving dinner with everyone.  It was right around 68 degrees outside with a slight breeze.  The skies were clear and the sun shining.  Beautiful!!

When we ate, we all had to try some of everything that was brought or what the Princess had made.  A few things, besides the turkey, were outstanding.  There was a dessert that the Princess made (I've forgotten what she called it) that was delicious, as well as a cranberry relish that was made with jello.  There was mashed potatoes that were baked, green bean casserole, a corn (bread) casserole (with lots of yummy corn!), the Princess' chicken dressing (a cornbread dressing that had lots of chicken in it) that is so yummy, everyone that tastes it is always a bit surprised.  We also had some deviled eggs that both the Princess and I had made and so there was plenty for everyone.  I had made a big tray of my Nut cups (pecan) as a surprise to the Princess.  They are always a hit and some of the people that were there had never had them before.

There were a dozen adults and six or seven kids but everyone got to eat all they wanted and there was still plenty left over for those that wanted to bring some home for later.  I brought two plates home for the Beast and he was hungry!  He enjoyed it all.  I think Cee brought home enough for two meals for her.  The turkey had pretty much been eaten down to the bone (except for the wings and the legs).  Cee grabbed a wing, one of the kids grabbed a leg of the turkey and we laughed because it seemed so *Renaissance* to watch him gobble it up.  The other leg had had a few slices taken off it but I know it would never have gone to waste, regardless.

I spent some time talking with Johnnycake's dad and two aunts.  I still can't believe his dad, who looks too young to be his father until he said something about being in his 40's.  That made me think of my son, Markus, who has a son almost Johnnycake's age.  That's my grandson, Doc....the one in the Marines.  So I guess it DOES make sense now.  His aunts were a real trip...we laughed over a few things we talked about and one aunt said, *There are problems in EVERY family* after they talked about multiple marriages, kid problems (grandkids, actually), etc. that their kids have.  It's true.  There is no such thing as a *perfect* family.

Gunner was so cute.  He loves running around outside and he did a lot of it today.  I think he will have a great night sleeping when the Princess puts him down for the night.  Tara's little one, Chance, was having a great time running all over the property and climbing on things with Chewlee and the other kids.  You had to laugh at their antics.  

Tara's other son, Keith, and his girlfriend, showed up for dinner, too.  Gotta love that kid.  He's in his second year of college now and has been living closer to school since about a month before the year started.  I think he both enjoys and hates not living at home.  Both he and his girlfriend (who is also in college) have to work to pay for the apartment they share and that means he HAS to be an adult now.  They also shop for their food together and he's got a much better idea of how the world works.  I gave them both a big hug and kiss when they came to say goodbye so they could get home before it got dark.

Cee and I stopped for a bit at her place when I brought her home so she could give me four of the five videos of mine that she had borrowed.  I think she will probably pick out a couple more this weekend when we go to the zoo.  I still don't know if Chewlee will be able to come with us because the Princess, who has been battling a cold all week, had taken Nyquil about 15 minutes before the little girl's mother called her and forgot to ask when she was going to pick up her daughter on Saturday morning.  The Beast wants to leave around 10am, which gives us time to wake up and he can take Baron for a run before we leave, too.  That way we will be sure that he doesn't have any accidents while we are gone.

Baron hasn't had one since he was a puppy but I sure don't want to push our luck since we will be gone five hours or more.  He's older now and, like us *older* folk, he can't seem to go four hours without having to pee.  I mean even at night...LOL.

I'm tired so I am going to get my butt back to bed now.  I fell asleep shortly after getting home and woke up to use the bathroom and write this blog.  Love you all and I hope you ate well today.  Be happy.  Have a great day tomorrow and this upcoming weekend.  I'll be recovering tomorrow from all the food I ate and getting ready to hit the zoo on Saturday.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Another Busy Day And An Aching Back!

I was busy all day long again.  Still making stuff to take to the Princess' house tomorrow.  I don't think I will make the oyster dressing unless I feel like running up to Dollar General to see if they have bread for stuffing or some stuffing mix.  Oh..wait.  I think I have some out in the garage.  I'll have to check after I post this.  Right now I have the oven cleaning (love that self-cleaning feature).  I discovered yesterday that the light in my oven isn't working and needs to be replaced.  *Sigh*  It's always something.

Those little lights that are usually under the hood over your stove?  Those haven't worked for a year but the Beast didn't want to replace them.  I  loved them because they made a great night light.  Just two 15 watt (I think..would have to look again to make sure) but HE thought they used up too much electricity.  So what do we have instead?  Regular night lights...7watts each...we have four of them in various outlets in the kitchen and dining area.  They activate themselves when it's dark.  So what did we save?  A whole 2 watts?  AND...I've lost that light you sometimes like to have when you are cooking so you can see
everything well. 

Another day that Baron has been acting kind of...different than usual.  He's been spending part of his day here in my computer room.  He doesn't just want to be near me, he has to lay down on my feet or else he will put his head in my lap and just stand there while he doesn't even insist that I pet him or even scratch his head.  He lets out the deepest sigh.  Makes you wonder what he's thinking.  Even the Beast is surprised at his behavior.  It's like he's learning to make a switch in allegiance or some such thing.  He really listens to me, too.  He's always listened for the most part but not always.  Now, if I say NO if he looks like he's going to head over to the little sausage/mixed breed dog on the other side of the circle, he stops dead and will come back by me.  It used to be that I had to get the Beast out to yell for him to come back.  I knew he thought of the Beast as the pack leader but what has made him decide that I am a step above his status (in the pack) now??

Just stray thoughts.  Not really important.  Just a puzzle.  From the first day that we bought our first Dobie, Domina, I knew she was MINE.  She didn't listen to the Beast no matter what he did.  I would just snap my fingers and she would be at my side.  Of course, we bought  her from a woman that owned a beauty parlor and worked long hours.  Domina had accidentally locked herself in a small, interior bathroom and panicked.  After that, the woman decided that Domina needed a family that would be home with her.  Domina, of course, had a fear of enclosed spaces after that and would get copious fear slobber when she had to get into our VW van but she would come because of trust.  

She was the best guardian for the kids in the neighborhood that would come and play in our yard.  She would be  laying down, facing the street with the kids playing in the yard behind her.  If someone she didn't know came walking down the sidewalk, she would stand up and be in that incredible Doberman stance.  She didn't bark or growl but she watched intently.  I saw big men actually cross the street when they saw her standing there, unchained or tethered.  After they were a distance away that she considered good, she would lay down again like nothing had happened.  Yet my (then) 18 month old son, Marcus, would run towards her and throw himself bodily on top of her.  I know it had to hurt but she would just roll over and pin him to the ground.  It was a game they played together.  

Time to post this.  I still have a couple things to check on and maybe do before I can go to bed.  I didn't sleep much last night and I am really tired.  My back is killing me again so I am taking a pain pill (again!).  I wish everyone a great night's sleep and a fantastic Thanksgiving Day tomorrow.  Love you all.  ***Hugs***

Don't You Just Hate Family Problems During A Holiday???

I am NOT going to go into details because I know that *this, too, shall pass* because we have a lot of love and forgiveness in our family.  And...know what?  I choose NOT to be unhappy.  I love my family but no family is perfect and shit happens.  There's been some discussion going on among us all over it but we have all chosen to accept that SHIT HAPPENS!  But we refuse to let it dampen our happiness or feel any anger, hate or hurt feelings.  That's the way things should be in a family because we are all imperfect and often get caught up in events that spin into something no one ever meant to happen or be said.  AMEN!  

I had a great day with my sister, Cee today.  We did some things that we had never done together, including making some delicious split pea soup while making some other stuff for our Thanksgiving at the Princess' house.  

I'm looking forward to listening to Chewlee show me what she has learned already (she's only taken three piano lessons so far...I think!) on her keyboard.  The Princess hopes she does well and, if she does, she is planning on looking for a real piano for Chewlee to use.  That will be so cute to see her play one...if she persists.  I know she had told me a long time ago that she wanted to play the piano but I knew she would need lessons and that would be up to her mother (or her paternal grandfather, who adores her too and has the money for it).  

But, of course, her poor mother has to take her back and forth to her lessons and that's no mean feat from where they live to where she takes the lessons.  Good thing it's only once a week.  And then there's listening to her practice (which her mother makes her do every day).  But, I gather from some comments her mother made, that she was given the keyboard first and what she played was so awful that anything would help her improve....LOL! 

I'm going to be bringing more to the dinner than I was told to make just because I am so looking forward to it.  The Beast isn't even objecting to it because he's getting a lot of it to enjoy, too.  I broke out some nice platters and dishes to put everything in.  Some of them I haven't used in a couple years.  This one glass tray I have, I have had now for over 35 years.  I bought it when we lived in San Diego and really wanted to get the whole set.  I had an extra tray but I forgot who I gave it to now.  I just hope they love theirs still as much as I love mine.

I still have two more things to put is two small trays for deviled eggs.  I even got my electric shooter down to give the eggs a nice filling that also looks good.  I'll have to make sure that Johnnycakes is ready to help me bring everything into the house.  Otherwise, I will probably have to make two...or possibly three....trips...LOL.

My back has been hurting me since I was on my feet so much today.  Not much I can do about that since it's more the result of being rear ended three different times while I was driving.  One time when I was at a complete stop a driver hit me doing 65 miles an hour.  He tried to avoid me but didn't make it....happens when you aren't really paying attention to traffic...his car was undriveable afterward but my hardy Plymouth Fury, with it's unibody (all metal) at the time, wasn't really hurt all that much.  But the cops that were parked nearby, and saw the whole thing, saw my head whip forward and then backward.  They wouldn't let me move until the ambulance got there to take me to the hospital because they knew it would be bad.

  I really thought I had hit my head on the steering wheel but didn't understand why my forehead (outside) didn't hurt.  It ended up that I had a severe case of whiplash and a compressed pelvic area.  It was where my spine meets it, just to make that clear.  That's the area that hurts me most of the time.  It is also causing me to walk a lot a bit bent so many old ladies do.  I hate that but can get around it if I take a pain pill.  I just hate to HAVE to take one, if you know what I mean.  Lord, I never imagined I would ever get this old.  I don't recognize that woman in my mirror.  *Sigh*  

Remember when you were young and all you wanted was to get older???  What the hell were we thinking????  It sucks!!!

Enough.  Love you all.  Take the time to tell all those you love and appreciate having in your life that you do.  Life is short and you never know who might not be here to hear you tomorrow.  Worse, what if YOU weren't here to tell them that tomorrow?  Stay warm.  Be happy and have a great day!  ***Hugs***

Monday, November 23, 2015

Getting Ready For The Holiday....

My sister, Cee, called me earlier today to let me know that she managed to pick up the things I needed to make all I want to make for Thursday.  So sweet of her.  She's coming over tomorrow to give me a hand with a few things.  It also includes the one surprise that I am planning on making to take with me.

The Beast was going to do something with a group from his church tomorrow but he's not sure now.  He says he's feeling way too tired although it's 8pm and he's headed to bed.  

Baron has been doing something really funny today.  The Beast has been using this one heating blanket under him for his back (and says it helps).  But he found it today, on the floor next to his side of the bed, with Baron on it.  Baron had even turned it on (it has a big button you press to turn it on and the light goes on to the heat setting you want).  Then, when he picked it up, shook it out, the Beast put it under all the covers on his side of the bed.  Later, he went into the bedroom and guess who had pulled back all the covers over it and was laying on it again?  You got it!  Baron...and he had turned it on again!!!!  It only stays on for three hours at a time but it was set at the same setting Baron had turned it on earlier.....

We had a nice dinner tonight.  Crunchy oven roasted fish, Texas toast and beets.  Then we had a slice of cheese cake for dessert.  It may not sound like much but it was delicious and more than enough for our appetites.  As we get older, it seems like we do more snacking (I try to keep some good snacks in the house...healthy ones) than big meals.  Neither one of us is really all that active once the weather gets cold.  Today it was cold!  It was just 26 degrees when we got up this morning around 7:30am but it only warmed up to 39 degrees for our high!  At least we don't have any snow or icy road warnings but that's the only good thing about this weather.  Brrrr!

I have my warm jammies on already and turned the baseboard heater on so my room here stays warm until I am ready for bed.  The goofy Beast was like a little kid tonight at dinner.  He actually knocked over a full glass of milk as he sat down to eat.  What a mess.  I laughed and said that I thought these kind of days were over since our kids grew up and left home.  I had to throw the tablecloth into the washer and clean off the placemats.  The Beast mopped up the floor after dinner since he just grabbed the tablecloth to throw in the washer without thinking about the fact that it hadn't absorbed all the milk.  So there was a big line of drips all through the dining room area and the kitchen leading to the washing machine.  

I just went and threw everything into the dryer so I can fix the table up before I go to bed.  I found the Beast up watching a basketball game that he forgot was on tonight.  I said to him...*I thought you were tired!*  He told me he just wanted to see how the game went since it's two teams he likes.  I didn't check to see who it was so I can't even tell you who they are.

It's 32 degrees outside right now but it's not supposed to get much lower and will go up to around 56 tomorrow for our high.  At least Baron won't be running outside and quickly running back in...LOL.  He hates the cold, too, but then he's a short-haired dog and no thick undercoat to help keep him warm..  I'm thinking of crocheting him a kind of jacket for this winter weather.  I just have to get out and get some good, heavy yarn...preferably a nice wool yarn.  I took some measurements and just have to figure out if I want to use buttons for closure or make some tabs or just ties.  I'll decide that when I pick up the yarn and are actually ready to make him something.  I have a pattern somewhere in my pattern folder for making some for dogs.  I'll just have to check the adjustments for it.

Time to get this posted.  I still have to set my hair.  It's so damn fine that I have no *lift* to it and it's slicked down like it's flax.  At least putting it into rollers gives me some curl and body (with a little bit of help from some foam stuff).  My regular curl looks like finger waving and I hate it.  It's just *not me*, if you know what I mean.  

My bff told me she sent me something and I should watch the mail.  She is such a nut.  But we didn't get anything in our mail today (and that's really unusual) so I guess I just have to wait and see what she sent me this time.  It could be just one of her cute get-well cards like she sent me once before (after my last surgery on my legs).  We share a weird sense of humor on those things.  I'm sending her a couple pictures of the kids as soon as I can get the Beast to get more stamps.  

Ta-ta for now and be good.  Stay warm and dry.  Drive carefully and watch out if you are going to any of the Black Friday sales.  No sale is so fantastic that it's worth getting hurt for!  ***Hugs*** 

CORRECTION:  It's Monday night!  Duh!  He's been watching football, not basketball.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Feeling Good, Making Plans....

I woke up this morning feeling like a million for a change.  Took a shower, got semi-dressed (by that, I mean I put on clean, warm pajamas...LOL).  It was really cold outside at 8am.  Only 39 degrees but it said *feels like 32*.  Wind was gusting at 22mph and Baron didn't want to go out in it.  Wait!  He gets really funny when we DO get some snow.  In a conversation with a couple neighbors, they are wondering if we might even get any this year with the way our weather has been changing.  Last year, we only had one good snow fall.  I guess we just have to wait and see.

I feel so bad for my family and friends in Chicago.  They got over a foot of snow yesterday.  That's really early for Chicago but, hey, that's all part of the changing weather, I guess.  We used to wish for snow on Thanksgiving when I was a kid but we didn't often get it.  At least we DID have it for Christmas.

I made the Beast go to the store and pick up the stuff I needed for what I am bringing to the Princess' house on Thursday.  I also came up with an idea for a bit of a surprise to bring, too.  For that, I had to enlist my sister, Cee, to help me out.  Oh, and the Beast DID have a problem with the marshmallows today.  He could only find the flavored miniatures.  So Cee is going to hit a couple places on her way here on Tuesday to see if she can find some regular ones.  Even if they are the big ones, we can always cut them up so we don't end up with a huge puffball....LOL.  I had thought about just bringing it over and cooking it at the Princess' house (speaking of the sweet potato casserole) but she is probably going to be using it for the stuff SHE is making.  So I will cook it here but leave off the marshmallows so that will mean it won't have to be in the oven long.  I'll have to time it so that it stays hot for our meal.

Cee and I will probably discuss if we will make the drive together or take separate cars.  I know we will prefer to leave while it is still light out.  Us old people hate driving in the dark....and on REAL country roads, it enables us to be sure we don't make a wrong turn...LOL.  Thank goodness that they have a lot of property so parking won't create a problem with all the people they are expecting.

I did finally find out what the Beast paid for the new recliner he bought.  It wasn't as bad as I thought but it was still money that I would have loved to be able to have to spend on Christmas presents.  It looks like mine will be limited to something for the kids.  That pains me more than you can imagine.  I LOVE buying gifts for everyone.  *Sigh*  One Christmas, shortly after we started our own company, I had an unlimited budget to spend and, let me tell you, that was (to me) the BEST one I ever had.  The tree had so many presents under it that it actually covered the whole bottom of the tree and about a foot up from the floor.  Funny but I received only one gift that year.  It was a topaz ring from the Beast that I loved.  But, truthfully, I didn't care.  Everyone was so happy with the gifts that I gave them (and that was the year that my sister, Bratfink, spent with us), it made my Holiday!  I went a little nuts on what I gave my sister but I hated the fact that she was going to be leaving us shortly afterward.  I hope she enjoyed that Christmas as much as I did!

I always gave my boys three things that they didn't really appreciate until they got was new underwear (briefs and t-shirts) and new socks.  It was always a dozen of each and that way I could throw out all the ones that were worn out..LOL.  My son, Markus, told me not too long ago, that he missed those gifts.  He learned to appreciate the feel of new undies once he had to buy his own (or his wife had to...LOL).  I didn't buy underwear for my girls because most of what they owned looked like it was dental floss.  I didn't even TRY...I grew up pulling my underwear out of the crack of my butt and I got the shivers thinking that my girls ran around with THAT stuff.  *Shudder*

I made a promise to myself that I would take lots of pictures when we have dinner at the Princess'.  I now can download my own pictures since the Beast bought me a really great device that is easy to use.  And my camera has this nice program for cropping, etc. that came with it.  Very easy to use.  I really love it and I am looking forward to taking pictures of the trees, etc. that the Princess has decorate for the Holidays.  She tried to post a picture of the big tree in the living room but it didn't do it justice.  I am hoping to get a better one.  She told me that she hadn't used her camera for that particular picture but had used her phone.  That explains it since she has gotten really good with her camera the Beast gave her.  She absorbed everything he told her and showed her about using it and she's learned a lot on her own.  I've been really impressed with many of her pictures, especially the ones of Gunner.  She's taken some amazing pictures of him.

I'm going to send my bff, Carol, some pictures of the kids that I forgot I had...most are recent ones but they are smaller versions of ones that I have hanging on my walls in my computer room.  She has been so good to both Gunner and Chewlee.  She can always frame them if she likes or just throw them in an album.  I know she will appreciate them if only so that she can see how much they have grown.  Chewlee is all legs these days.  She is getting so tall and I swear, her legs are more than half her height!!!  When she is in pants or shorts, that is the first thing you notice.

I love that she is letting her hair grow again.  It's almost mid-way down her back.  I wish that she were a bit more *girly* and would do more with it but she will learn in time.  It happens so quickly.  One day a little girl, the next a teenager....

Time to get this posted.  I'm looking forward to having Cee here on Tuesday.  If she comes early enough, the Beast won't be here.  He's going to something with people from his church so he will be gone for several hours.  We always have more fun when he's not around.  Sad, but true.  He can put a damper on EVERYTHING that WE enjoy.  

Love you all.  Stay warm and dry.  Be kind to one another.  Kindness is easy.  It should be something we all practice.  Practice makes perfect and sometimes, it can make someone's day a bit brighter!  Remember that.  ***Hugs***

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Doing A Very Careful Little Dance.....

Ahhh!  Each day has gotten better for me.  Today I feel almost...almost...normal.  The Beast was a sweetheart and washed my clothes that had gotten messed up from my IBS-D.  At least the fever now seems to be gone and I was able to eat.  I just wish the Beast didn't come up with things that are greasy (he likes his tacos greasy whereas I drain the grease off the meat).  But it worked and I feel better.  I am even managing coffee again...nectar of the Gods!

I didn't give the Beast my list yet since he was busy doing up some pictures that he took for one of our former neighbors.  He took some pictures of her 12 year old daughter (which shocked me because I remember her when she was just 7 and 8..sheesh!).  The pictures all turned out fantastic.  I don't think this kid could take a bad picture.  She will be thrilled with them when she sees them all made up.

I'll let the Beast do the shopping for me tomorrow after he gets home from church.  It's not like I need them right away.  Just need the miniature marshmallows and, last year, I thought I wasn't going to find any but ended up getting some from Dollar General.  I'm just going to take it easy so there's no chance of relapsing from whatever caused this.

Has anyone else noticed they are going to bed earlier since it gets dark so early now?  I know the Beast has been going to bed very early...around 7:30 and sometimes even earlier.  Of course, he wakes up early, too, but has the good sense to go back to bed when he discovers just how early it is...LOL.  He will let Baron outside for a bit then it's back to bed for both of them.  

It's only 6:45pm right now and the Beast has already taken his shower and is getting ready for bed!  He'll be on his computer for a while but not for longer than an hour, I'm sure.  He's already yawning...LOL.

Me?  I'll be taking my shower shortly and then will watch some TV before I head for bed for the night.  I'll be up and down more than likely since my bladder does seem to need to be recognized at least every two to three hours.  

I've noticed that Baron is starting to show signs of aging these days.  He's spending more time sleeping than being active.  His day seems to consist of going outside briefly in the morning, eating around 9-10am then sleeping for several hours.  He then goes outside again and, if he's lucky, the Beast runs him around the circle so he can do his doo-doo for the day, then back in the house to nap until it's around 5pm and he eats his chicken, rice and veggies.  After that, it's more resting up, sometimes in the Beast's lap, then it's outside just before bedtime and down for the night.  He seems content so I guess I shouldn't worry about it.  I just hate the idea of losing him.  When that happens, no more dogs.  Period!  

The Beast finally went out and bought another recliner.  He said he just wanted a chair and ottoman but this one was really nice.  It's leather but is so saft!  It feels amazing.  I didn't even bother to ask him what it cost because he would lie if he thinks he paid too much.  He hates to admit how much he spends on the things HE wants.  He also bought this *spot* cleaner to clean the love seat with.  It sits in one spot and cleans up bad sections but it also has a hose that extracts the moisture from those areas.  I give up!  You just can't stop him from buying stuff.  I do without but not him.  Grrr!

Oh well, time to get myself going.  I need to shower and get my jammies on then get nice and cozy while I decide if I am going to watch something on TV or play some of my DVD's.  I hope you stayed warm and dry if you are in the areas that got snow today.  Be safe.  Stay indoors if you can and don't get out and drive in that stuff!  ***Hugs***

Friday, November 20, 2015

Almost Human Again....

Today started off a bit on the rocky side but, little-by-little, it improved.  I did drink enough water today and even managed coffee plus almost a full bottle of gingerale.   I ate dinner (albeit soup and crackers) but at least I ate.  I had nibbled on a few pretzels earlier in the day (I think I needed the salt more than anything) but they were pretzel rings, which I think are rather novel.  I still am having bouts of diarrhea but less and less as the day has progressed.

The Beast was a bit more attentive today after missing the cues yesterday and he at least asked me how my knee was and if my tummy was still upset (his way of avoiding the *D* word...LOL).  Once this IBS is gone and I am sure of that, I MUST get in to see my doctor and attempt to get the IBS-D medication that they have been advertising on TV.  I like the fact that it can stop the attacks for anywhere from 10-24 weeks.  I want to be sure he knows just how insulting that doctor in Gadsden was when I went to see him.  

It's one thing I do not really like about little empathy, especially for women.  They really must not think we have pain like a man does.  Perhaps it's because of what we endure in childbirth.  I have no clue.  Of course, we do kind of pretend to be superwomen around our children but...still!  I suppose I like our (male) doctor due to the fact that he seems to be more empathetic than the usual doctors.  It's also why I like the surgeon that did my arterial bypasses.  I really put him through the grinder, so-to-speak, before I let him do my surgury the first time.  I was so sick of the male genders treatment of my concerns that I was loaded for bear when he showed up.  He likes to tell that story to the nurses from time-to-time. 

Anyway, I am pretty sure I will be very much better by tomorrow although I somehow doubt I will be up to going to the store for the things I need to make to take to the Princess' house for Thanksgiving.  I will have to make a list and give it to the Beast and hope for the best.  It should be simple enough for him since the only unusual things on it will be the oysters.  I just hope they aren't sold out of the miniature marshmallows for the sweet potato casserole.  I can use the big ones but they tend to puff up too much and are messy.

I'm hoping to see my sister, Cee, sometime this weekend.  It will be nice to see some one else's face other than the Beast.  I did see Chewlee, briefly, on Tuesday and a fleeting glance at the Princess when she ran in to get her but that's not like a real visit.  And I didn't get to see sweet Gunner at all.  I'll see them on Thursday, however, so that works for me.  I would rather feel good then anyway.

I'm not going to push this tonight since I don't want to go overboard and take a step backward.  I desperately need to take a shower and get some of this sweat off me that is making me itch.  I wish I had some more of my nice smelling body wash left (Oh, I have a tablespoon or so but that won't really do the job...LOL).  I'll pick some up on Monday or Tuesday when I feel MUCH better...I hope.

Love you all.  Bundle up.  We've got chilly weather ahead for all of us from what I am seeing on the Weather Channel.  It's even going down into the 20's at night for us next week...yikes!  No snow...please, no snow!!!    Drive carefully...and, if you plan on any traveling next week, be sure to check on driving conditions before you leave.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Off My Feed...Again....

It was not at all possible yesterday to blog and I am sorry for that but that was the least of my worries.  I was hit by another IBS attack and it left me feeling weak and sick to my stomach.  I couldn't even manage to drink as much water as I should have.  The Beast thought it was my knee that was keeping me in my recliner but that was actually doing well as long as I didn't twist it.  Which, of course, I didn't!

This time I have been running a slight fever and I think that was due more to the fact that I was dehydrating but the Beast brought me in one of the two-liter bottles of gingerale and that helped my stomach settle down a lot.  

I can't stay upright for long so I am going to just say...tune in again tomorrow and we shall see if this station is back online...LOL


Tuesday, November 17, 2015


If I thought I was sick yesterday, it was nothing compared to how I feel tonight.  I was fine earlier.  I woke up feeling much better.  Just one of those 24 hour bugs, I guess.  No fever.  No nausea and no diarrhea.  I had to go pick up Chewlee from her new school and got in the wrong line because she was a third grader.  She went to the school building BEHIND the main building so I had to wait for the gal to stop the cars so I could get out of the parking spot I had been asked to pull into since I had to go into the office to show my ID and let them check to make sure I was *on the list*.....

But, once I got to where she was waiting outside with a few others that hadn't been picked up yet, no one checked my ID since Chewlee ran up to the car yelling, *Grandma*.  I still feel good at this point.  BUT...I take a few bulky items out of my computer room that I had in there to be washed, head towards the washing machine and slip on a pair of the Beast's glasses that he had dropped on the floor and not picked up.  I couldn't see them.  All I knew was that my toes hit something that slipped and sent me down on one knee with a THUD!

Talk about hurting more and more as time went on.  It's black and blue, slightly swollen and I can barely walk.  I tried wrapping it in an ACE bandage but it seems to be making it feel even worse.  I felt around the knee and nothing seems out of place.  I can bend it, straighten it and even twist it slightly but it is so damn painful that I can't stand it.  After I post this, I am going to take a pain pill and hope it helps.  If not, I will probably be up all night.

It was actually kind of nice out except for the  wind today.  It was in the upper 60's when I left to go pick up Chewlee.  I had to because of the Beast's doctors appointment at the Pain Clinic.  He didn't give the Beast an epidural shot today because his back wasn't hurting him all that much.  But the doctor said if it started hurting him again, he was to call right away and then come in.  I took these same shots quite a few years ago after an accident where I was rear-ended and had whip lash.  I really thought that was a made up injury until it happened to me.  It helps for a while but doesn't last.  I had to take several shots (that were all that were allowed on my insurance since the other driver had no insurance and also hadn't lived at the address on his driver's license for several years ...of course!).  

I did get all my wash done, folded and put away before the pain became crippling.  I yelled at the Beast for dropping his glasses on the floor and not sliding it out of the way of our foot traffic.  He's so used to ME picking up the things he's dropped but I have to know he dropped them or see them.  With my arms full, there was no chance I could see that.  Oh boy...getting a bit nauseous right now from the pain. There...took the pain pill with full hope that it helps.  It's one of the stronger ones I have.  Should kick in within a half hour. Sooner I hope.

It's staying actually kind of warm at night.  I had to turn down my heating blanket or I started sweating.  It's 12:30am and it's still 65 outside.  We are under a wind advisory with gusts up to 40mph.  That can't be good.

I have to close this for now.  Love you all and I hope your week started off fine and continues the same way.  ***Hugs***

Today Was NOT A Good Day For Me......

I woke up today feeling really more ways than one.  Something has been trying to come down with me all day.  I've had a slight fever, been suffering from diarrhea (and that went into a full IBS mode!), plus I kept trying to throw up.  However, with nothing really in my stomach, that didn't produce much.  My nose has been running and I'm producing a LOT of that snotty stuff each time I blow it.  

The Beast tried to feed me, even going to Captain D's and buying me the shrimp dinner that I usually love.  But I couldn't face it without wanting to vomit again so it's sitting in the fridge in case I feel better tomorrow.  I've been drinking ice water and didn't even have any coffee today...and you know I really feel awful if I can't even face a cup of coffee!

The Beast has to go to the Pain Clinic tomorrow for his back.  The doctor gave him a prescription for Tramadol but just enough for a month.  If they want to give him something from the Pain Clinic, he'll get a new prescription I guess.  His back problem really is serious.  He's afraid to lift anything the least bit heavy because it becomes immediately unbearable.  He's been taking a pain pill before bed and sleeping under my small heading blanket.  He's finished with the Prednisone tablets which he had to take for five days and each day the dose diminished.  But those helped at least and he stopped whining all the time.

Then...on Wednesday, he has to see his pulmonary doctor again for an assessment and he'll get more of the stuff he has to use when his COPD gives him a *beating*.  The doctor has been really good about giving him some of the samples he gets from the various drug companies.  He also tells him to call the office when he needs more and he goes and picks them up.  That's a really nice doctor but he worries about his older patients being able to afford the drugs and possibly not using them when they really need them.  It happens.

If I continue to feel this bad, I will go in and see my doctor.  I have a feeling that I may have gotten this from Chewlee since she was sick today (and throwing up...the Princess was complaining that she passed by the bathroom on her way to the kitchen where she WAS going to throw up in the garbage.)  Instead, she hit the floor.  What is wrong with kids???  LOL  Actually, Chewlee had told me she thought her toilet was yukky so I guess that's why she didn't want to use it.

I need to go back to bed now.  I really, really hope to feel better tomorrow.  Pray for me.  I could use all the help I can get.

Love you all.  Be good, take care of yourself and drive carefully.  The weather is really weird out there so be prepared for anything from thunderstorms to snow.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Chewlee And The Reindeer.....

I mentioned yesterday that Chewlee helped me do Rudolph.  Well, today I noticed that Rudolph looked rather sickly.  His face had a definite grey look so I had to repaint it.  It involved covering up some of Chewlee's little decorations.  She wanted to take it home with her but I showed her what I had done so she took home the other one that I repaired for her mother.  

However, even though I told her to be careful with it, she obviously hit something hard and the other antler broke off.  At first, I thought it was the one I repaired but, when I looked closer as I was gluing it, I saw it was a new break.  This one is going to require a little bit of paint since it chipped in two places.  The Beast, who had driven her home, came in to give it to me and said the Princess wanted to know if it came with a warranty....LOL!  But it's repaired now and I am going to let it dry a bit more and then touch up the paint.  I'll finish up Rudolph tonight, too.  I suppose I will drive it over to her house.  I may call Cee and ask her if she wants to go with me to see the trees all decorated.  The Beast said the house looks really nice.  He even saw the tree and said she had done a heck of a job on it.  

I didn't go to the store today like I wanted to because it was so cold and I had no clue where Chewlee was.  The Beast had let her go over to the neighbors house without telling me.  I did run down to the Dollar General and pick up some grossly overpriced shrimp and made some Shrimp Alfredo with Angel Hair spaghetti.  It was delicious and there is almost nothing left of it.  I may eat what is left in a little bit if I get hungry.  I was only gone for less than 15 minutes, it's that close to us.  I like it for the convenience.  I also found some rather pretty little inserts for the Princess to use for the sleigh since I know the flowers that are in it are getting a bit...well, weathered...LOL.

I had to do a load of wash for myself since I got a bit messy while painting up Rudolph.  I got some paint on my jeans so decided to go ahead and do some wash.  It was really cold out today.  It said it was 52 but the humidity was high...100% and it wasn't even raining.  That made me turn on the heat in my computer room.  It's one of the coldest rooms in the house since it's in the rear corner of the house.  By the time the sun hits it in the afternoon, it's almost dark AND the trees in back are so big they block the sun.  There's a stand of big spruce and pine trees on the property line in back.  It's fairly decent in here until around 4:30pm or so.  But it doesn't warm up at all until around noon.  The temperature really drops when it's windy out and it was windy out, too.  Yuck!

Chewlee can be really funny at times.  She asked if she could come over next weekend and stay at Sam's house.  Sam is a boy around 12 years old and, when we had Chewlee living with us those couple of years, she played with him often.  He's a nice kid and is the one that the dog attacked last year.  

The dog was actually trying to get at Sam's dog that he had picked up to protect since he didn't know the dog (it was the one that was guarding the herd of goats at the farm about a block away).  It was friendly with Baron but didn't like Sam's little sausage mixed breed dog at all.  We recently found out that both the guard dogs were put down after the attack because it wasn't the first time it had happened and the farmer didn't want to take any chances.

Anyway, when I told Chewlee she couldn't spend the night at Sam's house, she said...."But he has bunk beds, Grandma!"  She really didn't understand why it would be inappropriate.  I told her not to even ask because he was too big to have a girl overnight, especially in his bedroom.  Sam is a nice kid but you don't tempt fate.

Well, the Beast is in bed and it's still early so I am going to do the touch-ups on both the reindeer while I watch TV.  Love you all and I hope you had a great weekend and a good week.  Be happy.  Smile a's good for your face muscles.  Your smile may be the only good thing that someone sees all day.  You never know....   ***Hugs***

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Chewlee Has A Sleepover......

As usual, Chewlee gave me a hard time about going to bed but I insisted so she finally got her stuffed animals together and went to bed.  Of course, this was AFTER we had watched the final two movies in the Harry Potter series.  She was glad that Voldemort was finally defeated and Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione were all married.  She even got to see Draco Malfoy who had also married and had a son he was sending off to school at Hogwarts.  *Sigh*  I really hated to see that series end.  

We also did up the Rudolph for the set that I gave to the Princess.  It was made for me by the Beast's Auntie Emm more years ago than I care to remember.  But she will take care of it, I know.  It's got to be considered a kind of family treasure.  It's very different.

I let Chewlee take charge of putting part of the decorating on Rudolph.  He's different from the other deer that is part of the display but he SHOULD be different other than the red nose, don't you think?  I also put a coat of varnish on him to protect the paint.  I then put a coat on the sleeping deer.  I will have to varnish the other two deer and the sleigh, I guess.  They are just a bit more *shiny* than they were.  But it will help them last and not fade.  I used it on my gnome that I have at the front door and it's held up beautifully.  I think I did that one about seven or eight years ago.  It had faded badly but I repainted it and then varnished it.  It looks as good now as it did when I first repainted it.

Chewlee has taken up reading the Harry Potter books.  She's on book five right now (Order of Phoenix) and I am so happy she's doing that.  The books are much more detailed than the movies and I know she will like that.  Her school gives them some kind of special credits for the books they read and she has almost 300 points so far.  It helps them move up in their reading groups.  She's also learning to tackle comprehension and I saw her sounding out words that she wasn't familiar with.  I'm going to show her where to go to learn what the word mean since she doesn't have a dictionary handy.  

She's fascinated with my book that I am putting on Word so that I can download it onto a disk to send out to agents when I finish it.  She says she would like to learn how to write stories because she has a problem with doing that.  She can get extra credit for that, I gather.  She says she has a problem with thinking up a subject.  I was showing her that subjects for a story can be found anywhere...from birds to insects to Indians and so on.  She just has to find something that interests her and then think about what they could be doing that would interest someone else that reads it.  

We watched some videos of Birds of Paradise.  That fascinated her because some of them are incredibly beautiful.  The men that made the videos are attempting to document all 39 varieties of them.  We saw only about 20 of them so they have a way to go yet.  

She started to write a story about the first Thanksgiving, including the menu since they had run out of flour so there was no bread although they did make a kind of fried bread from some of the corn that they grew.  I showed her how to find out what the real names of the Indians were so that she didn't have to make them up.  She was attempting to make it more spectacular than it was but I showed her where the settlers were grateful for the help of the Indians and the menu which included various fowls (they referred to all of the birds that were edible as turkeys but they probably were not).  She didn't know what venison was but I think she will learn since her daddy hunts.  He hasn't been on one for a couple years now but I understand that he can field dress and cut up a deer in about an hour.  That's really incredible.   His father was really proud of that.

They now live out in the boondocks and I'll bet that they will see deer in his area soon enough.  Right now there are people leasing part of their land to have grazing for their cattle.  Once the boundaries are set out by the surveyors, they will be able to fence it in for the cattle they want to have.  They own 10 acres of land and that should help them out a bit so they won't have to put feed out all the time.  They will have to buy hay but that shouldn't be a problem.  I see it being delivered to the farms around here all the time.  

Time to put myself to bed so I will close for now.  Love you all.  I am glad if you enjoy my boring life.  If nothing else, it makes you appreciate your own life...LOL!  Have a great weekend.  ***Hugs***

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Remember When????

Remember when students that went to college actually went to learn something?  Oh, there are still those that do but I am totally shocked at the sheer number of students that want a diploma but don't expect to have to learn anything along the way.  They are the same ones that coasted through school because it became more imperative for students to be promoted so they wouldn't *feel bad* rather than having to meet the same standards that other students had to meet.  The grade curves got lower and lower and lower so that it was made to seem like the schools were actually achieving better success rates than they deserved.  That's why so many kids weren't able to read in high school.  Worse...these same kids became the ones that insisted on being admitted to college (or else it was *prejudice* that was preventing them from admission...not the fact that they were self-important idiots!).  They also took out huge student loans that were not spent for learning..except marginally when they couldn't help it.  Now these self-same students are the ones that are trying to get free college education and have all the student loans just wiped out.

Tell me...when was the last time that you heard of anyone that majored in Philosophy go0t a job in that field?  I'll bet most people can name at least a half dozen courses of study that are totally useless in the job market...but do you think that some of these kids actually care?  No, they just want to be able to say they went to college even if they can't put a sentence together in the proper tense.  *I are smart!*   <<Rolling eyes>>

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard that they are now *afraid* on campus and have forced a major university to send out a letter that states they can call the police if......get this!.....someone hurts their feelings (and that makes them afraid???).  Oh this is just what the men in blue need...stupid damn phone calls because someone's feelings are hurt?  Do they really think that their feelings won't be hurt out in the *real*  world?  It makes me want to cry for all the REAL students who WANT to learn and  not just coast along on their *feelings* of being forced to learn something or having their feelings hurt by such unrealistic expectations?  And to think that some truly deserving students were probably denied a spot because of these idiots.  We have truly seen the death of all common sense and it's not only died, it was strangled!  

What I find truly pathetic is all the parents of these students not seeing that it is THEIR fault that this crap is going on.  They have never felt that their children should have to face the consequences of their actions.  They have refused to believe their kids were ever guilty of, no, was always someone else's fault or it was prejudice or any number of reasons other than the fact that the kids were never made to DO anything constructive.  And they were never punished for the bad choices they made, either.  

It's tough being a good requires follow-up and toughness of resolve.  Bad parenting is much easier.  It's a refusal to think your child/children are anything but picked on and falsely accused.  It requires nothing further but to let your child/children do what they want to do.  It's easy.  That way the parents lives are not disrupted and the kids find out that they can do whatever they want, get whatever they want and people actually are AFRAID to deny them anything.  How did we come to this end?  I don't really think it happened quickly.  It was baby steps.

It started with small losses of basic liberties.  One after another after another.  Then the *politically correct* crap started.  Now all those incredibly stupid things that we didn't bother to protest because we thought that *no one with any sense would take this seriously* has come to bit us in the ass.  This is how I think most dictators ended up in power.  Good men said nothing until it was too late.  I'm afraid we've given over too much power to the most incredibly stupid people and they get all indignant when you object to anything they want to do.  Obviously,, there is something seriously wrong with YOU, right?

I'm not going to go forward any further with this right now.  I'm too tired to do it justice and I hope I am not in the minority.  Leave a comment if you have something to share.  

Love you all.  Keep warm.  Stay dry.  ***Hugs***

Oops! I Seem To Have Forgotten Something....

I totally forgot to blog last night/this morning.  Color my face red.  I just was busy doing a bit of research and reading and thinking and it was all about THE BOOK.  That's how I will refer to it from now on.  It's almost like I was thrown back in time again and was so totally engrossed in THE BOOK that I could have starved and never noticed it.

I happened to look over to my right only because I caught a glimpse of something that didn't belong there and it was a box.  It was addressed to me and said it was a gift on the label.  I knew it had to be from Carol (she is the only one that sends me gifts these days) and it was more of the coffee she has gotten me addicted to....LOL.  I love her generous heart but she has her boys that need her help more than I do.  I think the Beast would eventually break down and pay the price because he hasn't found anything he likes as well.  Love you, Carol, my dear, sweet friend.  Now...stop!  It's almost Christmas time and you have to get ready for your son and daughter-in-law's visit, right?  Get your presents wrapped and ready for your family.  I am wishing for an end to the drought for you for my gift to you with a little help from Mother Nature.  I know that would be the most appreciated of all (if the snow continues in the mountains, it should be a shoo-in!)

It was a really nice day yesterday.  The Beast even took Baron for a run and Baron spotted a squirrel and started chasing it.  He chased it up a tree in the midst of a thorn patch and then couldn't figure out how to get out of it.  The Beast has to go in and rescue him...LOL.

He bought a ham and we made it up for dinner.  It had to be about an 11 lb. ham and he had to cut up parts of it to freeze as well as putting aside some of it for sandwiches.  I'll have to make us some ham and eggs one morning (or evening..who knows?).

He had bought some four cheese mashed potatoes so I made those up to go with the ham.  I also made up some broccoli but really wished he had bought some cranberry sauce to go with the ham.  But he doesn't like it as much as I do so that would be something he wouldn't feel like searching for.  If it doesn't just fall into his hands, it's too much trouble.

I have to go to the store tomorrow and pick up the stuff for making the food I am bringing over to the Princess'.  I can make it up ahead of time and freeze it until I defrost and cook it before making the trip.  I'll save the marshmallows to add at the Princess' house since it doesn't take that long in the oven before they are ready to serve.

Once I have the shopping for that done, I can relax and get back to THE BOOK.  Besides, the weather is going to suck this weekend and will be cold all next week.  Perfect weather to be busy indoors.  

I'll get this posted now.   Love you all and I will put up a Post-it note to myself not to forget to blog tonight.  Be good.  ***Hugs***

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

After Spending Four Nights Up So Late.....

..I didn't think I would be able to sleep all night.  But, I did!  It was a bit of a surprise to me when I woke up this morning that I really DID fall asleep and not even wake up to use the bathroom....LOL!

It's still early in the morning and the Beast and Baron are still sleeping.  I felt tired and went to bed around midnight (after taking a 3 hour nap, mind you).  I hoped that I would fall asleep but really didn't think I would.  So it was a real surprise to me when I woke up and it was full daylight.  I can see the sun shining on the tops of the trees outside my computer room window.  It's supposed to be around 70 degrees today and I think this is the day that Cee will more than likely return my DVD to me.  She isn't quite ready to face cold winds (which we had for the past few days) and rainy, overcast weather.  Heck, neither was I.  But then you know how much I hate the cold.

At least it hasn't been cold enough to get snow of any kind and for that, I am grateful.  I know the kids would love it but they can wait...LOL.  We usually only get one or two good snow days here every year but with the changing weather, who knows what will happen this year?

I've been working on my book for the past couple days.  It's really kind of tough to get back into the mind frame I had when I started it so long ago.  I'm glad I made so many notes for myself when I was running out of time to devote to it.  So I've been doing a lot of reading and putting all these things back into play in my mind. 

The weird thing is that last night I had a dream about my book again and I can't wait to make the changes that I envisioned.  This is really how I started the book in the first place...from a dream that I had.  It was so vivid in my mind when I woke up that I had to write it down.  I thought it would make a nice little story that I could submit to a magazine or something but I didn't really realize that it would end up a book.

So I am going to close this for now and hope I can work on it without the Beast interrupting me until I get the changes made.  He's done that to me a couple times the past few days.  He's also tried to get me to start a Bible study with one of the women at his church but I told him I wasn't interested.  I hope he stops trying to convert me.  It's not that I don't believe in God.  I always have but I don't believe in the God that HE does.  Enough said.

Love you all.  Be good.  Be happy.  Be kind.  It costs you nothing but a smile most of the time.  ***Hugs***

Monday, November 9, 2015

Isn't It Strange How..... can be doing something like...well, typing up a document and you will still be able to have thoughts flitting through your mind about something else?  All without making a mistake (you proofread what you typed)?  How weird is that?  

I was typing up the introduction to my book after I had gone over it several times and made a few minor corrections.  When I began typing it, mostly in autopilot, I started thinking about when I had the job I loved the most.  I was a copywriter for an advertising company.  My major job was writing commercials for various clients that used us for their TV, radio and newspaper advertising.  Oh, we also did brochures and other printed matter for them, too, but that depended on what their business was.  Heck, we even made arrangements for things like pens, calendars, keychains and many types of giveaway items for them also.  We had several different suppliers we worked with but always made sure our clients got the very best prices.  That was much easier for US due to the fact that we had such a large client base.  But I digress....

This was actually my dream job.  I didn't have a degree that qualified me for the job but what I DID have was talent.  I didn't start out copywriting.  I began in Customer Service.  Since we had a national customer base and several hundred various clients, there were six of us Customer Service reps.  We each had a different area of the country that we took care of and would put in the requests for whatever the client wanted and the information applicable to ensure they got what they wanted.  The copywriters got the requests for anything that needed to be written up and also worked with the artists on printed matter for publication, TV storyboards, T-shirt designs, etc.  All these requests included the dates that the clients needed them.  We submitted these to the Traffic Dept. and they were then assigned to various copywriters. 

I did, at times, if there was a rush on a radio commercial, write up the script myself.  I knew the clients better than the writers did most of the time so I would write it up, call the client, read the copy to them and get their approval.  If they didn't like it, I would ask more questions and then write up another script.  Once I had their approval, it went to the Head writer and I would explain to him why I had gone ahead and written the script for the customer.  He would then read it, make sure it fit with their campaign, initial it and I would then take it to the Recording studio and give it to the head of that department for recording.

Now, I really didn't have to have the Head writer initial what I had done.  If the customer approved it, that was all that was required.  But I had a plan.  I wanted to prove to the Head writer that I had talent.  I wanted to become known for being able to be helpful when needed.  The writers all seemed to be overloaded all the time so I knew help was needed.

The gal that was in charge of Traffic (she handed out the various assignments and kept track of making sure that they were ready when needed), got to know my work because she also was one of the *voices* used in the radio commercials.  She liked some of the humorous ones I wrote and felt I tailored all my work to the areas of the country that I covered (mostly the Midwest and Central Plains areas).  I was from the Chicago area and I knew people in many of the states I took care of as a customer service rep.  She was a true blue New Yawker (forgive me) from Brooklyn and didn't really understand the difference in the way they thought.  I did.  It helped a lot.

Little-by-little, she started asking me for my help when the other writers were behind in their assignments.  I would take care of writing whatever they needed, going over it with them and getting their approval and then rush it into her hands so she could hit whatever department head with the need for a rush.  I ended up doing that for her a LOT!  Even the Head writer started coming to me for help when he saw a lot of assignments in one of the writers inboxes and he would find one or two that needed to be done right away.

One day, the big boss came into my office after a meeting that had been held with all the department heads.  He asked me to come into his office after lunch (he was on his way out to lunch at the time) because he wanted to discuss a problem with me.  I was a wreck when he left.  I figured I was going to be chewed out or at least told I couldn't write any more since it *wasn't my job* and I knew how unqualified I was for it in his eyes.  He was BIG on have degrees from college...and not the 2 year kind, either.

So, after lunch, I presented myself and was ushered into his very plush office and I sat down.  I hoped my voice wasn't going to crack as I braced myself for what I knew was coming.  I also didn't want to cry...not in front of him, anyway.  I was totally taken aback by his complementing me on how well my customers told him that they enjoyed having me as their rep.  *Ut oh,* I thought.  I'm going to get fired.  Why I thought that, I can't really explain.  

He then went on to ask why this one gal in our department was so upset by me.  A light bulb came on in my head.  I told him that I knew she wanted the job as Customer service department head and she felt I was standing in her way both because of how the customers liked me and because I was senior to her with the company.  I told him I had told her that I didn't want the job but she didn't believe me since she thought it was such a desirable position and would give anyone status.  That's when he leaned back, looked intently at me and then said, *Well, if you aren't interested in being the head of customer service, what is it that you would like to do?  

That's when I took my chance and said, *I want to write, Sir.  I have been doing a lot of it to help out (head writer) and (traffic department) for several months now and I think I have proven that I have talent for it.*  I then shut my mouth and just waited to see what questions he might ask or if he would give me a speech about no degree...whatever.  I braced myself and tried not to show how all the nerves in my body were just chattering (at least it wasn't my teeth!).  Imagine my surprise when he said, *Well, I have no say so in that area so you have to discuss it with (head writer).  If he approves, then you can move into that department...with whatever salary he feels you should have, of course.*  I almost couldn't stand up, my knees were so weak but I thanked him and said I would go talk to (head writer) right away.

As I turned to leave, he said two more things to me.  *Oh, and if he approves, give (bad mouthing gal) all YOUR client folders...or should I just have (janitor/handyman) bring a dolly and move your file cabinet?  I'll make sure you get another, smaller, one for your supplies, of course.  You can also keep your office.  It's much nicer than any of the ones you would have to take if you moved into the writers area.  I like the ambiance and decorations you have in it, by the way.*  With that he chuckled and I left.

The head writer approved of my becoming one of *his* people and was glad I got to keep my office where it was.  All he had available were two very small offices and I think he was using one of them for some things he was storing.  My salary was darn near double what I had been making in customer service (and I wasn't getting as much as he said he would like to give me since he knew how productive I was while also tending to my CS duties.  He said he would not be able to justify it to (Big Boss) without my having a degree or without a track record that (Big Boss) could see.

When (Bad mouthing b**ch) heard about my *promotion*, she was livid since it was a much better promotion than her coveted one was.  I just smiled when she came to congratulate me (ever the Southern gal...butter wouldn't melt in her mouth).  **Muttering under my breath..hypocritical little back-stabber**.  Her smile was almost brittle...LOL.

So there's the story of how I got the job I loved the most out of all my jobs.  It was my dream come true.  It might not have been writing for a newspaper or magazine but it was a great way to have to use my imagination and creativity.  Those were the days, my friend.....

Love you all.  I hope your Monday wasn't too much of a shock to your system and your weather was manageable.  Be happy.  Be kind to yourself and others.  Inspire a smile on the faces of the people around you by spreading yours around generously!  ***Hugs***  

Sunday, November 8, 2015

I Found Myself Surprised.....

Today I spent the morning re-reading my manuscript.  Since it had been more years than I care to admit, reading it was a weird experience.  Although I wrote what was on all the pages, it was like reading something someone else had written.  Okay, I'll tell you how long it has been....almost 30 years since I first put down the words that started this adventure....  My son, Marcus, was about 14 or 15 then and he is now 42 years old.  *Sigh*  

I read the *vocabulary* of the plant life, animals, people, etc.  Then I read the synopsis that I had put together back then.  I read the names of the people, their occupations, and so many other things that aren't necessary to put down for you to understand that I seemed to be very thorough in the things that I needed to remember.  I even put together notes for myself on the basic plot.  You have to understand that it is not necessarily what you put down in your synopsis.  It's more like you make notes on the twists and turns that you want to be aware that you planned so that the story will end the way you envisioned it.

I was actually kind of impressed with myself on many of the different characters and the way I made their personalities not only unique to them, but kept them in character.  I'm going to have to re-read this a few times to get myself back into the flow of the story before I write anything new unless I am suddenly driven to do so.  People who find they will get the strong urge to write will understand.  For years, I have fulfilled this urge in myself by writing letters since I had so many *life* things that interfered with anything more.  I might have been hit by the urge to get back into my book sooner if it hadn't been for the business, the Beast's strokes and recovery, then the moves.  First to the other coast of Florida, the building of the house there, then the search for this house, the subsequent move after the business was paid off, then all my surgeries.  

Now that I have been pretty much given a clean bill of health, so-to-speak, I have had dreams about working on the book again.  This is what drove me to take up this project.  Now the hard part starts.  It is harder to have to re-type completely the story that is completed so that it can go onto a disk AND have to complete it.  I think, however, that it will allow me to get back into the whole idea that I started with and develop it seamlessly by doing so.  Keep me in your thoughts...make it good ones...LOL!

I made us some jambalaya today using sausage.  I happened to use one of those mixes you can buy and found it a little on the bland side so I added a few things to it to make it more New Orleans style.  I just wish I had some shrimp to go in it, too.  But, since I made it kind of last minute, it turned out fairly good.  The Beast loved it but he hasn't had any for almost 50 years.  I've eaten it a few times more than he has even if it wasn't in New Orleans.  That's where we were when I fell in love with the exotic taste of it.  I've had it with clams, shrimp, smoked sausage and even with crab added.  A kind of spicy twist on a French dish that I can't spell at the moment because I am tired.  Forgive me.

It was cold here today yet they say we will be back up around 70 by Wednesday.  It was supposed to get up into the 60's but our high was just 54.  LOL...get this!  Our low was predicted to be 46 degrees but it's already 44 outside (with winds of 20mph so it feels like 41).  We didn't get any rain but our humidity is 98%!  I guess it's no surprise that we are supposed to have rain tomorrow (as well as some tonight while we sleep).  Our high for tomorrow is only going to be around 53 degrees.  I will be hibernating and just concentrating on my book, tyvm!  At least, after that, we should be getting a break and seeing mostly sunny skies.  It doesn't seem as cold when you have lots of sun, doesn't it?

I think Cee is going to return my DVD that I lent her on Wednesday so she won't have to bundle up too much.  I'm going to lend her one of my large pans so that she can make enough green bean casserole for the crowd that the Princess expects for Thanksgiving day.  I'm actually looking forward to some of her cornbread stuffing.  As a Yankee girl, I had never had it until I tasted it last year at her house.  Yum!  I was really surprised at how good it was.  Cee is looking forward to tasting deep fried turkey since she's never had it before.  Dennis and Diane made it at our house one Thanksgiving when we lived in Port Charlotte To our surprise, we loved it!  I didn't expect it to be so good and we cleaned that up in nothing flat.

I'm making some oyster dressing (I know the Princess likes it and a few others) and the sweet potato casserole.  I'm going to make it from real sweet potatoes this year instead of the canned yams.  It really makes a difference you can taste even with the sweet things added to it.  It's a slightly different texture, too.  But I can eat it either way but I just feel like making it the real way for a change.  

Since I am going to be making stuffing, I am going to make some regular bread stuffing that I will bake in a loaf pan for us to use over the Thanksgiving weekend.  I may have the Beast pick us up a small turkey (if they have such a thing) and, if he does, I'll just save the stuffing to roast in the turkey itself when I cook it up.  I can divide up the bread stuffing before I save the part I want for regular stuffing and make the oyster dressing for the dinner at the Princess' house. 

This is making me kind of hungry so I'm not going to write about this any more.  I'll be looking around for a snack and I really am NOT hungry so I don't need that.  Time to close for the night.   I'm really kind of *mind* tired and my eyes are starting to hurt a bit.  Love you all.  I wish you a great week and weather that you can endure, whatever it may be.  Drive defensively.  The life you save may be your own, remember....   ***Hugs***

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Busy, Busy...In A Different Way.......

After being up so late to update Cee's GPS, I had no problem going to sleep.  I woke up shortly after 8am feeling strangely awake.  So I dressed, got some coffee and then gathered up what I needed to bring to her house and left around 10am.  It was a nasty morning.  It was overcast, drizzling quite heavy and just not the least bit cheerful.  I had to stop to put gas into my Yaris and I really felt like an idiot.  I haven't had to put gas into my car for a couple years since the Beast took over doing that for both cars.  So, when I stopped, I had forgotten just where the release was for the gas tank.  

I kid you not.  And, wouldn't you know it, it wasn't marked anywhere and no booklet in the car either.  So I am pulling, pushing and finally noticed this area on the left side of the dashboard, near the door, that had the look of a section that might just be able to be pulled outward.  Sure enough, when I did that, I heard that *thunk* that meant the panel had opened.  I looked out my door and it was open.  Breathing a sigh of relief because I REALLY needed the gas after that trip out to the Princess' house (it is truly out in the boondocks).  I hope she tells her guests that are from out of the area that they will need a GPS to find it.  LOL!

So, I had called Cee to make sure she would be home when I got there (she was) and was able to bring her back her top that I borrowed on Monday, her GPS and my movie (Jurassic World) that I told her she could borrow.  We visited for a bit but I had things to do and she was going to get dressed and do some grocery shopping even if the day was icky.

Me?  I needed to come home and get into putting a book I started writing several years back onto Word Perfect so that I could put it on a CD when I get an agent.  Years ago, when I didn't know any better, I submitted my book (a Science Fiction one based on..don't laugh...a dream I had that I woke up and remembered.  It was so interesting to me...and so different...that I just HAD to write it down.  I really thought it might make an interesting submission as a short story to one of the scifi magazines.  I had no idea it would end up as a book.  It's not finished but, when I pulled out my folder, I realized that I had done more than I thought.  Not just as far as the story goes but also a complete outline of the book, the story synopsis and I listed all the animals, characters, names of places, etc. so that I would be able to keep the story accurate.  

I had submitted the synopsis and about five chapters of the book (in paper form) to several publishing houses.  Doubleday is the only one that actually wrote back to me and informed me of the proper way to try to have my book published.  They gave me the online link for agents, as well as sending me the latest (at that time) publication that listed various agents country-wide and their area of expertise in genre.  They also informed me that I needed to put my book onto a CD after I had put it on Word Perfect since that was the accepted format.  The agent would be able to pitch my book to a publisher IF they thought it was of interest.  I thought it very kind of them to give me that information.  I truly was clueless at the time.

I had started to do that but with an old computer that ended up with a crashed hard drive.  I was only able to write the book because I was, at the time, recuperating with a broken foot that I had to stay off or endure a risky surgery.  I opted to stay off the foot for the six weeks it required before I could return to work.  Thankfully, we owned our own business at the time and I was able to do some of the work at home that our secretary was overloaded with.  But, my daytime was totally devoted to my writing.  I would get so engrossed that I wouldn't even eat.  The time just whizzed by, that's how engrossed I was.  If it hadn't been for Cee at that time, I probably would have starved.  She came over every day and fed me and even did my wash and other things that needed to be done to the house.  I had three of my four kids still at home then.

It was my son, Mark, that I finally let read most of what I had written to see what HE thought of it.  He was totally engrossed with it when he read it and said he wanted me to hurry up and finish because he wanted to know what happened next.  I was very happy since he had been the child that was most difficult to get interested in reading and I had to use several *tricks* to get him interested in these certain Fantasy books that I had found (and read) but, once he started, he started reading lots and lots of books.  He still does to this day and the genre he reads is much more diverse.  He even taught himself a lot of Japanese just from his reading.  So I felt very happy that he thought my book was interesting enough that he wanted to read more.

So, for a while, I will have busy days, transferring it from these printed pages onto my computer on Word Perfect.  I will also be doing some research on agents in my area or at least in states closest to me.  I am sure the list I have is out-of-date and there are new agents and some old ones have retired or died.  My girlfriend, Lynn's, ex-husband (an attorney) was one of the agents listed and even in my genre.  I was reluctant to think about using him, however, as I had my doubts about how a tax attorney would be able to pitch a scifi novel....LOL!  Plus, I thought him a bit of a jerk for what he did to my girlfriend.  At least she went on with her life and made a great one for herself and now lives just outside Las Vegas.   I'm so proud of her.

Now you know what I am going to be busy with when I am not making dinner around here (the Beast and I take turns doing that) or folding clothes or some of the many household things that need to be done.  At least with just the two of us, those tasks are not onerous nor are they time-consuming.  It's one benefit of living in a small house.  

Love you all.  I hope you don't get unexpected (or unwanted) snow show up that interferes with your daily lives.  Dress appropriately and stay happy.  Say a little prayer for me that I get this done.  It would be nice if it led somewhere.  Oh, and I even have different things inserted that would be possible for sequels.  LOL!  I was really *into* this when I started it.  I just hope I don't destroy the original plot line with *improvements*.  ***Hugs***