Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Good News...Bad News!

I went to my regular doctor today and I had several things I had to ask him.  I also had to take my normal A1C test (it tells the doctor what my daily sugar average was for the previous 2-3 months) plus get my flu shot since I was planning on traveling (and being in a closed environment on the plane).  It was merely good thinking on my part, as my doctor told me.

I also wanted to discuss my IBS-D problem with him.  He knew about the new medication for it but was not familiar with any side effects it might have and whether or not it was a good thing to prescribe for me.  He wants me to see a gastroenterologist that specializes in treating my problem.  That's the bad news.  BUT...the good news is that he gave me a prescription for a medication to take immediately when my IBS-D hits me.  I take two pills and can take it up to four times every day until it stops the diarrhea.  He says even at it's worse, I should probably only have to take it twice.  Phew!  

He also told me to buy myself some Depends Silhouette's and wear them when I was on the plane and put a couple in my purse...just in case.  He's not sure how being on a plane might affect my IBS since I have never flown since I was diagnosed with it.  BUT...he said a couple of his patients have used them and find them comfortable and unobtrusive.  I plan on wearing jeans on the plane once I replace the pair that disappeared on me.  I am so befuddled by that, I keep looking for them.  I don't understand how they could just vanish!

The Beast made his *famous* potato pancakes (latkes to those more familiar with that term) today.  The Princess, bless her heart, took it upon herself to peel the potatoes and get the onions ready for him.  Of course, it was her that kind of tricked him into agreeing to make it since he had kind of promised to make some for her when they got into the RV.  Since they close on their house tomorrow, they won't be here for lunch or dinner any more so today was the last opportunity he actually had.

Their appliances won't be delivered for another few days.  The earliest is on Thursday but it might not be until next Tuesday since they didn't have the fridge or the stove in stock locally.  But she will have her little invection appliance and I think they also have a small microwave she can use until they get the things they need.  Tomorrow they will be mostly concerned with getting the beds set up for all of them.  She is looking forward to sleeping on her own bed again.  The RV is okay for weekends or even a week but it's just NOT as comfortable as a real bed and good mattress.

Johnnycakes told her he wants the rec room painted first because then he can put the new floor down in there.  He wants to get the pool and foosball tables in there so they don't warp on them.  Actually, it might be a hockey table...I've seen them but never played them and I mix the names up when I haven't seen them myself.  She told me but you know how it is when you aren't interested in something like that.....

The pharmacist did a strange thing today.  I have no idea why but he wanted to discuss with me all my medications.  He just wanted to find out if I knew what they all were for and ...oh, I almost forgot...he reminded me that the doctor had cut me down to one Metformin tablet twice a day instead of my usual two.  He thinks I can take less diabetes medication and still maintain a good A1C.  I was really happy about that.  He said if I do well in three months (that's when he wants me to come back for another A1C test), he might just take me off it entirely and put me on just glyburide.  Since that is what I took back a few years ago, I was happy about that.  The tablet is really small and very easy to take.  It also melts faster.  I know this because I have had it start to dissolve in my mouth before I even swallowed it...LOL!

I'm piling up a few of the clothes I am taking with me and making a list so I don't forget anything.  I will just buy some shampoo and creme rinse when I get there since they give you such a hard time about anything over three or four ounces.  Not a problem since I stop at this one place to buy stuff like that when I am on my way to Kay's house.  It's right on the way to her house so it's not like I go out of my way.

I think I will call Cee tomorrow and see if she wants to go with me to a couple of the resale shops around here on Thursday or Friday.  I'm going to try to find some jeans that are in good shape and maybe a sweater or two since my old ones are really a bit too big now.  Funny how losing 20 lbs or so can make such a difference, isn't it?   Actually, I lost 28 lbs from when I bought those clothes.  Oh well.  I like the size I am now and will try to keep it somewhere close to 120 from now on.

I'm wearing some winter jammies to sleep at night now.  We've had some really cool weather at night and it's just going to get colder for the next week (down into the 40's at night...brrrr!).  Well, I should close this for now.  It's really long I see and I owe a lot of hints.  I'll keep it down to 3 today and tomorrow.  No more summer hints since we are getting into cooler weather in most of the country now.  

Love you all.  Be good.  Be happy.  Take care of your health and see your doctor regularly.  Don't forget to get your flu shot!  A pneumonia shot wouldn't be a bad idea either if you are older.  Those you only have to take every five years and they don't hurt.  Smile...it takes less muscles than a frown and makes you feel better, too.  ***Hugs***

HINT#1:  Stay under the speed limit.  Your car will begin to lose fuel efficiency once it gets over 60 mph.  One of the easiest ways to save money on gas is to always go the speed limit---and it's safer, too.

HINT#2:  After washing your car, give it a second round just like you would your head---use hair conditioner!  You might think we're crazy, but applying conditioner, leaving on for five minutes, and then rinsing it off will give your car a just-waxed shine.  As an added bonus, it will more effectively repel water!

HINT#3:  Even if you clean your paintbrush thoroughly, the bristles are likely to be stiff after they dry.  Keep them soft and flexible with ordinary hair conditioner.  Jst add a tablespoon of conditioner to a pint of warm water, and after cleaning the brush, dip it in the solution for a few minutes. 

Had A Great Day...!

It was more fun than I thought to make dinner with the Princess today.  I made the salad and the meatloaf while she peeled the potatoes, mashed them and then put together a casserole that tasted like twice baked potatoes.  Yum!  Even the Beast said (at the table) that it was a great dinner.  

The only bad thing was that the Princess, when she plugged in my mixer, accidentally pulled the plug on the coffee.  Ask me how I found out?  LOL.  I went to make a pot of coffee later in the evening, after they were back in their RV, and discovered that the pot was COLD!  It was a real shock.  I knew immediately that it had either been accidentally shut off or unplugged.  I'm pretty sure she thought she had unplugged the coffee grinder.  Unfortunately, it wasn't true.  If you have a Bunn coffee maker, you know it doesn't take long for the tank to cool down.

But, I really did get a kick out of the two of us, working in the kitchen together, got a nice dinner made and we sat down to eat together.  Only Johnnycakes was late because he was sleeping and she didn't want to wake him.  He usually only gets about six hours of sleep before he has to eat and then get ready for work.  At least the meatloaf and the potato casserole were still warm when he woke up and came over to the house.

She had gone out and bought him a birthday cake since today was his birthday.  She usually makes his cakes but that's difficult to do when she had actually forgotten it was his birthday today until after she dropped Chewlee off at school.  The cake was from the Walmart bakery and I was surprised that the butter cream frosting was not super sweet like they usually are.  I like to buy the Publix ones with the whipped cream frosting.  Once you have those, you are spoiled for life!  Nothing else is usually palatable but this one surprised me. 

I was going through my clothes and thinking about what I wanted to pack for my trip next week and made a horrible discovery that truly has me puzzled.  One of the new pair of jeans that I bought two weeks ago is totally missing!  I kid you not.  I searched the house, went through all the closets, inspected every hangar, went through my drawers and even my pajama bin.  I looked in the couches and slid my hand down into the sides of the recliners.  Hey, you never know.  But they are gone.  

They happen to be my favorite ones.  I got the boot cut and bought the extra long so I could cuff them.  They were comfortable and I was sure that I had put them into my hamper to be washed.  But they weren't there.  I even went through the Beast's hamper thinking he might just have seen the jeans and thought they were his.  He bought some new jeans for himself a couple weeks ago and he wouldn't think of holding them up to himself to check.  That's something I think only women do.  

I will have to go to one of the resale shops in the area (and we have quite a few) and see what I can find.  My old pants are all about 3 sizes too big on me.  I weighed myself when I was at the doctors office the other day to get the result of my sonograms and I still weigh in at 120.  *Grin*

Today was another overcast and dreary day.  Both the Princess and I missed out on the eclipse AND seeing the red moon last night.  But at least a few people got some nice pictures of it and posted them on FB.  No chance for tonight either.  Oh well.  She will live to see the next one.  Only I doubt that I will but you never know....LOL.

Love you all.  Please be cautious when driving.  Dress appropriately.  Stay healthy and don't forget to get your flu shot.  I should get mine tomorrow at my regular doctor's office, I hope.  Otherwise, it means I head back to Walgreen's to get it again.  I kind of like the idea that my shot means some child in a third world country will receive their shots.  You might think about that when you get yours.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Doctor's Appointment Rescheduled....

I was already on my way to the doctor's office when I got a call from them.  It seems that my doctor had been called over to the hospital on an emergency consult about one of his patients so I could either see one of the other doctors or reschedule.  I rescheduled for tomorrow morning.  It's not like I am sick.  I just need to get my regular A1C test and I need to ask him about the medication they have for IBS-D.  I definitely want some if it works and doesn't have a bunch of possible side effects.

So, I just went to Walmart and picked up what I needed to make my meatloaf today.  It turns out it's a perfect day for it.  It's overcast and drizzling out.  We are supposed to get actual rain later tonight but I can wait for that.  Better then than now.

Yesterday was not really anything special.  Johnnycakes helped some friends move a few things so he had borrowed our trailer to do that.  Then he moved the AC unit that the Beast had taken out of the kitchen window and put it in the cottage.  The Beast admitted that he just can't handle that any more.  I don't think he was feeling all that great anyway.  Then, when we talked this morning, I found out that he was in so much pain last night that he took a pain pill and it made him too sick to sleep well at all.  He doesn't do a heavy pain pill dosage well at all except after a major surgery and he didn't think to ask me for one of mine (which are a lower dosage).  He said he still feels sick to his stomach, like he wants to barf plus he keeps getting leg cramps in both his legs.  Those I think he is getting because he overdoes things at times.  Even lifting the AC unit from the window to the table on the deck would do it for him.

Chewlee and I watched Harry Potter movies most of the day until she went home to get ready for bed.  Well, she WAS ready for bed as far as taking her shower and putting on her pajamas.  That she did here while I kept our movie on *pause* until she was done.  After she left, I continued watching the HP movies (she knows which one we have to start with when she is over for a few hours next time) until I was so darn tired that I couldn't see straight.  That's when I posted what I did about posting today.  I'll post again later tonight.

I stopped before I put in the last two movies from HP (The Deathly Hallows, Parts 1&2).  I don't want to start one without being able to see the other.  I don't care how many times I watch the movies, I still love them.  I told Chewlee that, when she was ready, I have all the HP books here for her to read.  I also told her that the books are actually much better than the movies because there is so much more information and detail in them.  I don't know if she believed me or not since she hasn't really read any books with any depth to them yet but she will find out.  I'm just glad that she likes to read.

Back when my son, Marcus, was young, he hated reading and did awful in it in school.  I tried a lot of different things to get him interested in reading.  I finally found some fantasy books that I thought might do the trick (I had read them) so I talked about them with him.  I didn't give him the books, I just talked about how interesting I thought they were (they were cute!).  He went into my bookcase headboard and picked up one and started reading it.  Before I knew it, he had read them all and that was all he could talk about.  After that, he started reading a lot of different books.  He became my BEST reader.  The trick is to help them find things that interest them and then just let them explore.

Just watching the weather channel where they did a big report on NASA's announcement regarding finding water on the planet Mars.  They sure were cautious about even thinking that with all the observations they have been doing for so many years.  It's not real running water like we are used to but it's there and it's seasonal.  Isn't that amazing?  Also saw our weather report for the week ahead...it sucks!  The next few days will be nasty and then it will still be overcast until the weekend.  Yuck!  I'm glad I remembered to buy us an umbrella.

Time to get busy here and then get my meatloaf ready to pop into the oven.  I'm glad we also have biscuits to serve and I can even make a salad.  Today is Johnnycake's birthday so I want to make sure he eats well before he has to set off to work.  

I hope your day is better than ours.  Love you all.  Be good and smile, smile, smile.  Hopefully, you will get a few back!  ***Hugs***


Very Tired....No Blog Tonight...


Saturday, September 26, 2015

An Interesting Day....

I had two interesting things happen today.  First, I got to see the pictures that the Princess took of the baby on her shoot yesterday.  I saw them BEFORE she worked on correcting them and AFTER.  They turned out amazing!  I was very impressed with them, as were the parents from their comments on FB.  She only put four or five of the pictures on there but had more that she supplied the parents on a CD.  The nice thing is the parents can take them to many places and print out exactly the number they need and it's much cheaper than many photography places would charge.  

The second thing was that the camera the Beast bought for me to replace my old one (it's very old) although he DID get me two new batteries for it plus a new charger.  But the new one is fantastic.  I am going to take pictures of the kids tomorrow (Chewlee and Gunner) to test it and see how they come out.  I need to get familiar with it although the Beast has set up most of it for me but showed me how to access the various programs.  I will have to read the booklet for it and find out how to get it into the movie mode...just in case I ever want to use that.  It will take up to 60 minutes of movies!  I think that's amazing for a digital camera.  I don't know how they do it but isn't it wonderful?

I just realized that I leave in 12 days.  My adopted brother-in-law was bragging their pool was 85 degrees and so was the outside temperature.  Stinker!  I am going to bring my bathing suit...just in case.  Everyone says that summer, although it was late arriving, is hanging on in the Chicago area.  I sure hope so.  But I am bringing my coat...just in case it decides to leave suddenly.  LOL!

I'm going to be limited in the money I will have to spend while up there but it really shouldn't matter.  I only have the one day with the girls that I need to worry about and whatever I spend in the different air terminals while waiting for my flights.  That's purely because of the cost of my plane flights and the car rental cost.  THAT has soared unbelievably!  It used to be $19 a day for unlimited mileage.  It's going to cost me over $240 for just six days this time.  *Gulp* But I don't want to be stuck at Kay's because no one can pick me up and take me where I need/want to go. I hope to be able to see my sister and brother and of course, some of my cousins.  Most important of all, my aunt that is dying of breast cancer.  She opted out of treatment for it, saying she had had a good life and she just wanted to enjoy what time she had with her grandkids and her sons.  She has called in Hospice to ensure that she doesn't end up in a hospital.  She feels the end is close now so I have to go see her.  She is both my aunt and my godmother and I have many lovely memories of her and my uncle.  

What's strange is that I usually feel compelled to write a letter to my loved ones when they are known to be dying to tell them how special they are to me and why.  But I've become a bit superstitious about that because in every case, within a few days of receiving it, they have died.  I just feel like it's unlucky for me to do that now.  Weird, I know but true.  So I haven't written my aunt about why I love her and some of the happy memories she gave me while I was growing up.  I will tell her when I see her instead.

Well, it's late and I need to get to bed.  I love you all dearly and I hope you're having a wonderful weekend so far.  Have a fantastic Sunday and just enjoy your life.  Stay away from negative people.  You don't need that in your life.  Be good.  Be kind.  ***Hugs***

The bad part of being away is that I won't be posting from the 8th  until the 14th.  I'll put up an *ON VACATION* notice so you will know when I am back.  We finished up the Beast's spaghetti today.  It was much better today than yesterday (of course!).  I hope it's the same for the sauce we put in the freezer for next week.  We'll cut up and fry some spicy Italian sausage then add it to the sauce before we eat it.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Chewlee Has A Sleepover.....

It was kind of funny that the Princess and the Beast got together to make spaghetti and meatballs.  That would have been great except for one thing.  The Beast got carried away, added a big can of tomatoes and changed the taste of the spaghetti entirely.  We were trying to fix it by adding various spices but what it really needed was more of the hot Italian sausage.  We put a big bowl of the sauce in the freezer for next week but we are going to fry up some cut up hot Italian sausage and add it, trust me.  That should fix it up.

Of course, Gunner wasn't complaining.  I ended up feeding him, sort of.  He only wanted one noodle at a time.  What was really funny was that Baron was jealous and wanted some, too.  I went to give a noodle to Gunner and Baron snatched it out of my hand.  Gunner laughed because he thought it was a game but it kept up for a while.  One noodle for Gunner, a second one for Baron.  He even slurped one and THAT was really funny to see.

Chewlee asked me first and then her mother if she could spend the night.  She had done well on her spelling and her reading (she's reading a LOT of books now).  Her Florida grandfather (that's what she calls him now) is buying her the *Diary of a Wimpy Kids* series.  She gets sent about 3 books every month and she is eager to read them...in order....as soon as she gets them.  She made some bookmarks the other day and now she is using one of them to mark where she left off.  

She brought the book over to ask me to read a part of one that was in script.  She says they are just learning how to do that.  I assured her that once she learned how the letters all are shaped and how they connect, she will be able to read those by herself.  The section I read to her was a letter from the Wimpy kid's grandmother that he included in his diary. 

She's asleep in the guest room right now and I promised to join her once I get this posted.  She had fallen asleep while we were watching a Harry Potter movie (she loves them).  We will probably watch more tomorrow until her mother gets home from her photo session.  Guess who gets to babysit until Johnnycakes gets home to take over the chore?  I just hope Gunner isn't cranky so I can rock him and get a nice cuddle with him.  He is such a cutie.  

Love you all.  I hope your weekend turns out to be fun for you and that the weather is great.  Be safe.  Drive carefully.  Remember, the life you save may be your own!  ***Hugs***

Thursday, September 24, 2015

I Went To Bed Early Last Night......

....and I actually thought I would wake up at some time during the night and could do my blog.  But, lo and behold, I woke up once to use the bathroom but was too tired to stay up.  Trusting in prior night's experiences, I just tucked myself back into bed and went right back to sleep.  That was what my whole night ended up being like.  Plus, I was halfway worried about missing my early appointment to get my test results from the other day so my sleep was restless, to say the least.

I woke up at 6:30am, and decided I could NOT dare go back to sleep so I showered and got dressed.  I grabbed some coffee around 8am and went to get my purse to leave.  The Beast (always forgetful), looked at me and said, *Where are you going?*  When I said, *....to the doctor's!*  He got this sheepish look on his face and said, *Oh!*  I was glad I left just a bit early because there had been some kind of accident on my route that left the street lights knocked out and slowed traffic down to a standstill at several intersections.  As it was, I still managed to get to the doctor's office 15 minutes before my scheduled appointment.

There were a few people ahead of me, obviously, but I discovered that some of them were there to pick up people having some minor in-office procedure or other.  The regular appointments were scheduled for in-between those.  It explained why there were so many women I could see working when only one doctor was working today.  

When the nurse called me in, I was a bit nervous, wondering just what the *lab rat* tests would have told the doctor.  But he came in, very upbeat and said they were all GREAT!  He thinks the only reason my pulse seemed so much weaker was due to the fact that he didn't press hard enough to feel it since the artery was buried deeper than on an unoperated leg would be.  He also felt the swelling of that foot is probably due to a problem where a vein and artery cross over each other in my hip area but he didn't want to get that tested because the dye used for checking that out can cause some pretty awful side effects on most people.  So, he said that unless it really bothers me, he wouldn't worry about that aspect unless it got worse.  Other than that, I don't have to see him for six months!  That was good news to me and I left his office on an upbeat note!

I came home and just collapsed and promptly fell asleep for a couple hours.  But this time it was a decent kind of sleep.  Much needed and very welcome!  The Princess was here (Gunner was taking his nap) talking with the Beast about her upcoming photo taking sessions with paying customers.  She borrowed one of his lenses that I know about and I think she is going to be using his large lighting screen for tomorrow's session.  I'm babysitting for the one she has on Saturday morning since she has to leave before Johnnycake comes home from work.  

It's a good thing that they are next to us while waiting to close on the new house (which will be next Wednesday she found out today).  Why is it a good thing?  Because it gives the Princess and the kids a place to stay, play and rest (and sometimes eat!) while Johnnycake is sleeping.  Me?  I love how cute Gunner is when we play peek-a-boo.  Or when he is hunting *sissy* (Chewlee) when they are playing hide-and-seek.  Of course, it's always Chewlee hiding.  Gunner hasn't gotten what it means to be the one to hide and STAY hidden.  He always gives himself away by running out and giggling.  

The Beast was testing one of his lenses (he hadn't used it in a while) and he used the Princess as a guinea pig. She kept complaining since her hair was a mess and she had no makeup on but that suited the Beast because he said he needed to test how the flesh tones came out.  He kept changing his various focuses on the lens and taking picture after picture of her.  I finally realized he was doing most of it just to annoy her and laughing over it.  She would go in to see how it came out and then there was more complaining.  Even I laughed over it and she threatened him if he kept any of those pictures to show anyone saying it was NOT fair of him to even think about that.  Of course, what she didn't realize was that she put that thought in his mind when she said it......LOL!

I'm going to be curious how the Princess's photo session pictures turn out tomorrow.  She takes some amazing pictures of Gunner but he's a ham and actually likes to have his picture taken (most of the time).  He's a great subject but not every kid (or even grownup) is a good subject.  Learning how to deal with those types is really going to be her greatest test.

Going to get this posted now.  Love you all.  Just a bit of advice for us all.....Live simply.  Love generously.  Care deeply.  Speak kindly.  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Kids Are Now In The RV !!!

This is the night the kids are finally in the RV and awaiting the closing on their new house.  Johnnycakes hasn't moved it properly in place yet so they can get the pullout section fixed in place to give them more room.  I imagine he will do that tomorrow before he goes to bed (after he gets home from work).  We will probably have the Princess and Gunner here for several hours until Gunner is ready for his nap.  The Princess wants to give Johnnycakes enough sleep time so that he isn't going to bed tired.  Poor Gunner misses his daddy-time though.  At least that is what the Princess tells me but I can believe it.  He's very much a daddy's boy although he loves his snuggles with mommy.  It's really cute.

I don't think they will be here for too long, however.  The Princess thinks they will be closing by the end of the week or Monday at the latest.  The best I can hope for (to have the kids closeby for a while) is the 1st of the month.  It all depends on the loan company.  I gather it's a farm loan and I am really not familiar with that at all since I never dealt with one when I was working in real estate in S. California.  Even the avocado ranches had regular loans.  They plan on having a few cattle on their acreage but I don't think they have enough to make a living off of them.  Who knows?  I'm sure no expert.

The Princess got a lot of samples of various colors(?) of flooring.  The wood type.  She sent for a bunch that were free and the price is right from the place she ordered it from.  The Beast is even considering ordering some for the guest room at the same time she orders hers.  Even with shipping costs, it ends up cheaper per square foot than we can get locally.  And I have to admit, this stuff is really nice.  It's even thicker than what we put down in the other rooms in our house.

The Beast is really getting ready for winter.  He bought me a new electric blanket that is actually a nicer one than the one we've had for a few years.  He got worried about it developing a short from the folding and storing away every spring.  He also says he wants to pick me up what they call an *electric throw* that I can use when I am at my computer in the winter.  I suffer from the cold, especially my feet (because of the neuropathy from my diabetes).  He says this way I can plug it in, wrap it around my feet and lower extremeties and keep warm.  He hates that I jack up the heat in my computer room (and run up the electric bill) and I still complain about how cold my feet are.  I can deal with that, I think.  All we can do is try anyway.

Well, time to get this posted.  Love you all and I hope your week has been good thus far.  Tomorrow is Hump Day.  Say hello to the camel for me if you see him.  Be good.  Be kind.  It costs nothing.  ***Hugs***

HINT#1:  Cardboard egg cartons are great to use when starting fires(in your fireplace or outside in a pit, of course).  Fill them with bits of wood and pieces of paper that would be too small to use on their own, like receipts.  You can also fill an egg carton with charcoal and use it to start your barbeque grill.

HINT#2:  Place the side of a large cardboard box near your door during snow storms so family members can pile their filthy, slushy boots and winter gear on top while keeping your home clean.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Finally...The Dog Goes To The Vet's....

The day started with my hearing the Princess's voice when I woke up.  She came over for coffee after dropping Chewlee off at school.  It seems she had inadvertently packed all her cups, forgetting about morning coffee.  She wasn't totally out of it because she was thinking she had cups in the RV but they aren't ready to move into it just yet although they closed on their house today.  They had built into the contract that they had closing plus two days to move out.  They will probably be in the RV tomorrow, however.

What was funny was that between the Princess and myself, we managed to persuade the Beast that his two brown walls in the living room and dining area HAD to go.  Since he is going to be repainting both the living room and the kitchen next week, we slowly but surely convinced him that they just wouldn't go with the new colors.  *Grin*

The Princess offered to help the Beast paint as long as I watched Gunner for her.  Oh, really?  Did she think I would say NO?  ROFLMAO!!!  She may regret her offer with all the painting she has to do in her new house but, hey!  She is only hoping they will be closing next week.  It may happen then but probably not until the first because of the way they prefer to schedule their payments.  I doubt it will take more than two days of painting with both of them working on it.  I will help clean the trim up since it's in good shape and white, which we want.

After all the plans were made, the Beast took Baron to the vet's.  The vet had a lot to say about everything.  The spots where the hair on Baron (and it had scabbed up a bit) was an allergic reaction to flea bites.  It seems the Beast has been lax about putting the Flea and Tick stuff on Baron since he was using a Flea and Tick shampoo.  The vet told him that doesn't offer any protection, it just gets rid of any that Baron would have on him at the time.  Baron will have the worst of his fatty tumors removed on October 6th and will have to stay overnight.

He's going to take a biopsy of the tumor on Baron's paw when Baron is under the anesthesia.  He doesn't want to remove it since that would mean that Baron would most likely have to have a skin graft to cover the area since some of the skin is adhering tightly to the tumor from Baron's constant licking of it.  If the tumor is benign, he will just leave it and monitor any growth which he doubts would happen.

I am so relieved that it's all been looked at and the surgery is scheduled now.  The vet told him the same thing I did....once the big tumor is removed (and the two other fairly large ones), the small ones will be reabsorbed by his body in time.  As for what was causing Baron to make pain sounds, he has no idea since he wasn't showing any obvious signs of distress and no fever.  He told the Beast it may just be some discomfort he felt when he lay on the large tumor for any length of time or some digestive distress.  Only time will tell.

I think Baron will be coming home with one of those cones around his neck so he won't lick his sutures.  That will distress the Beast probably as much as Baron.  I'm just glad that I won't be leaving for the airport until the day after Baron comes home and he will probably have his stitches out before I come home.

I'm drinking some of my Cinnamon tea since I read a study about drinking coffee late at night interrupting circadian rhythms.  I've also lowered my lights since that plays a part also.  I love my Cinnamon stick tea (thank you, Carol!) and still have a few boxes left.  That should last me all winter long.  It always seems to help my chest if I have a cold.  But I just plain love the taste and couldn't find it at any of the stores here locally.  It's not because it's Alabama because I couldn't find it in Ft Lauderdale or Port Charlotte either.  There are just some things you find yourself having to go to Amazon for.  I never even thought of that but Carol did....LOL.

Well, love you all.  I have a doctor's appt. tomorrow so I need to get to bed.  It's just for a test but they called today to ask me to come in earlier than originally set up.  *Sigh*  Be good and please drive carefully.  Watch your weather and be prepared.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, September 20, 2015

So This Is A New Thought???

Today the Beast looked at me and said in this voice that seemed to say...we can't put this off any more....that he HAD to take Baron into the vet.  Oh, really?  Like I haven't been saying that for a few months now?  Like I haven't been looking up information on the internet AND watching all these vet shows and talking about what I have seen and read?  <<Thud>>

He said that last night, Baron suddenly got up from laying down, and being asleep he thinks, and let out a cry of what could only be pain.  He said he got up and made an attempt to comfort him and stroked him all over but didn't get that pain yelp from him from any of it.  I think that part scared him more than anything.  It could be something internal that has nothing to do with the tumors but there's just no telling.  The tumors (at least the bigger ones that are almost in a line) HAVE to be removed.  He not only looks horrible but it cannot be healthy.  I'm glad but we still have to wait and see if he actually does it.

I used some rub in conditioner on my hair this morning and let it stay on most of the day.  My hair has become incredibly dry over the past few months.  It may be the weather or my sweating but it would only get worse during the winter with artificial heat and low humidity.  I DO color my hair but haven't been doing much of that lately because I really don't go anywhere.  It might, of course, just look that way to me because I have more grey in it than I have had before but I will never tell!  I will be coloring it just before I go to Chicago, of course, because I AM just a bit vain.  I wish my hair were silver like my gf, Jamie's is but it's an ugly blend of colors (and I cut off all the dyed part of my hair a couple months ago so it isn't that causing it).  

I looked for a while like I was losing my hair (and I was) but it's growing in nicely now but is still shorter than I would like it.  I will have to go to the beauty shop and see if the beautician there can at least give me a decent cut so I won't look too bad to my gf's when we meet up for our reunion.  I would love to get my nails done but there's no possibility of that happening.  Everything is just costing too much and it's the Beast that is the spendthrift, not me.  

At least his trip to Florida was not an expensive one this time.  He really didn't spend a whole lot (and he bragged about that!).  Not like when he stayed with his sister last year and came home loaded with clothes and other things he bought while he was gone.  Of course, she loves to shop so I am sure she influenced him but I kind of think that it might be a family trait with them and he didn't need much persuasion.  Even on her FB page, she will bring up that she is going shopping here or there and show where the store or event is located.  *Rolling eyes*.

The Beast has me a bit scared lately because I keep finding him on his computer looking at cameras.  New cameras and different from the ones he has.  It's been years since he bought his best one, of course, but lets be real.  He may be taking pictures for other people (like he's going to be taking pictures at two weddings at his church in the coming months) but he has a hell of a good camera, great lenses and talent.  He's not going to be starting a photography business so let's get real here!  

My bff went and sent me more Kauai coffee even though I told her not to the last time.  I know she has quarterly taxes she had to pay and she's been supplementing her sons due to health issues and one who has a business that has some bad seasonal months.  But I suppose sending me the coffee makes her happy and is probably the cheapest *gift* she is giving.  I dearly love that woman and I wish she were healthier and younger, too.  She has a wonderful husband who also has health issues but they love each other dearly and try to take care of each other.  I think it's so adorable and sweet.  

We used to play together on this one online game site and spent a lot of time talking with each other and with other friends we had made online.  But she either wasn't doing well, healthwise, or else was so personally busy trying to get things done that she was just too damn tired to get online at all.  I understand but miss talking with her.  I still go on the game site, just not as frequently, because I have a few of those friends that I will talk to and play games together.

Well, it's getting to the time I need to think about taking my shower and getting ready for bed so I will say good night.  Love you all.  I hope your week goes well and that you stay healthy and happy.  ***Hugs***


Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Slow Moving Day....

I woke up early today but had nothing really planned to do so I just got online, checked my email, replied to one that was important and then started to play my game that I am addicted to playing...LOL!  The Princess and Johnnycakes showed up after about two hours to pick up the dining room table and chairs and take it over to the storage area until they are ready to move into the new house.  I couldn't find the leafs for it (but later on, the Beast told me one of them is, indeed, stored right underneath the table as the Princess had guessed).  All she has to do is open the top and she will see it there.  I believe he said both leafs will fit underneath but we never used both of them so he never bothered.  He's going to go out to the cottage either tomorrow or Monday to locate it so I can let the Princess know she can pick it up.

I made us some egg salad for our lunch.  Funny, but the Princess smelled it when she came over and asked me what I had made.  She, however, had a taste for tuna salad but had already packed both her electric opener and her manual one so she made macaroni instead.  I had offered her our manual opener but that's when she told me about the macaroni so they loaded up the furniture and left.

I went back to my game until I got tired and took a nap.  The Beast was out with his friends from church and didn't get home until around 3pm.  He woke me up when he opened the door to my computer room (I was asleep in my recliner).  It has a squeak that always wakes me.  I got up and made a fresh pot of coffee for us and he asked about Baron's behavior while he was gone.  Baron has been sticking inordinately close to the Beast since his return from the Florida trip.  It's like he is afraid the Beast is going to leave him again.

As a result, Baron has been sticking close to me (he was asleep by my recliner when the Beast opened the door) when the Beast leaves for one of his church services or his get-togethers with his church friends.  I know I am a poor substitute for his *man* but it comforts him that I am here.

I've been putting some Triple Antibiotic ointment on these three spots on his back that looked bad to me.  I don't know what was causing them but he had lost hair and the patches were a bit crusty.  The Beast has been using an Oatmeal based shampoo on him in an effort to *calm* his skin but that didn't seem to be working.  But, I noticed yesterday that the ointment seems to have done the job.  Not only are two of the three spots no longer crusty but all three have the hair growing back in.  They look much, much better.  I'm so glad I tried that on him because it sure makes a difference.  Now if the Beast would only get the big fatty tumor taken care of before it turns into something lethal!

Honestly, for as much as he seems to love Baron, I feel he is being incredibly cruel to him by not taking care of that.  I think part of it is his fear that something could happen to Baron by being put under anesthesia and the other is that he was told the surgery would cost him $500.  It's not going to get any cheaper.

After we ate dinner (salad and another sandwich), I retired to the computer room and went to check on FB again (I had done that earlier in the day).  This time I did a bit more scrolling since there were so many repeat posts and I refuse to keep *like*-ing the same posts over and over again.  I went to watch a DVD of mine and fell asleep again around 9pm or so.  I woke up a bit ago and decided to go ahead and get a post done before I return to bed for the night.  It wasn't an interesting or exciting day at all.  Tomorrow, it will be a busier one, if nothing else.  I have to get out in the cottage and try to locate a couple of my old sweaters since I am sure it will be chilly, at least, when I go to Chicago.

Love you all.  I hope you have had a nice weekend so far.  Have a really great Sunday.  Remember, kindness costs you nothing.  We all need some of that.  ***Hugs***

Friday, September 18, 2015

Change Of Plans.....

Today the Beast told me that he no longer wants to go to Chicago.  After making the trip down to Florida, he says he just can't take another trip like that so he told me to go ahead and book a flight to Chicago instead.

So I get online and tell all the different sites that I want to fly into Midway and not O'Hare.  They all tell me that if I want to leave at a decent hour (out of our airport, Huntsville) that I MUST fly into O'Hare.  If I want to go to Midway, I have to leave out of Huntsville at 5:30AM and will get into Midway at 9:30AM with a 58minute stopover in Atlanta.  I know what that means...I will have to get on the People Mover and run to another area in order to make my next plane since there is seldom a chance that you get to stay on the same plane for the next leg of your trip.

When I tried to fly into Chicago one year for my nephew's wedding, I ended up staying overnight in St. Louis, which was not even on the schedule, because of a storm in Chicago.  It was nice that they paid for my room and even gave me a food voucher for the motel I stayed in but it was maddening to have to be grounded and not even sure if I would get to Chicago on time.  My sister had arranged for a limo for me from the airport when I got in (to O'Hare, of course!) but it was a frustrating time.  I really never intended to fly out of another non-major airport ever again!  

However, it's a 3 hour drive to the Atlanta airport and a 2-1/2 hour drive to the one in Nashville.  Not a trip I would ask the Beast to drive again so soon after his trip to Florida and he doesn't want me to drive it alone.  He thinks *I* am too old!  LOL!  He's 3 years older than I am and he's had two strokes!  Who is he kidding?

I finally decided that the only thing to do is to go to a Travel Agency here in town to book my flight.  They have different programs and access to a lot of things that I can't get to online.  That way I can do two things....book my flight immediately to where I want to go and also book a car to use while I am there.

The Beast put together the chairs to the table he brought back** from his cousin's house and moved the old table into our living room.  It looks nice and feels so much nicer to me being smaller.  He also bought a nice runner for it and four place mats.  We used it for dinner this evening (ribs and baked potatoes).  I also ate a small salad with balsamic vinegar.  I'm really liking that even without any olive oil.  It has a nice variety of spices.  I just don't drown the salad in it.

I put a little note on FB to the Princess and asked her why HER dining room table was sitting in MY living room!  It was a joke of course and she laughed in her reply.  She said she would ask Johnnycakes when they could come and pick it up but I haven't heard from her yet.  It's tough for him with the hours he works and he still needs to be able to sleep.  If I haven't heard from her tomorrow, I'll give her a call to remind her to ask so I can have my living room back.  LOL!

Love you all.  Hope you are having good weather and not suffering from drought conditions like poor California.  I wish them rain....lots of it but no flooding, of course.  I hope their natural rainy season shows up this year.  Be good.  Be kind.  ***Hugs***

HINT#1:  Warm your paint!  Did you know that enamel paint spreads more smoothly when it's warm?  To get it up to a higher temperature, place it in a warm bath before you use it.

HINT#2:  The caffeine in coffee is thought to deplete calcium levels, contributing to osteoporosis, but the same isn't true for tea, which actually has the opposite effect.  Drinking tea can reduce fracture risk by 10-20 percent, probably because of its estrogen-building isoflavonoid chemicals.

HINT#3:  Stuffy nose?  Don't spend money on decongestants-head to your fridge instead.  Cut the *root* end of two scallions and carefully insert the white ends into your nose (being cautious not to shove them too high!).  You may look silly, but your nose will start to clear in a couple of minutes.

HINT#4:  To cure a sore throat in a day or two, mix equal parts of vinegar and honey and take one tablespoonful every two hours.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Beast Returns Home....

The Princess, Chewlee and Gunner came to the house about an hour before the Beast got home.  Since she and Johnnycakes had a lot to deal with during the day, and Johnnycakes didn't get to bed until around 1pm or so.  So, once she and Gunner went to pick Chewlee up from school, they came here to wait for the Beast to get home.  They ended up having dinner with us (except for Chewlee, who had fallen asleep shortly after the Beast arrived and she couldn't be awakened).  The salad was good and the Princess and I ate it with balsamic vinegar (the Beast has his usual Thousand Island).  The pork roast was really tasty.  It had been seasoned to perfection, of course...LOL

The corn was very tender and tasted so good to me that I was surprised.  I didn't realize how much I had a yen for it.  I nuked potatoes for us all, even Gunner ate one small one then proceeded to eat almost all his mother's.  He DID eat most of her pork roast that she had taken so I cut some more and gave it to her since there was plenty.  Since we couldn't wake Chewlee, I even ended up with some left over.  When the Princess finally got Chewlee up (although we suspected she was more or less sleep walking), she stated that she just wanted to go home and eat some ramen noodles.  I wanted the Princess to take the last piece of corn and the leftover roast but she said no.  Chewlee needed to take her shower and get ready for bed.  She planned on making the ramen noodles while Chewlee showered and got her pajamas on.  

The Beast had brought home a table and four chairs that I knew he had to have disassembled in order to get it all in the Prius.  It's smaller than the dining table (without any  of the leafs) and will actually work out just fine for us.  We are going to get something cute for the table top since I really don't want to cover up the faux butcher block top.  I like that look.  The Princess, who has a large formal dining room at the new house, is going to take the dining table we have and use it in the new house.  It has two leafs for it but we only bought four chairs, including two Captain's chairs but they can always buy more chairs at the same store that we originally bought our set after they move in.

I was surprised when the Princess talked about painting it since it is in like-new shape.  We've kept a table cloth on it so there are no scratches.  But she claims that it is the current *in* look for furniture.  She bought quite a few all wood pieces of furniture from a woman that had advertised a pool table on Craig's list (desk, wooden clothes hamper, bookcase, entertainment center, an old wood wagon that she is going to paint and use by the fireplace to hold the wood and quite a few other things, too.  They only paid $200 for it all and she really did score with that deal.  

She said they bought a foos table that is like new and are waiting to see if anyone snatches up the pool table that the woman was selling.  It is in fantastic shape and she was selling it for just $300.  Other people were ahead of them but weren't able to move it (it's very heavy).  Johnnycakes has always wanted one and they think they will be able to put both tables (foos and pool) in the playroom.  She can envision where she will be using everything they've bought so far and I think it will be very attractive.  They will have to figure out what kind of table they want for the breakfast nook, however.  She hasn't made up her mind on that.  She also told us about a large bird cage that was made more as a decoration than to hold a bird but the woman wanted to think about whether or not she wanted to sell it.  She told the Princess that if she did, she would call her.  They even bought a couple louvered folding doors that they want to connect together, paint and use as a kind of room divider to separate the kids area from the adult area in the Family room.

She's going to be buying most of her paint for the inside of the house this weekend since Sherwin-Williams is having their big 40 % off sale and she will be getting the paint very cheap.  She said she also has a coupon that will take another $10 off each $50 worth of paint.  Trust my little couponer to find this kind of stuff!  She can use it on sale merchandise, too.

The Beast put together the table last night so that part is done already.  We just need the kids to come pick up the table and chairs and put it in their storage area so we can start using the new (to us) table and get some attractive placemats for it.  It will give us more space.  He's going to want to get the chairs put back together today, I know.  

Later on, he told me he had enjoyed his time with his cousin although he hated that his back and leg were bothering him too badly to go fishing on his cousin's John boat.  It's only a 12-footer and they are not exactly comfortable even in calm water.  His cousin looked better after a day or so there so I think he responded well to having both his sister and the Beast there.  He said his cousin was told that he may have as long as two years if things remain the same.  He's taking chemo to help shrink the tumor in his brain and it's been working.  But his whole body is riddled with cancer and that's the reason I had urged the Beast to go visit with his cousin while he could.  

The Beast was horribly tired from the 11 hour drive from Florida back to our home so he just checked his email, the news online and went to bed early.  It wasn't even 9pm when he and Baron retired for the night.  When I got up for my coffee, the dining room light was on but the Beast had gone back to bed for a few hours more sleep.  You always sleep better in your own bed.  I'm heading back there myself in a few minutes.  Check back a little later today for a separate blog of hints since my eyes are telling me, *Sleep.....sleep.....sleep!*.  I keep nodding off so *I* need more sleep, too.

Love you all.  I hope you have some good weather today and enjoy yourself.  ***Hugs***


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kind Of A Busy Day.....

Went to the arterial doctor today for a checkup.  He discovered the pulse in my left leg was on the weak side so he was having his office schedule and appointment for me to have a sonogram done and I have to see him next week after he gets his report back.  If he wants to do surgery on it, I will not schedule it until we get back from Chicago, which should be on the 15th, I think.  I have missed too many reunions with my girlfriends due to his surgeries on me and this last one was not directly his fault but the dead section of colon that also caused my UTI and appendicitis.  He did, however, assist the main surgeon since he had placed stents in my abdominal region and he wanted to be sure he didn't inadvertently cause more problems for me.

I told him that he was unlucky for me whenever there was a reunion with my HS girlfriends planned.  He just laughed.  But I feel okay and there IS a pulse in the leg, albeit not as strong as the one in the right leg.  So I doubt it would be a real problem.  He said it shouldn't cause a problem since the artery was not closed, obviously.

When I got home, I took Baron outside for a bit and Dennis came over to ask how the Beast was doing.  I told him what he had told me last night about his back and leg really bothering him and so he wasn't going to go fishing.  That's when he asked me over to his house for dinner for some nice beef ribs.  I accepted, of course, although he said dinner would be a bit later since he hadn't let it cook quit long enough the last time he made them.  

I talked to the Beast to find out how he was feeling and told him he was going to miss a good dinner.  And it was.  Diane's scalloped potatoes were excellent and so was the salad she made with tiny little tomatoes in it and tasty garlic croutons.  Dennis had used a rub called *Dang Good Rub* (I'm not kidding!) and it really was.  None of us put any barbeque sauce on the ribs because it wasn't needed.

When I came home, Baron wanted dinner so I made him his rice, broccoli and added a bunch of chicken livers I had cooked earlier.  He ate the whole bowl down to the shine...LOL.  When he came to see me afterward while I was at my computer, I had to wipe rice and some small flecks of broccoli off his nose.  He can be a messy eater.

I actually went to bed early but within just three hours (and I had let Baron out before I went to bed) he had gotten me up TWICE!  I was ready to shoot him since I really AM tired.  I washed and folded my clothes before I ended up taking a nap before I was supposed to be at Dennis and Diane's.  I had about two hours to kill and woke up about 15 minutes before Dennis said dinner would be ready but I needn't have worried.  The meat had another half hour to go and then 10 minutes to sit so I got dressed (again) in plenty of time.

I'm heading back for bed now since Baron seems to have settled down for the night and I really hope he has.  Love you all and I hope you all had a great day.  No hints (sorry).  I'm just too tired and I really need to rest with what I have planned to do tomorrow.  The Beast should be home around 4pm or so.  ***Hugs***

Monday, September 14, 2015

Early To Bed, Early To Rise.....

I need to get to bed soon because I have a doctor's appointment at 11am tomorrow.  No, I'm not feeling bad.  I've just got to get my legs checked out to make sure they still have good circulation in them.  I wanted to get that out of the way before my trip to Chicago.

My friend in England called today just to check up on me and tell me a bit about his wife and his trip to Scotland.  They had a good time together and got to see all the major lochs and a couple of the castles there plus a few cities.  He wants to take her to Ireland and Spain both but at different times, of course.  Both places are beautiful from some of the pictures and videos I have seen.  I asked if she had been to Paris yet but he said no.  For whatever reason, Paris doesn't seem to be high on his priority list.  I was so happy to find out that his wife's immigration status was approved just prior to her coming over at the end of June.  Now all she has to do is sell her house in California and she will be able to stay at home with her hubby.  He has a very serious heart problem that is inoperable (in England, but could be done if he was able to fly to Stanford in California).  Unfortunately, he would never live to see California, according to the doctors there.  Who knows?

He always asks about my bff, Carol, since we all knew each other on our game site that we used to play together.  We got to be good friends and knew when he met his (future) wife and went through their courtship and then the wedding (which took place in England).  I gather that once she sells her house, they will have a more formal wedding and have family and friends attending.  It's so cute how they love each other and he's a double amputee (from his Royal Air Force days as a pilot in the Gulf War).  He was always up-front about this but she loved his sweet and generous heart.  It was a cute romance.

I think I am going to have to call Carol to check up on her.  I know she's been busy but it's been a bit longer than usual since I have heard from her.  It always makes me worry.

Baron and I are getting along fine here.  He's started laying down behind my computer chair when I am on my computer and will lay behind my recliner if I sit in it to watch a movie or just watch TV in general.  It cracks me up but I know he is really missing his *man*.  The Beast will probably be home on Wednesday.  He said he can't go fishing tomorrow on Butch's boat because he's having bad back pains and his leg is paining him, too.  It's the one that was affected by his strokes and when he complains about it paining him, I know it's bad.  That's because I know he is ALWAYS in some pain in that leg ever since he recovered from the strokes.  Recovery isn't always complete.  He still drags that leg and wears out that shoe badly all the time.  He goes through about three to four pair of sneakers each year and a couple pair of his dress shoes, too.  He only wears those two or three times a week for a few hours so you can figure out how bad the drag is.

I went shopping today and bought a nice pork roast to make for when he comes home.  I also bought some corn on the cob for us.  I picked up a family pack of yogurt, tomatoes (yes, I remembered), toilet paper, Febreze (for doggy smell on his beds) and a few other things I felt we needed.  I'll make us some REAL mashed potatoes to go along with dinner because I know the Beast will be really hungry when he gets here.  I'm even going to make some guacamole (I checked and they are just right for it now) to snack on for while we are watching TV.

Tomorrow will be a busy day for me.  I have some wash to do (mine) and the table cloth on the dining table (it got some olive oil on it) plus I'm going to mop the kitchen floor while I'm at it.  It means I will probably be exhausted by dinner time and fall asleep after eating.  Baron will wake me when he needs to go out, however, so I should be able to get my blog done.

Time to go.  Love you all.  I hope your day went well.  Remember this:  Live simply.  Love generously.  Care deeply and speak kindly.  We all need to be kinder to each other in this hectic world of ours.  ***Hugs*** 

It's A Bust!.....

As you know, Sunday was Grandparents Day.  It would have been nice to hear from even one of my grandkids but .... nothing.  No one called.  No one came by.  No card.  No flowers.  Nothing.  Sad that they didn't think of me but this isn't a well-advertised holiday.  They just kept living their lives, as usual.  

The Princess noted on FB that poor Gunner was miserable and had a fever.  But she is hoping it's just more teeth coming in.  It does that to babies and yet she was worried and hoping it wasn't something more serious.

Baron fell asleep behind my recliner in my computer room and just farted and farted.  It was agony for a while but then he woke up and wanted to go out.  I was happy to let him out back and hoped he pooped while he was out there.  I don't know what it is that sends him into that kind of a night but I know the Beast has complained about it several times when he goes to bed early and has the door closed.  There is nothing that smells as bad as doggie farts.  And he is a BIG dog. When he came in from the yard, he headed for his regular bed.  I don't know if he kept it up because I decided that my recliner looked really inviting to sleep in.....LOL.  And I did.

I fell asleep around 10pm and woke up a little bit ago (it's almost 4am).  So I got up to do this blog.  The highlight of my day was when Cee came over and we made shrimp scampi for our lunch.  I put the Italian bread in the oven to crisp up the crust then cut us a few pieces for our lunch, too.  Cee made the scampi.  I just cooked the fettucini for it.  It was wonderful.  Cee has always been a good cook.  I even have leftovers so guess what I am having for lunch tomorrow (today).

The Beast didn't call me today, which was a bit of a surprise since he always feels he has to remind me to feed Baron or find out if Baron has pooped for the day (I am NOT kidding!)  But then, Butch's sister was expected to arrive and it could have been a busy time for them.  It has been a few years since the three of them have been together and there is a lot they probably had to catch up on.  Bevie went to Paris for a week and I am sure she had lots of pictures to share.  Now that she doesn't have her mother to care for, she is doing a lot of traveling.  She is going to Germany next month, too.  It's nice that she is able to do that.  She's 77 but, thankfully, she's healthy.  I wish I was as healthy...LOL.

She went to Paris with her nephew and his family.  I saw some of the pictures that they took that they posted on FB and they were great.  That's one of the places that I wish I could visit but the Beast is so involved with his church that he no longer wants to travel like we used to do.  I guess I have to wait until he dies but I don't think that's going to be any time soon.  He's very stubborn and I know he will fight till the end.  I sure don't wish it on him.  I don't wish for anyone to die.  I've lost too many people that I cared for already.  I would miss him a lot.  I just wish we shared the same dreams again.

Cee and I sat out on the deck for a while and she got a kick out of watching the hummingbirds feeding from my feeder for them.  She commented on the fact that a few of them were different colors.  We DO have a variety of them that feed there.  They have gotten used to us now being on the deck and a couple of them flew so close to us that we could feel their breeze as they whizzed by.  It was a surprise to me but they just ignore the fact that people are on the deck and fly by as if we aren't even there.  I like that.  They know we aren't there to hurt them so they can ignore us.

I'll be heading back to bed once I get this posted.  I still need a bit more sleep before I am up for the day.  I have wash to do and the dishwasher needs to be emptied.  I have dishes to go in once I do that.  I bought a few new containers (the plastic kind) since I have so few left now that have lids.  I need to go through all of them and get rid of the ones that don't have them any more.  Where do they go?  The lids, I mean.  It's not like I throw them away but they just seem to disappear.  Does that happen to you, too?  I guess the sprites that steal socks must also steal the lids.  LOLOL!  

Love you all.  I hope you have a wonderful week and good weather, too.  I do wish poor California would get some decent rain.  Their normal rainy season is still a few months away and they really need the rain.  It seems like many of the states that needed rain have gotten it (and still are getting it) but not California.  That's what usually causes the wildfires that just devastates vast areas.  That's sad because it's such a beautiful state.  We loved to travel all over it when we lived in San Diego.  Yosemite was awesome.  Our favorite areas though were King's Canyon and Sequoia National Park.  We camped there a lot with our kids.  

Be good.  Be kind.  ***Hugs***

Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Special Greeting....!



May you grandparents and great-grandparents have a wonderful day today!
I wish that everyone hears from your family on this---a special day---to celebrate the wonder of those special children that are your heritage!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Forgive Me....

I was so tired last night that I actually went to bed at 9:30pm.  I was sure that I would wake up some time during the night (to use the bathroom, if nothing else).  But the mattress felt just so wonderful that I slept all night long.  That is why there was no blog for this morning.  

BUT...I woke up with a tummy ache that just wouldn't go away.  It took a couple trips to the bathroom before it eased enough for me to get upright and tend to things that needed tending.  Like feeding Baron his early afternoon food.  He gets a can of his dog food then.  His big feed (with chicken and either veggies or rice added) isn't until around 6 or 7pm.  I depends on just when he lets you know he's hungry.  I'm telling you, this dog is spoiled rotten.  He *knows* when it's chicken time and he will stand in the dining area, watching intently, until you put his bowl in the stand.  I had already put fresh water in the other bowl because there's just no getting around that dog when he's intent on eating his chicken.

This time he's also got some gizzards in the mix and he just LOVES those!  I try to add some to each chicken meal for him.  I had him out in the back yard earlier and, as long as I stayed on the deck, he kept trotting around the yard, sniffing at different areas.  I swear he was hoping he would find the possum that keeps haunting our deck and trying to destroy the bird feeder.  I noticed the feeder could use more seed in it tonight but I am going to wait until morning to attend to that.  No use letting the possum think there's anything of interest to it.  

The hummingbirds are hitting the feeder for them like crazy.  I think they must be getting ready for their migration to warmer climes.  They are so small and use so much energy that I worry about them migrating.  Some species actually fly down to Mexico and across the Gulf!  They must arrive there just skin and bones.  Can you imagine a paper-thin hummingbird?  LOL!  

Cee and I had tentative plans to get together and make a meal for ourselves.  I went to the store and bought some shrimp and a few other things but forgot to grab a bottle of wine.  Damn!  And you can't buy any kind of liquor in our county on Sunday so we won't be able to have a drink with our meal.  Oh well!  C'est la vie'!  

Time to close for now.  I'll give three different hints tonight because I won't be doing another blog.  That just seems kind of dumb since I am not suddenly having any adventures.  Just have a fantastic weekend.  Fall will be here before you know it.  I barely had time to enjoy summer!

Love you all.  Please be safe.  Try to remember to tell those you love that you do....as often as you can.  It might be the last thing you ever get to say to them.  Better while they are alive than the alternative.  ***Hugs***

HINT#1:  If your scalp is getting flaky, try treating it with a mixture of 2 tablespoons dried thyme and 1 cup water.  Let the water boil, then add the thyme and wait 5 minutes.  Remobe from the heat and let cool, then strain out the thyme and pour the water on your hair and scalp after you've washed and rinsed it.  To let it work, don't rinse it out for 12 hours---but don't worry, your hair will dry fine (and smell delicious)!

HINT#2:  Believe it or not, meat tenderizer works wonders on all sorts of stings--bee, wasp, even jellyfish.  That's because it contains papain, which helps break down the proteins in venom.  Make a paste with the tenderizer by adding a few drops of water at a time, then rub on the affected area.

HINT#3:  Vitamin A is a true wonder vitamin.  Not only does it sooth and rejuvenate the skin, but it may also prevent sun damage.  Eat liver, sweet potatoes, carrots, mangoes, and spinach (and drink lots of milk) to make sure to get your daily Vitamin A.

Friday, September 11, 2015

I Remember......

Facebook and the news is just full of things about remembering the events of 9/11/2001.  I remember, after my first stunned shock at seeing it happen on TV, thinking first that it was definitely a terrorist attack and second that I was glad my dad wasn't alive to see it.  I know he would have been more than horrified as a vet of WW2.  He was very patriotic and proud that he had served and even been wounded at the Battle of the Bulge.  I knew he would have been beside himself over the things that happened that day.

I was watching TV when the second plane hit the other tower and, since I was on the phone, shouting, *OMG!  OMG!  A second plane hit the other tower!*  I think I kept repeating myself a couple times before I could calm down a bit and concentrate on what all was happening.

I remember the shock I felt when the first tower collapsed and I just knew that many more people had to have lost their lives just because everything happened so damn fast.  I was hypnotized and couldn't take my eyes off the TV at all.  I called the Beast to tell him what was happening and remember his disbelief when I told him what I had seen happening live.  He was shocked and hurried through what he was doing to go back to the office to watch it on TV there.

It was a horrific day for everyone.  No one could have been untouched by the days events.  No one.  It riveted us as a nation.  Patriotism, which had waned over time, came back with a vengeance.  You could almost feel it in the air.  We wanted to know WHO was responsible and HOW it could have happened.  How it was planned and executed.  We cheered and cried over the people that had turned on the terrorists to prevent them from heading for the White House.  We also cried for them and their heroic actions that resulted in their deaths.

We cried for the families of the firefighters that had died when the towers collapsed.  We cried for the policemen who had died trying to help save the people in the towers.  We cried for all the emergency workers trying to tend to the wounded.  We cried as a nation for all the families that were searching for their loved ones in the hope that they might be found alive or wounded at one of the many hospitals, clinics and other centers that they might have been sent to.

The hearts of our nation were bleeding for so many lives lost because of a different religious ideology in a nation that tolerated those differences and even protected them.  How could this have happened HERE, of all places?  It was beyond belief but it polarized a nation like no event since WW2 had.  How could I forget something like that???

The Beast's aunt Em, happened to be born on 9/11 and she was horrified that it happened on her birthday.  She said she would never feel the same about her birthday again.  Who would?  But, no matter what date it had occurred on, it would have been SOMEONE'S birthday.  Sad but true.  

I'm sure tomorrow will be even worse than the *reminders* that were posted on FB today.  It will drive me nuts because I doubt anyone alive over the age of 18 does NOT remember that day.  For many, it will be more painful since they lost loved ones and that is a kind of pain that doesn't go away...not quickly.  You always remember, but the pain becomes bearable over time.

Do you remember how you felt that day?  Of course you do.  But the shock of it is not intense as it was for a long time afterward.  Say a prayer for the ones that died and their families tomorrow.  Let's hope the survivors heal from any physical and emotional pain they have.  Yes, I remember.

Love you all.  Have a nice weekend.  Hug your loved ones close.  Be sure they know how much you love them.  Today is all you are assured of.  Tomorrow is only a promise.  ***Hugs***


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

We Have An RV On Our Lot Now!

Yes, the kids moved their RV on our lot next door today....but they think it will be at least another week or so before they move into it.  They just wanted to get it in place while they could.  I made a joke about the Beast and I sleeping in it while we could but the Princess said our new mattress would be much more comfortable.  She said theirs were okay but wouldn't be as comfortable to us.  

The Beast went out and bought me enough dog food in the can that we usually give Baron in the morning.  We feed him his veggies and the chicken in the evening.  But the Beast also went a little nuts buying a bunch of frozen things for me to eat while he is gone.  Like I would eat that all the time!  I checked and it's mostly TV dinners.  I don't know what he was thinking.  

I will definitely have to make a trip to Walmart with sister Cee on Friday to buy the stuff for our meal.  The first ingredient will be shrimp.  Not the canned stuff either.  She likes to get the small ones but I prefer the medium or large.  I guess we will get the medium as a compromise.  We just haven't decided if the meal will be scampi or alfredo yet.  I also want to check out the avocados they have and pick up stuff for a nice salad, too.  I love salads.  

I wasn't going to do any wash until Thursday but the Beast finished the bannister early and was itching to do SOMETHING so he put together all the whites and washed them.  I made sure he had everything that needed bleaching before he turned on the washer and I folded everything when it came out of the dryer.  He then threw in a small load of his dark socks and the pants he wants to wear when he leaves on Friday morning.  He says he wants to be on the road by 6am.  It will be an 11 hour drive for him with anticipated stops.  He wants to make it all in one day and get there before dark.  If he leaves at 6am., even with the hours difference in the time there, he should be alright.  

He pulled out our small suitcase and we'll get it packed up tomorrow along with his ditty bag that he puts his brush, hair junk, medications, razor, etc. in.  He's used that for years now but I always have to check to make sure he's got everything he will need.  He usually forgets to put his meds in AND his shaving cream.  He'll remember his razor but not the shaving cream.  To me, that's weird.

Well, time for me to hit the sack.  Love you all.  I hope your week is going well.  OH...it seems that Dennis stopped by the house when the Beast was finishing up the bannister.  He gave the Beast some seeds for a special kind of pepper.  I gather it was his way of apologizing without really apologizing.  It must be a man thing.  

Be good.  Be safe.  Try to smile a lot.  It confuses people!  ***Hugs***

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ahhh....He's Made Up His Mind....

The Beast slept well last night although he said he still didn't feel like he's made up the night's sleep that he lost.  BUT...he outlined his activities for the next two days and he's leaving on Friday.  I made plans with Cee about getting together here at the house to make up something for our probably late lunch on Friday.  We can relax since the Beast will be gone.  Of course, I will more than likely have the kids living next door to us but I don't think they will actually be under our feet the first few days they are living in the trailer.  

The Princess said that Johnnycakes is taking some time off from work when they make the move so it won't be like he will be trying to sleep with the Princess and Gunner trying to keep quiet.  Trust me, that isn't likely so I imagine that is when I am most likely to see them here, during the day, until it's time for her to pick up Chewlee from school.  She may even end up making her dinner here and just taking it back to the RV with her.  We'll work that all out as time goes along.

Anyway, I found out that the Beast had asked the Princess if she would take Baron for a walk around the circle.  He was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to make it and, since the last time I walked him around the circle, he tangled my legs suddenly in his leash and broke my wrist, he didn't think I would be up to that.  I told her that I intended to run Baron around while on my scooter (yes, it's mine and I know how to ride it) since that is what Baron is used to so she didn't have to worry about doing that with taking care of her own family.  Unless she really wants to, of course.  But I don't think that will be an issue.

He's almost done putting the railing back together.  There is just one more of the small posts that run between the upper and lower rails for him to put on and then it's just a matter of some touch-up paint.  He wants to get that done tomorrow and get me enough canned dog food and dry dog food to last while he's gone.  On Thursday, he wants to pick me up some more food so I don't have to keep making a run to the store.  In reality, he doesn't really want me to leave Baron alone for any length of time.  He's not fooling me...lol.

He went to bed a bit later tonight than yesterday but he had a good night's sleep last night so he wasn't exhausted.  I fed him a good dinner when he got home from church tonight (at 9pm) but he is the type that needs to have a full stomach when he goes to bed or he doesn't sleep well.  He was tired when he headed for bed a half hour ago and, when I went to get some coffee a few minutes ago, he was snoring so he's asleep.  He'll stop snoring when he turns on his side in a few minutes.  He always does when his mouth starts getting dry....LOL!

I'll have to pack his bag for him for while he's gone.  He always forgets something important when he packs his own.  He just doesn't think in the same way a woman does.  Last time, he forgot both his robe AND his sleep pants so he had to put his jeans on all the time while staying at his aunt's house.  This way I don't have to go over a list of things to make sure he hasn't forgotten them.  He almost forgot his medication last time.  I never thought he would forget his robe or his sleep pants so they weren't on my list of *reminders*.  He just thought he would surprise me by packing his own suitcase.  He's actually used to me doing it for him.

I didn't end up doing any wash today since I figured out that I should do it on Thursday so everything is clean that he will need.  He's wearing his sleep pants so those will need washing and he's already worn his other pair this week.  I bought him his first pair to wear after he took his bath during the winter to see how he would like one.  He bought his other pair because he found out they were nice to have.  But he said he really didn't think he needed more than the two pair and didn't want me to buy him any more than that.  I probably will, however, before winter sets in because they are looking a little ragged because of Baron always crawling into his lap when he's wearing them.  I think that's why the front of some of his jeans look worn for the same reason.  It's not a normal place for jeans to get worn.

I bought some Italian ices in squeeze packets for Chewlee for while she's living nearby.  She loves them and, even if these aren't the ones she is used to getting, they are a treat she won't be expecting.  I want to pick up some yogurt for me and for her, too.  I don't know if Gunner likes them or not but they will be here for the Princess if she wants to feed him one in the morning after she drops Chewlee off at school....unless she goes to the gym, of course.  Sometimes, Johnnycakes doesn't feel like going to sleep right away and will watch Gunner while she goes to the gym.  Gunner loves his daddy and Johnnycakes loves Gunner.  You can tell just watching him with Gunner.  I think it's just fantastic.  I wish the Beast had been half the dad that Johnnycakes is.  It would have made a huge difference in the lives of our kids.

Time to close this for tonight.  Love you all.  Hope you have a truly great week after the three day weekend.  Be good.  Be safe.  ***Hugs***

HINT#1:  Cleaning your garbage disposal is as easy as throwing a few ice cubes down your drain.  Run the disposal until you no longer hear grinding, and your job is done.  The cold cubes will congeal any grease in the drain, allowing your disposal to break it up.  Add a peel from any citrus fruit to give it a fresh scent! 

HINT#2:  Always store you carrots with the tops removed.  The green parts will pull moisture from the carrots while they're in the bin.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy (No) Labor Day!

Today we observed Labor Day by not laboring over much.  I had made some boneless pork ribs yesterday that we just reheated along with the baked beans and then had a bit of macaroni salad.  I made some broccoli for myself since the Beast said he *didn't have room on his plate*.  I never noticed before that when you nuke frozen broccoli in the microwave, they smell like cabbage cooking.  Weird.

I didn't put any macaroni salad on my plate because it wasn't some that I had made.  The Beast likes the stuff that you can buy at the store.  I don't like it because of the relish they add to it.  Call me strange if you want to but it just does not appeal to me.  I've tried it but...yuk!

The Beast put some Kilz on the unpainted wood for the new stair railing but it wasn't put together the last time I checked.  I gather the Beast has been having a tough time sleeping and he feels it after two days of up and down and tossing and turning.  He's kept Baron from sleeping, too, so Baron is spending more of his time sleeping away from the Beast unless the thinks the Beast is going outside.  He's usually sprawled in front of the door so that he can keep track of the Beast.  

The Beast went to bed very early tonight (8:30pm) so he will probably be up early tomorrow to finish up the stair railing.  He was saying to me that if he didn't get a good night's sleep, he didn't know if he was going to be able to drive down to Butch's house.  Somehow it didn't surprise me since I was halfway expecting him to come up with something to delay that.  He can be predictable most of the time.  But even if he doesn't leave on Wednesday like he told his cousin, Butch, he WILL leave on Thursday at the latest just because he told him he was coming down to spend some time with him.

We are going to be leaving here on the 8th of October for our trip to Chicago.  We will probably leave early in the morning since it's about a 12 hour drive up there and the Beast will insist on it being done in one day.  That's 12 hours of straight driving.  It doesn't include the time to stop to eat, bathroom breaks or even filling up with gas.  Of course, with the Prius (which is a green vehicle), we may not have to make one until we are almost there.  It gets incredible gas mileage.  But, we also will have to stop a time or two to let Baron stretch his legs and pee.  Yes, Baron is going with us.  

The Beast thinks we have solved the problem of taking Baron in the Prius with two special blankets plus the Prius has leather seats so a little bit of shed hair won't be a real problem.  We will bathe and brush him the night before we leave and the Beast will probably do the same before we leave Chicago to come home.  His sister may not be happy about that but he won't care.  We will only be there for five days tops because the Beast has to be back here for a wedding on the 17th of October.  He's taking pictures for the bride and groom as his wedding present to them.  They asked him to do it for them so it's not like he's just DOING it to be cheap or something.  He gave them a NutraNinja as a shower gift.  LOL!

I'm looking forward to my trip up there.  I ordered a blouse (very inexpensive but really cute) that I want to wear when I meet up with my girlfriends.  I found out from FB that the Princess saw it advertised there and gave it a *like*.  I really don't have a lot of clothes that fit me since I lost my weight after one of my surgeries (I don't remember which one any more since there have been quite a few these past few years).  I was surprised to find out I wear a size 8 again.  I really never thought I would get down to that again unless I was in a nursing home...LOL!  I can wear the couple of sweaters I still have even if they are a bit on the large size since that is kind of the style for us old ladies.  It hides a multitude of sins anyway.

I may hit a few of the resale shops in this area and see if I can pick up a couple inexpensive things to take with me.  It's always nice to have some *new* things to wear that you haven't been looking at for years.  Most of the things that the Beast will be taking with him are things that he's bought just in the last year.  Some are things he's bought in just the last month.  He has to look good for church and his church activities after all.  Plus, he gained a bit of weight so he needed new pants.  I look for bargains at Walmart and he shops at upscale stores.  He thinks that's just fine but it sure ticks me off.  Call me jealous if you want but he throws such a fit that I don't want to hear it any more.

Tomorrow will be another wash day plus I will have to help the Beast finish up the stair rail.  I'll probably also finish up pulling the weeds out of the flower planter in front of the house.  I may then head over to my sister Cee's for a couple hours if she's going to be home.  Since the Beast will be up early, it means so will I.  Funny how that works!  

Time to finish up.  Love you all.  I hope you had a great three day weekend and had some good time with family and/or friends.  I also hope you had a SAFE Holiday weekend.  ***Hugs***