Saturday, May 21, 2016

As If The Past Few Days Weren't Bad Enough....!

When I finally reached the point that I could actually take a shower without worrying about massive cleanup after an attack of diarrhea, I discovered something horrifying.  I was left with the absolute worst case of *diaper rash* (without any diapers) that I have seen or, should I say, felt, since my kids were babies.  At least, for them, it was because they were allergic to the disposable diapers that were available then.  

In the case of adult diapers, they are like the first disposables for babies.  They don't fit and they only hold pee, nothing else so it drips down as you move.  Drips down all along the path you take trying to get to a bathroom.  Useless.  Once discovered,  it was just  the sheer volume that I was churning out that made me resort to using a folded towel and, when it happened while I was in an exhausted sleep, it was all that stood between my *cheeks*  and the towels I had resorted to using to prevent the worst of that.  But it led to my diaper rash since I WAS, truly, exhausted and didn't always wake up right away.

At first, I tried using some baby powder (didn't work), then some baby lotion (also didn't work..melted away too easily) so I ended up getting some good, old-fashioned diaper ointment and some stuff to put together a kind of padding to cushion the areas involved.  Until I started using the diaper ointment, I was pretty much unable to lay down or sit down for any length of time.  Heck, even walking was NOT fun.  At least for a while.

The diaper ointment I got has a kind of mild topical analgesic of some kind that really helped the pain as long as there wasn't a lot of pressure put on it.  I can understand why babies cry so much when they have diaper rash.  Trust  me, I felt like it a time or two myself.  If you have stopped laughing, the rash has begun to heal enough now that I can both sit and lay down with a minimum of pain.   Now if only my poor stomach muscles would stop aching.

At least I have my appetite back.  Oh, and another good thing happened today.  When the Beast went out to check on whether or not we had any new eggs, there were TWO!  AND, best of all, they were/are full size (large) ones!  I am so jazzed.

Well, it's after midnight and I am really and truly tired out.  I just had a nice cup of hot cinnamon tea and my tummy feels good so I am going to go lay down for a good night's rest.  Love you all.  Be good.  Have a wonderful Sunday.  ***Hugs***

1 comment:

  1. Gee, this sounds just like what you were going through just before you found out you had part of a dead colon. Isn't it time for another colonoscopy? Just sayin'.
