Monday, May 16, 2016

Time Flies....

I just realized that I have been blogging on this site now for almost three years.  Wow!  How time flies.  I blogged on a different site for four years but started having problems with it so my sister, Bratfink, turned me on to this one.  I've only had a few (weird) things happen to me on here but I really like it much better.  I just wish I would get a few more comments from people but, hey, some people just don't think of it or else don't understand how to get it published.  It can be confusing for some.

Poor Cee has an infection in her salivary glands.  How weird is that?  I've never heard of anyone having that before, have you?  I know hers haven't been working well and that's the reason she is always sipping on water.  She's had a problem with those glands since she has her radiation treatments for throat cancer.  Maybe it left some kind of scar tissue?  Who knows?  She has to try to change her appointment with the ENT that her doctor referred her to because it's set up for the day after we are leaving for Chicago.  Since her regular doctor already called in a prescription for antibiotics, she isn't going without treatment and if it were an emergency, they would find a way to see her sooner that over a month away.

If she can't get in sooner, I told her to try to change it to after July 1st since we will be back before that.  I told her I would go with her if she wanted and she seemed to like that idea.  It's down in Gadsden and she's not familiar with the area but it's a lot closer than going to Huntsville.

Got another egg this morning.  The Beast put out fresh bedding in the nesting boxes for the hens so they should like that much better.  We both noticed that they don't seem to defecate in the boxes but we are glad of that much.  They would be a real pain in the butt to clean up because they have a ledge on the outside to help keep in the bedding and eggs from rolling out.  I read in the chicken book we have that two yolks would not mean two chicks even if fertilized.  The eggs are not large enough to accommodate two chicks.  The extra yolk would just be used up by the one that formed.  Phew!  That worried me a bit since we've had two double yolk eggs from the hens already.

I felt really good today.  So glad of that since I couldn't be sure of getting rid of all the pollen that Chewlee brought into the house.  I spent most of my day here in my computer room, reading mostly since there really hasn't been much to do as far as housework goes.  I should have remade the bed Chewlee slept in but I actually forgot about it.  We keep that door closed most of the time except when the Beast gets ready for church.  That way we also keep Baron out of the room.  

I hate when he starts rubbing his nose on the bed sheets or the comforter on it.  It gets so damn dirty since he also likes rolling in the dirt whenever he can.  What is it with dogs that do that?  Even the cat likes to do that but she's able to clean herself up much better.  I guess her nose is shorter...LOL.  She cleans it with her paws but Baron doesn't wet his before he wipes it.

Well, time to get this posted before I shower and get ready for bed.  I took a long nap after dinner but it's wearing off now and I need to get some more sleep.  Love you all.  Be good and be kind.  ***Hugs***


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