Today, another egg was laid out in the chicken yard! WTH??? It has to be a hen that's taken by surprise by the need to lay it, I think. Either that or we have a hippie in the bunch. *Sigh* But, one of the chickens flew out of the yard again. This time, however, we think it might have been trying to reach one of the enticing (and tasty) branches of the overhanging trees on the opposite side that is NOT our yard.
The Beast, who doesn't count the chickens, only discovered this because of it's squawking and obvious distress. It kept running back and forth, trying to find a way back into the yard. When he went out to retrieve it (we have a gate over to that side at the back of the barn), he noticed that all the other chickens had suddenly disappeared. The hen almost jumped into the Beast's arms when he got to it and he carried it back into the coop area. It immediately ran up the ramp and into the barn so the Beast decided to look inside. He came out, almost rolling over with laughter. He said when he got into the barn, all of the chickens were crowded up on the roost, half of them with their heads tucked under their wing, ready for bed. It was STILL light outside. That NEVER happens.
We decided they were all terrified that they were going to be blamed for the one that was on the wrong side of the coop yard so they decided that they all had to look as innocent as possible. It was just so *not* their normal behavior that it made him laugh...and I had to, also. There's just no telling.....
I stopped over at Cee's today and we talked about our upcoming vacation trip. It was fun since it's getting close. I have two different doctor's appointments in the morning and then have to stop at the gastroenterologist's office to pick up the prescription for that awful stuff I have to drink before my colonoscopy. Yes, Bratfink, it IS time for another one BUT....I didn't have the IBS-D problem that led to the discovery of the dead colon section. I went to emergency because I was sure I had appendicitis (which I did) and he suspected something more was at work due to other symptoms (including the UTI, I had) and said he was going to *look around*. I am just glad he did.
I read a lot more about IBS-D the other day and I have to ask about the possibility that a spastic colon may be part of the problem. How they can check for that, I don't know. I know they found out about my daughter's when the radiologist actually caught it during a spasm and came out so jazzed about that she could hardly contain herself. But I will find out.
Got to get to bed. It's late and I have to get up early. Love you all. Be good. Be kind. ***Hugs***
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