Today the girls produced six...SIX...eggs. Four in one nesting box and two in the other. The Beast was so proud, you would have thought he laid them himself.
Me? I felt about 80% like myself today and just spent the day resting while I can. Poor Cee had a major problem show up for her and it's not even summer yet. She drove the short distance from her apartment to Walgreen's to pick up her prescription and the car overheated on her. Michael should have made sure that her radiator was replaced before he ever moved away. She has to have that done and quickly. She can't keep pulling over and letting it cool down before she tries to get home. The Beast is useless on something like this. He may have the tools but he no longer can move like he did as a young man. And too many places will try to overcharge a single (older) woman. That's part of what having her son around was good for.
I'm tired tonight. I didn't nap and I really need some good sleep. I'll take a pill before I lay down so I don't wake 4am or so with no good result. I'm really kind of tired of that. I'm hoping that this will over and done with for good.
Meantime, love you all. Today is my darling, Chewlee's, birthday. She is 9 years old. Her mother took her out to lunch and then to the show to see *Jungle Book*. Her birthday party will be on the 11th (combined with Gunner's). I'll be there with bells on...LOL.
Be good. Hope you had a great holiday weekend and took time to remember all those that never came home. ***Hugs***
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