Friday, May 13, 2016

At The Last Moment, The Princess Changes Her Mind....

Instead of getting Chewlee after school, I got a call from the Princess to tell me she was just too tired to drive her into town and drop her off at our house for the night.  So, instead, she will drop her off early in the morning on her way down to the State Park.  I didn't even ask if that meant we could have her for tomorrow night because I really was disappointed.  But I take what I can get these days.  One day Chewlee may be *too busy* or have other plans for her weekend and that will break my heart.

The Princess bought Chewlee the whole Harry Potter set of books and already Chewlee is having major meltdowns over what is in the books that was not in the movies.  Just wait.  It only gets worse as she goes through them.  I tried to warn her a long time ago but I don't think she believed me.  She couldn't see how there could be any more room for more things to have happened.  Now she is getting an inkling.

I'm just so glad that Chewlee is a reader.  She loves books and she enjoys reading.  I did as a kid and still enjoy them.  I was so angry at the Beast when he threw out so many of my books because he figured they were just dust catchers.  I read books over and over.  He never did that sort of thing.  He tossed out all my Clan of the Cave Bear series (all hard cover), my Tony Hillerman books (stories about the Navajo...mysteries), my Ann McCaffrey sci-fi books and all my Dragons of Pern series.  

He did this when I was in the hospital having my first arterial bypass in my legs (the first one was the toughest one to recover from).  I was pretty much only able to hobble with a walker from my recliner to the bathroom for almost six months and it took me damn near a year to fully recover.  I was so damn angry that I couldn't even talk to him for almost two weeks.  I have never forgiven him.  He's just lucky he didn't throw out my Harry Potter books. 

To the Beast, once you read a book, that's it.  He has never understood how anyone can read the same book over-and-over.  Because he has never done so, he hasn't discovered how you can learn something new each time.  Either you understand some things better or you read something that you missed or forgot about.  Each read is always new in it's own way.

No eggs today unless they laid any this afternoon.  If so, we will find them in the morning.  The Beast used up three of the eggs the other day when he made us pancakes and he dropped this little tidbit on my yesterday....two of the eggs were *twins*...double yokers.  That kind of shocked me.  It made me wonder...if they were fertilized, does that really mean that twin chicks would have fit in that small (medium size) egg?  Just wonderin'.  

I'm heading for bed now since we have to get up early for when the Princess drops off Chewlee.  Love you all.  Be good.  Be careful.  Starting on Monday, we will be having one thunderstorm-y day after another through Friday.  Yikes!  That won't be fun for me, that's for sure.  I love the sun but I really don't mind thunderstorms as long as there are no tornadoes associated with them.  Keep your fingers crossed.  ***Hugs***

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