We got two more full size eggs from the girls today. Looks like they are finally doing their job. We just don't know why they are using the one nesting box for them. Oh well.
Got a call from the Princess, who is going to participate in a run down at the state park. She wanted to know if I had plans for Saturday morning since Chewlee needs to be at her soccer game. She is going to drop her off after school tomorrow, along with her soccer clothes. When I told the Beast, he wants to go with so he can take a few pictures of her playing. The Princess is going to take Gunner on the run with her by putting him in a jogging stroller. He'll enjoy that, I'm sure.
Later, on Saturday, Cee and I hope to go see Baby Brat in her apartment. She should be moved in by then. We want to make sure she has everything she will need to get along on her own. I'm curious as to how she really feels about it. She might just enjoy only having herself to worry about. We'll see.
In the meantime, I got my Mother's Day gifts today from Mustachio, Sheepie and Buttmunch. I got a really nice bathrobe. It's black with a faux leopard trim. What I especially like about it is that the belt makes a bow in the back so Chewlee can't take it off and play with it. She lost the one she played with from my old robe. How it could get lost in this small house is beyond me but lost it is. The other thing I got was a two wick candle in a can. I have no idea what hyacinth smells like in a scented candle but I will find out.
I called Mustachio and thanked him and told him to be sure to give Sheepie and Buttmunch my love and a hug. I also had to give him the dates (again) that we will be traveling to Chicago and when we would arrive at his apartment. Luckily, he was able to put in for the dates for his vacation while he was talking to me. It seems he is on vacation as of today. LOL.
He only went back to work on Wednesday and today started his vacation. He hasn't taken all the vacation he is entitled to after working there for over five years and has only used up about a week and a half of his sick days this year (he dislocated his shoulder falling off a chair when he changed a light bulb in his kitchen). Damn kid did a Mel Gibson trick to put it back in place but did also go to the doctor's. They x-ray'd the shoulder and it was properly in place, thankfully. He said that doing the *Mel Gibson* trick was PAINFUL! Even more so than the movie indicated. Dummy!
It took him 11 days to recover...almost. He still has painful muscles but not as painful as it was at first. He'll learn. You always pay a price.
Well, time to hit the sack. I'm beat. My day was *normal*, whatever that is. No drama so that's a good thing. The Beast got kind of sick feeling and dizzy today but was better after a nap. He DID spend most of the late afternoon and evening in his recliner so I'm not really sure what is wrong with him. He stops telling me anything the minute I say *doctor*. I'll find out more tomorrow, I'm sure.
Love you all. Be good. Be kind. Watch the weather and be safe. We had one hell of a thunderstorm tonight but it was all just sound and no fury. ***Hugs***
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