Cee and I were talking yesterday about the fact that my son, Mustachio, has said he is going to accompany us on our trip to Chicago at the end of June. This leaves us with a bit of a problem. It's one thing to intrude on a relative when there are two of you (and we can share a bed) but when there are three of you, that's kind of nervy.
So, what to do? Can we find an inexpensive motel that's kind of central to the places we want to be able to get to while we are there and share the cost three ways? IS there such a thing as an inexpensive motel (in the suburbs, of course) that wouldn't cost us an arm and a leg? We will need it for six nights since we will arrive on the 21st and leave on the 27th. Cee and I won't get home until the 28th since we will stay overnight with Mustachio on the 27th and then make the 5-6 hour drive home. We might even stop over for a few hours in Nashville to visit with my son, Marcus. His house is only a 2-1/2 hour drive from home. We just want to be home before dark. Old people do not like driving after dark. Especially since *I* live out in the country.
Actually, I am closer to civilization than the Princess and I am grateful for that but I still don't like traversing the roads I must to get home. Neither does Cee, although she is just about two blocks off a major highway. But she would have to drive from my house to that major highway to get to her house once we return.
So...what to do? I guess I need to talk to Mustachio first of all. I can't place the burden on the sister of my heart, Kay, to take us in....even though they are down to just one kid. However, her daughter is pregnant with her third child and is due a few weeks prior to our arriving up there (but you know how due dates are). She will more than likely go down (Louisville area) to stay with her daughter for the first two weeks once the baby is born. That's been her habit for the first two and I have no reason to believe this would be any different.
I can't blame her. Grandkids are wonderful and babies are the sweetest, dearest things in the world. So precious. It wouldn't be the same without her there and I wouldn't wish three adults on someone who is barely used to having just the one son living at home. Besides that, I get the impression that she and her hubby are rediscovering the romance in their relationship although I think her hubby has made that marriage a wonderful one with his thoughtfulness. She is truly a great person and I love her to death. You can't help but love her when you meet her. She has a very loving heart.
I guess I should call a couple of my cousins and see what motels they might recommend for us that would work out for the people we hope to see while we are there. But AFTER I talk with Mustachio. I really don't want to put a financial burden on any of us, especially Cee. She will have her rent and other bills once we get home and she's not getting much money from SS, I know. Mustachio makes good money but it's also not fair to think HE should foot the bill since he's already supporting my niece, Sheepie. If only there was a motel where we could stay for about $50-60 a night. I think we might be able to manage that if we save for it. Even that is a lot for Cee (sorry to mention that, Sis) but it's true. If we only have my car to depend on, we can't really separate since we want to see the same people, I believe. Oh well. First things first. Talk to Mustachio. See if he has any ideas.
On to other things... My bff, Carol, sent me the most unusual and sweetest gift for Mother's Day. It's an assortment of bakery goods. German chocolate brownies, two different kinds of a type of pound cake, several other things that escape my memory at the moment but isn't that sweet of her? She told me she sent me two things from different places so I guess the other package will arrive in a day or two. She can really surprise me at times with how thoughtful she can be.
We had a good ole' country boy tell us that we MUST have a rooster in with our hens or else they won't lay full sized eggs for us. I don't know if that's true or not because Johnnycakes has no roosters in with his hens and he was raised on a chicken farm. He has enough roosters in a separate coop area that he could easily let one of them in with his hens if he really thought that was needed but he's keeping them for eating, not breeding.
Right now, you couldn't prove that by me since our hens have only laid these itty bitty eggs (all three of them) and we haven't had any new eggs laid for several days now. I did see Freddy taking advantage of one of the hens a couple days back so I am waiting to see what happens. We refrigerate the eggs because we DO have Freddy in with them. I'm not taking any chances. We do NOT need any chicks.
Other than that, it was another wash day for us. The Beast took care of cleaning his dress shirts and pants (he's very fussy about them) and I just mated his dress socks. I took care of my jeans and tops and the pj's that I've worn along with my underwear. I haven't packed up my warm jammies just yet since it's gotten cold at night and I like to be warm. It's only a few more weeks now until we leave (we leave on the 20th of June for Mustachio's place and will spend the night there). I'll give Cee the couch and I can make a bed on the living room floor. *Grin* We'll manage.
I still don't know when the Beast is going up to his brother's house but I know he wants to go before I leave on my trip so, hopefully, it will be soon. He's been busy with his camera, figuring out some new settings for it so he can take some good pictures for the wedding he's doing in June. He just hopes not to have to Photo Shop so much with the right settings that he's not tried before. If you know anything about the newer digital cameras, I mean ASA settings so his focus isn't so critical and neither is his flash.
Now that you have fallen asleep in boredom, I'll close this and get it posted. The Beast has been in bed since about 8:30pm and it's now almost 11:30pm. He got some decent sleep yesterday using the Tamarind juice and then a cup of hot chocolate (his favorite thing before bedtime). He'd actually gotten out of the habit of his hot chocolate and I wonder if that didn't have something to do with his inability to sleep? They've always said that hot milk helps you sleep so perhaps even hot chocolate made with milk does the same? IDK....!
Love you all. Hope you all are getting some of the good spring weather that is hopping all over the place. Even the more gentle rain (not the flooding kind) is still spring-like. Be happy. And remember, all acts of kindness cost you nothing but can mean the world to other people. Besides, it's a good sign that you are made of the *right stuff*. Wink....***Hugs***
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