Thursday, May 5, 2016

Egg #5.....

It looks like the hens don't just lay eggs overnight.  The Beast had checked the barn this morning when he went to open the barn door (to air it out to eliminate methane buildup) and there were no eggs.  But, when he went in this afternoon to change the big water container, he found an egg in one of the nesting boxes.  It's another full size one, too.  

I spent the afternoon at Cee's and we were talking about things we would like to do when we go to Chicago.  I said I would love to go see Brookfield Zoo and she laughed and said she wanted to do that, too.  I used to take my brothers and sisters there on Free Wednesdays during the summer.  We always packed a lunch for us all and would have a picnic.  The little ones would spend some time chasing around the chipmunks (the zoo was full of them it seemed) and within a couple hours after that, everyone was ready to go home.  We always had a good time then and the zoo has done so much expansion over the years that we decided we would love to see the changes.  So there's one day that we will fill.

We are also hoping that we can put together a cousin gathering of some kind so that we can get to see some of the family that we used to get to see every year at the family reunions.  My Sunday is taken care of (that's the day I meet up with my girlfriends and it's also my ...shudder...70th birthday) but we will have five, four other days.  But I imagine that Saturday would work for those cousins not retired yet.  But we still have a couple weeks to work that out.

My job is to check into various motels in different areas to see what their summer rates are for their rooms and find us a suitable place to stay.  Thank goodness we aren't going into a totally unfamiliar area so we know which areas are close to main highways for getting around.

We made hot turkey open face sandwiches with some cheesy mashed potatoes and asparagus for dinner.  It was a nice change of pace, especially since I made sure we had enough gravy for everything.  The Beast went a little nuts clearing off the cabinet tops but it was great from my point of view.  He got rid of (meaning he found other places to put the things he was keeping on the counters and the stove top) a lot of the clutter he insisted on keeping on there.  I would try to put them away and he would keep putting them out where he could easily find them.  I know his memory can be shot at times but, come on now!    It looks so much neater and cleaner now.  

Well, time to get this posted so I can put on warm jammies (it's cool out and inside here, too).  I have my little desktop heater going to warm up this room a bit so the arthritis in my hand doesn't flare up so that I have to keep it wrapped up in a heating pad again.

Love you all.  Please be careful and be happy.  It's much healthier.  Oh, and don't forget to laugh.  That's healthy, too.  ***Hugs***

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