Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Now It's Just Waiting For Lab Results....

So yesterday was the day I visited my regular doctor and my vascular doctor.  The good news is that my arteries are running strong and well.  I actually figured that out once the swelling in my foot went down.  He now wants to address the other carotid artery that wasn't done a few years ago but says that can wait until after I get back from Chicago.  

My regular doctor was told the entire scenario that I went through with the gastric doctor he had referred me to a few months back and just how pissed I was.  I then told him about what I had been going through for the past week and how miserable I was.  I also told him that I could NOT wait and why so he agreed to give me something temporarily until some labs tests could be worked up.  He suspects that something more is going on than just IBS-D.  I think he believes it may be this other  bacteria that often proliferates in the intestines and can go out of control with no real reason.

Now it's just a waiting game.  I shall keep you posted.  ***Hugs***

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