Sunday, February 7, 2016

Keeping Busy....

I spent the day working on folding clothes for the Beast and doing my wash.  That wasn't really bad since it was just one load for each of us (as far as folding goes).  The Beast had his hang-up clothes and why he had to *borrow* a few of my hangers, I have no idea....unless he bought some new stuff.  I didn't check because I get the willies about the money he spends as it is.  He seems bound and determined to spend us into the poor house before he dies.  I really do think he wants to leave me penniless when he goes.

He went to visit a friend at a nursing home for a little bit yesterday afternoon.  The man has Parkinson's and shakes badly from it.  It really bothers the Beast that the man's mind is sharp but his body has just betrayed him and he's no longer able to do many things for himself any more.  He's there just to wait to die.  Since the Beast is worried about that kind of thing happening to him, we actually talked about the fact that there could come a time when we were no longer able to do many of the things that WE need to do.  The idea frightens him.  I admit it does me, too.  I don't want to end up in a nursing home far from family and friends who might at least visit me from time-to-time.  Besides, I HATE nursing homes.  I really think they make people WANT to die.  Some from just plain loneliness, others from hating the treatment that many give.  *Sigh*

I made dinner today (my turn) and just made us a skillet dinner.  It's called Ultimate Nacho and it's actually very tasty and filling.  It was the first time I tried making it and I was surprised (and pleased) that it came out the way it did.  Sometimes the recipes you find on the internet really ARE good!  LOL!

I also worked on clearing up my desk a bit.  I was really a bit shocked at how little I needed to do.  It helped when I worked on straightening out my areas of my bookcase and even putting up the little perfume containers from the Middle East that I got from my son, Mustachio.  When Chewlee was here the other day, she noticed them immediately and I let her hold them, one-by-one and she was just awed by how beautiful they were.  She especially liked the little ones.  

I told her that when I filled them up with different perfumes, I would let her help me.  I just need the special alcohol to mix the essential oils that I already have (a friend who was stationed in the Middle East purchased them for me and they are just waiting to be mixed).  I'll do that and fill the vials with an eye dropper so she can help with that without worry of a mess.  I know she will love doing it.  She will also probably want to try them since she loves scented powders and perfume.  But don't all little girls? 

So I cleared my desk off but still need to do a little *relocating* of things in this room before I feel it's organized.  I spend so much time in here that I want it to be neat and comfortable.  That means organizing the closet in here since I have my painting bins that need to go in there.  I don't want them out in the cottage any more.  Too inconvenient with the way the Beast keeps putting more and more stuff out there.  I had to dig these out when I wanted them and it wasn't easy.

I fell asleep after dinner and woke up briefly around midnight.  I guess I was already ready for bed that early but I stayed up about an hour and a half before returning to bed.  Darn that FB! many interesting posts to read.  But I was too tired to do my blog so I went back to bed and just woke up a few minutes ago.  I am not really sure if I should go back to bed or not.  I think the reason I fell asleep so early was because I am waking up very early (around 5am) and staying up.  When I fall asleep around 7:30-8pm, I am really bushed.  I'm not taking naps either so it makes for a long day for me.

Today is Sunday (now) so the Beast will be heading to church around 12:30pm and will probably stop at the nursing home afterward.  Since his friend is from his church, he will probably tell him all about the people that were there, who sent him regards, etc.  The man has no family left around here and that bothers the Beast.  It's sweet of him to care but it's mostly because he's afraid of that happening to him.  If it makes him feel better, I really don't care.  I will just figure on serving dinner a bit later.  I'm not sure what I want to make but I won't put the dinner rolls in the oven until he's home.  I just love yeast rolls.  I love the crunchy crust most of all.

Well, time to post this and decide if I am staying up or going back to bed.  Love you all.  Hope you have a wonderful day.  ***Hugs***

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