Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Fragrant Surprise Arrives....

There's nothing like getting a real surprise that arrives meant for your cat!  How about a 60lb bag of cat litter?  One that arrives with the accolades of your bff's cat yet?  LOL.  It had a wonderful, woodsy aroma to it.  It's going to work well in the litter box that the Beast bought for Sassy for at night (or when she wanders in during the day).  It's pellets but they fall through the self-sifting section easily.  

I had Sassy send her auntie a nice Thank You note for the gift.  I read it before I sent it off and it was very sweet.  I think Carol will appreciate it as much as we all appreciate how kind this was since we had no idea where to start looking for a litter that worked..  By that, I mean worked on the odors generated.  

Truthfully, I have no idea where the day went today.  I did some drawer cleaning (cleaning out and throwing away a few things).  I went through some old makeup.  I don't wear it much these days since I don't work and don't go out that much so I threw away a lot of things that I knew were old (more than a year, except for the mineral powders).

Except for stopping to eat, it didn't seem like all that long before it was almost dark.  The Beast was gone to fill up the cars with gas so I went and gathered the eggs and fed the chickens their corn then came back in the house to wonder how the day just flew by so fast.  I called it a day and just sat and watched some TV for a while before I decided to get this done before my shower.  I'm going to investigate a new store with Cee tomorrow (she's already previewed it but wants to go back).  I'll call her in the morning to let her know when I plan on heading over there and she's going to meet me.  

I just went out to get some more coffee and the cat and dog are asleep already with the cat's paws around Baron's neck.  By the time the Beast went to get his camera, Baron had moved and so had Sassy.  Oh well.  Another time, another camera op!

Okay, time to close this.  Love you all.  Be happy.  Be glad it's Friday.  Be kind to everyone you meet and smile.  ***Hugs***

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