Tuesday, October 18, 2016

More Tests? Ugh!

So I go to see my  vascular doctor today.....  His office was jammed with people and I realized how big his practice must be now from when I first started seeing him.  He was a brand new doctor in our area and the only vascular surgeon in three counties.  There are a couple  more now but then he was the only one.

I really like him.  He doesn't talk down to you.  He takes his time and will answer any questions you might have even if you think they might be silly ones.  He loves it when you joke around (I do a lot of that when I go into surgery....before they knock me out).  Today he had an intern with him and I looked at her and thought she looked like a baby.  Not like someone within 3 years or so of being another vascular surgeon.  I was shocked to find out she was 24 years old.  I would have guessed around 13...LOL.  She will be with my doctor for a year and then she will be assigned to another vascular doctor.  She says she actually hopes to stay with him longer because she admires his ease with patients and his surgical techniques (so far!).  

So he  tells me he wants me to have a CT scan so he gets a better view of my arteries in my neck.  He said that he would show them to me when he gets them back so I can see what he wants to do and why.  I said that means I get to ask more questions and make a decision.  He laughed and said he didn't imagine that *I* would ever just go along with a doctor I didn't trust or if I had my doubts about a procedure.  He's right  about that.  We've had many a discussion about things done to me before I would let him do them.

His nurse will be calling me tomorrow to tell me when I go for my CT scan and she will also set up my appointment with my doctor for after it's done.  I hate waiting.  Hell, I hate having to take MORE damn tests even though a CT scan isn't so bad.  I've had them before.  I just hate having to be so still for as long as they take.  It's different for each type but still.....

I found out that one of the Beast's nieces is staying with the Princess for a couple days.  She's a Special Needs teacher in Tennessee and I haven't seen her in ages.  I've known her since she was a baby and now her baby is in her last year of college.  Time flies.  Her hubby is a policeman in Tennessee and doesn't get a *Fall Break* so she's by herself.  I'm going to go over to the Princess' tomorrow so I can see her and visit for a bit.  I may call Cee to see if she would like to take the ride with me.  She's knows Brenda, too, and might like seeing her.  I know she hasn't seen her in a much longer time than me.  The Beast isn't *into* family these days (his church is his family now) so he just told me to say hello to her.  Oh, wow!

Today was the last day Baron got a shot of antibiotics (7 days already?) and now it's kind of wait and see.  He's still not eating like he should but we need to see what happens in the next few days.  He's been so good about his shots and his meds for his stomach.  I hope he starts acting more like our old Baron even if he DOES walk slower...LOL.

Love you all.  Be good.  Be happy most of all.  Be kind to everyone.  It might be the only kindness someone gets that day and it can mean the world in their life.  You never know.  ***Hugs***

PS:  A short time after I told the Beast I was going to take the ride over to the Princess' to see Brenda, he comes into my computer room and says, *I don't know why you want to go there to see Brenda when they are coming here on Thursday, I think they said.*  I was totally pissed and said, *Nice going.  Why didn't you tell me she was here or that they were planning on coming over?*  He said to me...get this....*Oh, I thought I did tell you.*  No,  you didn't.  Just another time I'm kept in the dark.  I'm not sure if it's his age, his memory or if he thinks I can read his mind.  *Smack*  So maybe I will just call the Princess to tell her I am going to stay home and finish my packing up of my summer clothes since they were planning on coming over in another day.  I can make some snacks for us then.  What do you think?  Tata for now.

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