Friday, October 14, 2016

Is It Just Me?

Has this year just flown by for anyone else?  I can hardly believe it's already the middle of October.  I feel like I only got back from Chicago a couple weeks ago.  Maybe time does fly by faster as you get older.  Right now, I feel as old as dirt.  Sheesh!

It was a good day today.  The day never got too warm so the Beast didn't complain at all about that.  In fact, he didn't complain about anything today and that was a small miracle in itself.  He did have one thing happen to him today that he had to tell me.  He got to taste what the friend of his from the Dominican Republic called *Haitian spaghetti*.  

He said it had spaghetti noodles and some small sausage that almost tasted like hot dogs cut up into slices.  The sauce was sweet, almost like catsup and it did have onions in it but that was it.  He was polite about it but had begged off from eating a lot of it because he said it didn't smell like any spaghetti he had ever had.  I told him that didn't surprise me since Haiti was so damn poor.  They had to be creative and make food that they could afford and try to make it at least edible.  I told him that I knew really dirt poor people in the  50's that were unemployed and he wouldn't have believed some of the food they survived on.  It was not a good time in our economy.

I don't think he ever knew what hunger was when he was growing up.  Or what being poor was like.  He should have.  It might have made him a better person with more empathy for others.

I washed clothes today.  I was surprised at how much I had to do.  But it was really a lot of pajamas and underwear and I don't think I wore pants (like jeans) more than once without spilling something on them so they had to be washed.  I counted five pair and I don't usually use that many in a week.  Yikes.  I have to learn to be less clumsy.  I also have to stop wiping my hands on them instead of using a paper towel or a dish cloth.

The Beast actually gave Baron his shot today all by himself.  I always had to be the one to lift a section of skin up so he could inject the dog under the skin and not in the muscle.  Baron is so good about that.  I usually massage the area afterward because it does make a kind of ball under there but it goes down in just a few seconds.

Baron is eating but he is refusing to eat his dog food.  He just wants his chicken with either rice or broccoli.  However, he will eat the chicken just fine if you are willing to hand feed it to him.  In fact, he will eat a lot more of it than otherwise.  What a brat!

I made (almost) jambalaya today.  Wow...I didn't think that not adding the sausage would make a big difference but I was wrong.  You don't think that something like smoked sausage would be missed with all that goes into it (like shrimp, green pepper, onion, scallions, white and brown rice, tomatoes, red beans, spices) but it really did seem a bit on the tame side.  I like it because it (usually) has a nice snappy taste.  I thought we had some in the fridge but it seems the Beast used it up on some late night sandwiches for himself.  Oh well.  I added a few more spices to it before I put it in the fridge and I'll see what I think tomorrow.  I plan on eating it for my lunch.

I guess I should get my clothes folded and put away now before I get ready for bed.  I just get really tired when I look at it all in the clothes basket....LOL.  Love you all.  Be happy and have a great weekend.  Enjoy the great weather while we have it.  It will be snow soon enough.  ***Hugs***

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