Doesn't it just figure that something you do on a whim would turn out just about the best that you have ever done? Let me explain.
Today was our usual Sunday. The Beast went to his church meeting at 1pm and got home a little after 3pm. I matched some socks for him that he had washed and dried (he hates mating socks!). I didn't bother planning on making him any dinner because he was going to a graduation party and there would be lots of food (there was, too!). A lot of the dishes brought there for the party would be Mexican and the Beast loves Mexican food.
I happened to say to the Beast, *You should have asked Ellie (not her real name) if there was something you could bring. I would have boiled up a couple dozen eggs and made deviled eggs or something else if she needed it.* That's when I thought that I should make some deviled eggs for us since we love them and we hadn't had any in quite some time. My whim.
So I boiled 8 eggs, iced them down and made deviled eggs for us after the Beast left for the party. Wouldn't you know it? They taste wonderful. It may be the best deviled eggs I've made in ages. They really taste great. When I told the Beast I had made them, he went to get himself some. He actually came to talk to me (I was in my computer room) to tell me he thought they were fantastic! You could have knocked me over with a feather. He doesn't throw compliments around easily so that was a big shock. But I remembered to thank him for that. Anything to encourage more of that from him....LOL!
I gather from the Beast that close to 300 people showed up at the party. That means that Dennis probably had a shit fit over it. The party was held at the house on the second curve past our house (and Dennis'). Like us, they bought two lots together but the back yard is at the back of Dennis' house. The whole party was rather mild until around 8pm when they started playing music and dancing. The dancing was both inside and outside the house (all on their property) but Dennis seems to hate when people have fun close to their house. I was tempted to go over there just to hear what he had to say about it all. BTW, they didn't have 300 guests all at once. People were coming and going all evening. Oh well. We will hear his complaints tomorrow, I'm sure.
The thing is, the people from the Beast's church really don't drink, don't smoke and keep their kids under control so we know that there really isn't any reason for Dennis to complain. There's no garbage or cans or plastic cups thrown around. When the party is over, the outside will be pristine and there will be no garbage on anyone else's lawn either.
Of course, a long time ago, I told you about how Dennis was OCD. They used to have fringed area rugs and Dennis would make sure each and every fringe was perfectly straight. You would have had to see it to believe it. He also had/has the absolute cleanest work bench and shop areas I have ever seen in my life. I'm just glad he's not MY problem.
Okay, that's it for today. The Beast went to bed around 8:30pm and is sound asleep. So is Baron. Next will be ME! I hope. LOL. Love you all. Be happy. ***Hugs***
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