Monday, October 24, 2016

The Chicken Fiasco....

Most days with the chickens are pretty tame but, on occasion, one of them gets out of our yard and it can be a real pain when the Beast tries to catch it.  Today was one of those days except this time, the Beast got me, Dennis and Diane involved.  It was a real fiasco since my hips start hurting me to the point that I am afraid I will be reduced to crawling on my hands and knees to get into the house.  Dennis and Diane were willing but the chicken was FAST and managed to dodge everyone and it finally took off among the little forest behind our back neighbors house.  The tangle of trees, thorn bushes and brush was so thick that only the darn chicken could scoot underneath it.  We were just out of luck.  I laughed and said we should keep a weighted net to throw over any of them that *escape* the yard.  I think everyone thought I was kidding (but I wasn't!). 

The Beast felt we had lost the chicken, despite my assurances that it would be able to find it's way back home just by homing in on Freddie's crowing.  Freddie, although I doubt he can count, would know one of the girls was missing and would keep crowing until dark.  When the Beast went out to lock the gate into the coop, guess what he found?  Yep, the missing was back home.  She wouldn't go into the coop while he was there but you could tell she wanted to get where she felt safe.  So, he left the gate open and came into the house.  She scooted into the coop as quick as her legs would carry her and later, when the Beast re-counted them, sure enough, they were all in there.  I told him she would be able to find her way back but what do I know.   One of my cousins who also has chickens, had told me this was true.  Especially since the chickens had been living in the coop since they were just 3 months old.  That is HOME to them.  Most of hers were born in her coop and raised by their mothers.

Sassy has decided to come and stay with us since it started getting so cold at night.  Since she no longer has her brother to cuddle up with, she's decided that Baron is a good choice.  She might actually be just what Baron needs to turn the corner on his recuperation.  At least, I hope so.  It was so cute to see Baron, sound asleep, and Sassy cuddled up under his chin with her paw on his nose.  We're going to have to get a litter box for her...just in case.  So far, she lets us know when she wants to go out and I hope she keeps that up.  I hate a litter box because we haven't found a litter that really does eliminate the odor, no matter how often you scoop it.  But who knows?  Maybe, just maybe, this time one of the litter claims will be true.

I've been watching the second chapter of Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers.  And, dammit, I STILL cry every time the elf warriors march into Helm's Deep to aid Men in their fight against the orcs.  Will I ever NOT cry?  It's just so touching and unexpected by the king and all his men.  I'll cry again at the end of the final chapter when Aragon and his lady love, the elf princess, are unexpectedly reunited.  Just thinking about the joy he feels makes me tear up.  Sheesh.  I am such a softie and it's only a movie, for cryin' out loud!  LOL!

Well, when this movie ends, I plan on getting in the shower and hurrying so I don't miss too much of The Return of the King (final chapter).  I'll set my hair while I'm watching it (doctor's appt. tomorrow, remember!).  I'm going over to Cee's when I get done and she's promised me lunch (steamed shrimp...yum!).  I didn't go today because I had such a crappy night's sleep (drinking a lot of water to help get the iodine mix out of my system so I was peeing every HOUR!).  Plus, I was going to be just a half mile away from her place so it made more sense to go see her afterward.

Love you all.  Try to be kind to everyone.  You never know when a small act of kindness may help someone struggling with their own grief and problems.  It may be just what they need to get through another day.  ***Hugs***

PS:  We found out late tonight that our neighbor, Betty, the one that lives in back of us, lost her husband the other day.  Her nephew came over to inform us.  I wondered why I hadn't seen her in a while.  He was in the hospital for just a few days when he passed.  Say a little prayer for her.  I know she will miss him greatly even though they were thinking about a divorce before she found out how ill he was.

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