The Beast took pictures of the Princess and the whole family yesterday. I got to see a few of them that he had printed up and the Princess put a couple on her FB page. They look great. I hope she does up the family one for her wall at home.
He surprised me by bringing Chewlee home with him since she didn't want to participate in the activity her folks planned after dinner. She looked adorable in the dress she had on. I'm pretty sure it was the same one she wore for her recital but I could be wrong on that. I was more concentrated on her playing than what she was wearing. I was worried that she didn't have pajamas or clothes to change into but she had packed a bag beforehand. She KNEW she was going to end up here. She knows I love to have her.
I ended up turning on her cartoon channel since the movie I was watching was one I had seen several times already. She and I took a quick trip to the store to get some milk since she and the Beast both drink a lot of it and we were almost out. The Beast was busy printing up some of the pictures he had taken so we went instead. I picked up some mints for her and some Hot Tamales for me....LOL. I don't get them often but I had a taste for them once I saw them. Even Gunner likes them, which I found out today while he was here. Chewlee doesn't like hot or too spicy. Me? I like spicy and hot, too. I used to eat sliced pickled jalapenos with my potato chips. My kids tried that ... once! My youngest, Marcus, said he wanted to grow up to be a man like his mom and be able to do that. I've never asked him if he can do that now. I still do....LOL.
We went to bed at 10pm (Chewlee and the guest room). It was around 2am that I ended up in my recliner due to charlie horses in my legs. It was so damn painful and required me getting up and walking around for a bit so I didn't want to disturb her. I slept on my recliner when I got to sleep. I was exhausted by morning and stayed where I was while Chewlee turned on her cartoons. Some of the ones that are now on *her* channel were new to me. It's been a couple years since I had her living with us during the week. Funny, but I still kind of miss getting up with her in the morning and waiting with her outside for the bus to pick her up. Then, waiting again for it to drop her off in the afternoon. I DON'T miss getting up at 5am to make sure she had her backpack packed with the things she needed and a snack. Then the chore of waking her to make her get dressed for school. I understand she now has her own alarm clock (she actually borrowed one of the ones we have here) and gets herself up and ready for school.
I found out she loves her English class and she loves to write stories. She reminds me of myself at her age. I don't know if she reads a lot (I read almost constantly whenever I could). She complained about there being nothing to do because her tablet (which she had just *earned* back!) needed charging and it didn't seem to be charging when the Beast checked. However, she kept it plugged in, regardless, and discovered this morning that her tablet won't work if it's been drained completely until it's fully charged. It started working for her this morning, so she was happy. I had let her play on my computer but there was a lag in our internet that created a problem with the game she wanted to play. I finally helped her connect to my Pogo account (which I keep more for HER than for me) and she played games on that until we went to bed.
I got stuck watching HER programs while she played since she was half-watching them. She knew automatically if it was a new episode and she would watch it with all her attention on it. She was tired at bedtime and didn't give me a problem going to bed. She had been falling asleep in my recliner when I got on just before I noticed that. She always wants me to sleep with her so I just shut down my computer and off we went.
Between that and the charlie horses in my legs, it's the reason I didn't get to post a blog last night. I need to start taking vitamins again. I've been out of mine now for over a week. I keep forgetting to buy more. Duh! When I take them, it seems to help prevent those damn things. Must be the potassium. I've been eating bananas so what gives?
Time to close for now. Love you all. Remember that everyone deserves respect. Giving it shows integrity on your part. Don't forget to be grateful for each day you wake up to another day of life. Enjoy it to the fullest. ***Hugs***
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