Friday, October 28, 2016

That'll Learn Ya, Dern Ya!

Okay, I will admit it's probably one of the dumbest things I have done in quite a while (especially with the consequences to me) but I AM getting old and I don't always write things down.

I have learned to write down appointments (I have a small white board I keep on my desk for that) but I haven't considered writing down what prescriptions I need to get ordered.  Instead, I put the empty containers on my desk, in front of my keyboard, after I fill up my pill box for the week.  Actually, what is MORE important than that is to write down what day(s) I am short on any med so that I can make sure to finish filling up THOSE particular pills on the day that I ran out of them.

Today I didn't even notice that I was short a particular pill when I took each sections pills.  Let me explain.  My pill box can be set up for a whole weeks worth of pills.  Each day is divided into four sections:  morning, noon, evening, bedtime.  I can (and do) make use of them all.  Don't ask.  Even *I* shudder at the number of pills I must take daily.

However, the most....and I mean MOST....important pills that I take are the ones for my IBS-D.  I've gotten so used to not even thinking about that scourge that I had forgotten that I needed to get my refill and finish up putting THOSE into my pill box.  I needed to pick it up from yesterday.  YESTERDAY!!!  How could I be taking my pills and not notice that I was missing  the little blue capsules?  Huh?  Huh?  *Smacks self on forehead*

I take one of those four times a day.  FOUR times a day!  Just goes to show you how distracted I was yesterday.  I did notice I was missing them today but not until I took the evening group.  That means I missed SIX pills.  And guess what happened to me shortly after I ate?  Yes!  An IBS-D attack.  Luckily, I did manage to get to the bathroom without too much of a mess mainly because of the bladder control pad I had on.  But I feel like a total idjit!  Of all things to forget....well, I won't forget to check my pills each time to make sure they are ALL there for the whole week.  OR...better yet....if I happen to run out of a particular med, I need to stop and not finish filling up my pillbox until I get my refill.  Has anyone else had this kind of problem?  If so, what was your solution?  I'd like to know.

Well, I had a horrible night last night and didn't get much sleep so I am tired and cranky.  I kept trying to take a nap but the Beast kept intruding.  I wasn't fit company for man nor beast so I kind of hid away, trying to get a bit of rest here and there all day long.  I didn't even call Cee because I didn't want to talk to anyone (I was sorely pissed at the Beast for something I'll tell you about tomorrow) for fear I might be mean or nasty to them.  I'm human, too, ya know!

Love you all.  Enjoy your weekend.  ***Hugs***

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