I actually slept through the night last night. That's why there was no post. I was too tired to do an early one but thought I would wake up during the wee hours of the morning and be able to do one then. But I had a nice surprise when I woke up this morning and realized that I had actually slept very well and for more than two or three hours at a time.
I pretty much wasted the day by doing things I really didn't have to do (and ignoring things I should do). I felt good and just wanted to enjoy the difference. I didn't take a nap at all so that I will be able (I hope) to repeat my success tonight. I'm yawning so I think it may actually happen.
The Beast was pleasant all day and it didn't bother me as much when he kept coming in and telling me all about things he was hearing about on his programs. We even ate two meals together and cleaned up the kitchen together after dinner. All-in-all, a very nice day. It was cold outside (a high of 42) and it's supposed to be about the same tomorrow except we should see sunshine for a bit. It's supposed to go down to the mid-to-lower 20's tonight so I have my electric blanket warming my bed at the moment. I'll be heading for it as soon as I post this.
Love you all. We expect some snow tomorrow evening so I will tell you to keep warm and so will I. Be kind to everyone you meet. ***Hugs***
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