Saturday, January 14, 2017

So Many Questions......

First of all, I am still feeling good and even cooked a dish from scratch (shrimp, fresh mushrooms, green onions, celery, diced garlic, some secret spices, mushroom soup, beef broth, served over egg noodles).  It was delicious!  We ate it for both lunch AND our dinner.

As the day wore on and I was watching TV, it made me ask myself a lot of questions.  If you have seen that plastic exercise board that you sort of rock and roll on that sells for $39.95, you'll understand.  It's simply a curved piece of plastic that anyone 400 lbs or under can use that helps *tone your whole body*.  The gals that invented it went on shark tank and this one woman millionaire saw it and decided it was the *next hot item* for people like herself that like being toned but hate to exercise.  

The claim is that you can *feel the burn* within 60 seconds or get your money back including return shipping.  Until they mentioned the price, I was actually interested in it because I can't really do regular exercises at all.  Hell, I'm just glad I can walk more than 100 paces without support before my hips start hurting.  If I lean on a shopping cart, I do better but still have a problem.  It looked like something that might actually help me out.  BUT.....$39.95 is just too expensive for me to justify spending for PLASTIC.  Why would that woman, who funded all the start-up costs, think that it would sell like crazy for that price?  Am I wrong?  Or is it just the thought that the Beast would give me a tough time for spending it on plastic?  I really can't decide.

And what about this Human Growth Hormone they are touting?  I believe that it was banned or something a while back but it could be my faulty memory.  They don't mention the price of it after the intro offering of just $29.95 (plus shipping and handling) and, guess what?  They give you TWO bottles for the price of one...just pay separate handling for the second bottle.  BUT....I looked up the price and, guess what?  It's $98.00!!!!  I'll bet they don't explain that to the suckers that buy the *introductory* price but it will sure be a shock in 30 days or 45 days (it's never  a full 30 days before they bill and ship the next supply but 2 bottles might extend that just a bit)  The claim is that it kicks up your body to make HGH so that it does all kinds of miraculous things, like eliminating wrinkles.  Has anyone else noticed how many products are touting wrinkle reductions or eliminations?  Or is it just me because I've become more wrinkled the last couple years?  See what I mean?  Questions, questions and more questions.

It seems like I am paying more attention to commercials these days.  Is it because I keep hoping against hope that there will be some miracle product at a reasonable price that will suddenly show up or what?  And hair products, too.  My hair, which is baby fine to start with, seems to be thinning on me, especially on one side.  So those commercials catch my attention....the ones that are for women that say they will stimulate hair growth.  I'm sure you've seen them.  

One is *Women's Rogaine*, which not only is pricey ($50.00 a bottle) but, from what I heard, works but you don't dare stop using it because then all the hair that was *stimulated* starts falling out on you.   There's another one that you have to subscribe to that is cheaper but not by much.  Can't even consider that much due to the money that the Beast spends but he never joins anything that is deducted monthly to keep him supplied.  He just flat out buys whatever has taken his fancy because he really believes that what's his is his and what's mine is his, too.   I really wish I had been born rich instead of beautiful....LMAO!

It's just too bad that the majority of my older relatives are dead and none of those alive would consider naming me in their will.  If I ever inherited any money, the Beast would never see a penny of it...ever!  Maybe that sounds awful to anyone who only knows the surface Beast but, trust me, if he got to be able to *share* it in any way, I am the one that would never see a dime of it.  No way would I let that happen.  At least he knows better than to ask me.  The money I DID get from my father, he never even tried.  I even opened a second checking account for it.  But that is neither here nor there to the questions.

I guess I should close for today.  My back is KILLING me and I really don't want to take another pain pill so I should go lay down and see if I can stop the hurting and get some sleep.  Love you all.  Let me know about the questions I've been asking myself.  Are you asking yourself a lot more questions  these days, even if they are not the same?  I'd be interested to know.  Be good.  Be kind.  Stay warm.  ***Hugs***

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