Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Low Blood Sugar Or Side Effect?

I think I discovered (the hard way!) why it really IS important that you take the time to read those sheets the druggist attaches to our prescriptions.  I have been sick for about a week now and I wasn't taking a lot of my pills.  I wasn't taking my  gabapentin, which is for the pain in my feet from the neuropathy caused by my diabetes.

I am not on insulin or any of the medications that are injectables.  My diabetes just requires oral medications and I have been well maintained for most of the time since I was diagnosed.  Going without my gabapentin for as long as I did had to mean that it was out of my system.  I had to get a refill on it and the Beast kept forgetting about it.  It had been ordered and was ready, he just needed to pay for it and bring it home.

Today I had my pill box all set and ready so that I could get back into my pill taking routine.  I was eating, finally, so I wasn't worried about barfing up pills.  So, here is what happened to me.

I actually ate breakfast so I took my morning dose of medication which included two 800mg.tablets of gabapentin.  The Beast came into my computer room and asked me to come and watch for the brake lights, turn signal, etc. as he had finished the wiring up of the Honda so that he could use it to tow the supply trailer.  I went into the garage and had just stepped down onto the little platform (the one he made for Baron when he was suffering with his arthritis) and suddenly I was on my butt and the Beast thought I had a heart attack or something.  I looked at him and said, *No, I just had a low blood sugar episode.*  I got up, made my way to a chair in the dining area and picked up a tangerine on my way.  The Beast was in a panic and kept suggesting things like a Snickers bar, some honey, he was all over the place with his suggestions.  I told him the tangerine was best because of the amount of simple sugar.

That's when the Beast said to me that if I didn't get better shortly, he was taking me to the doctor.  I laughed and said, *What?  So he can tell me I had a low blood sugar episode?*  But I really was puzzled at the same time since I shouldn't have had it with what I ate for breakfast and the amount of medication.  So, I gathered up the pages about my medications (Yes, I kept one for each that I took....just in case).  So what do I find out?  I couldn't believe it.  It says:  the most common side effects of gabapentin include:
* lack of coordination
*feeling drowsy
*nausea and vomiting
*feeling tired
*jerky movements
*difficulty with coordination
*double vision

I was stunned when I read the whole thing.  There are other possible side effects but.....after doing without the pills for a week, did I actually have a low blood sugar episode or was I suffering with side effects from my gabapentin?  I should have taken my blood count but all I wanted to do was lay down until I felt better.

I have never had a problem with any medication but it doesn't mean I couldn't develop some as I get older.  At 70, I am no spring chicken by any means.    I discovered that, when I fell, I actually hurt the muscles from under my bust to just below my waist.  There are certain positions that are so painful, I could cry.  I'm hoping a good night's sleep will take care of that.  I'm going to carefully read ALL of the information on each medication I am taking.  You just never know......

Well, time to close this missive and try to get some good sleep.  Love you all.  Forgive my hit or miss blogs for a bit.  Sometimes, I just don't/can't sit and gather my thoughts well enough to convey what I have going on here.  It's not like I lead an interesting life lately.  I even missed seeing my niece, Tara, when she came by and left us something she made for our dinner.  I thought that was very sweet of her.  She must have known I was sick so perhaps it's just as well.  I'm actually surprised the Beast isn't sick.  He's been very thoughtful the past few days.  He's making sure I eat something so I won't have any more *episodes* like I did today.  I think just getting back on my schedule will do more for me than anything.  Which reminds me....I need to take the last pills of the day so I will say adios' amigos.  Love you all.  Be kind to everyone.  It costs nothing and will actually make YOU feel great!  ***Hugs***

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