Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Surprise!

It was a great day today for only one reason....guess who came to visit me?  I heard the door to my computer room open, turned to look (expecting the Beast, of course!) and it was....Gunner!  He and the Princess stopped by and he came right to me.  He got in my lap, gave me a hug and a kiss and I was so happy to see him.  He is such a sweetie pie.  I love his smile and his cheerful disposition (most of the time).  I mean that seriously.  He very seldom has a bad attitude or is cranky unless he's sick, of course.  You can tell he is a very happy child.  Both his parents are responsible for that.  His daddy is so good with him that it's a treat to watch.  Gunner is a daddy's boy and you can tell that.  He also loves his mother a lot.  How could you not love a kid with that kind of personality?

He watched TV with me for a while (all the time eating the pretzel sticks I had) and he went and got his mother to pour him some juice in the straw cup I keep for the kids.  We both finally went out to visit with the Princess a bit and I turned on cartoons for him on the living room TV.  He really wasn't all that interested in them.  He just likes rocking in the Beast's recliner.  But he does like petting Dennis.  We think, however, that Dennis is leary of Gunner.  He acts like he's almost afraid of him.  I'm not sure if he was once traumatized by a little boy when he was younger or if Gunner might have done something that actually did scare him.

When they finally got ready to leave, Gunner gave the Beast and I both hugs and kisses...not just once but twice (I got a third one, even!).  They had to do some grocery shopping at a store here in Albertville since they don't have one in Boaz, which is closest to their house so they came to visit for a bit.  I was grateful.  The Princess said I looked so much better than the last time she saw me (when I was in the hospital).  I said I must have looked like death warmed over.  She, you didn't even look warm.  I must really have looked as bad as I felt!

Tomorrow afternoon I have my appointment with my gastro doctor.  I have a few questions I've prepared to ask him that I didn't get the answers to when I was in the hospital.  If he came to visit with me after my *surgery*, I wasn't aware of it.  If I was asleep (which could have been the case), he didn't want to wake me.  At least, that's what I figured because he came to visit with me after he had done my original colonoscopy with him.  He touched my foot and that brought me awake and aware.  If he did it this last time, I had to be in a deep sleep.

It was very cold today.  My Weather Bug told me that it was 34 degrees as our high but felt like 23 degrees.  Brrr!  I stayed nice and warm inside.  But I did like the fact that it was bright and sunny outside.  I hadn't watched the weather channel until late last night when I got up to use the bathroom and couldn't fall asleep.  That can put me to sleep some nights but I was stunned to see how much really bad weather was being felt by a big area of the NE.  And the snow!  OMG!  It was staggering.  I felt awful for the poor people that are living through that....and all the people, in that cold weather, who were/are without electricity.  That means they probably don't have heat, either.  I hope they were able to make arrangements to stay with someone who DID have both heat and electricity.  Or that their area had some place for those people (like old people or people with babies and/or young children).

We are due for another cold night both tonight and tomorrow night but...get this!  On Friday, we are expected to have a high around 68-70 degrees!  And it will be like that through the weekend, too.  Go figure!

I haven't done my shower yet but I will do that after I get this posted.  The Beast went to bed a half hour ago.  I still haven't done my roots yet and not sure I want to this late at night.  I'm just a bit too tired and I don't want to rush it.  I'm using a new product called *Keratin Color* and it looks like it might be really good for my hair.  It has a type of conditioner you use before you color, on dry hair with special emphasis on the ends.  I also have a special shampoo that I bought (via Amazon) that is supposed to help stimulate hair growth.  I have no idea if it will work but my hair is so fine and starting to get thin that I am willing to give it a try.  It wasn't cheap but I hope it does SOMETHING so I don't feel totally stupid for buying it.  I'll let you know.

One good thing I found out today (I asked), the Beast is feeling a lot better now as far as his ribs go.  He says he only has one spot that hurts him and that's when he over-stretches or has a deep cough.  He said he was a bit surprised when he noticed that.  I told him that's how it would happen.  Now he knows it.

Love you all.  Stay warm.  Stay safe.  Drive carefully if you must go out in the bad weather.  Otherwise, stay inside and be safe.  ***Hugs***

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