Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Ack! Another Awful Day...

There are people who just love these kind of days but it sure as heck isn't ME!  I'm all for sunny days, and warm ones, but even during the winter it's welcome.  I woke up today around 8:30am when I heard the Beast stirring in the kitchen.  He was getting the coffee pot ready to make our *booster* coffee (meaning it would boost our bodies to wake us up).

I looked out the window and it was grey and cold looking.  When I checked our outside gauge, it showed it was just 32 degrees outside.  My Weather bug said it *felt like* 24 degrees.  That was because the humidity is so high, not because of any real wind.  The Beast braved the cold and went to Publix to buy a nice corned beef brisket.  I have it slow cooking right now so we can eat it later.  I won't put the cabbage in to cook until much later.  I refuse to let it get TOO soft.  He also bought some of their really great rye bread.  Tonight.....a feast!!

I surprised myself last night.  I was tired after eating dinner but stayed up for a bit before finally giving in to the need for some sleep.  I thought I would just nap for a bit but, lo and behold!, I slept almost all night long.  That was a real surprise to me.  I knew I should have done my blog before laying down but I didn't.  I never expected to sleep as well as I did.  

I forgot to remind the Beast that we need some regular mustard.  I just know he didn't think of it.  All we have is some honey mustard and some of the hot Chinese mustard.  I just checked and, no, he forgot.  Oh well.  I guess I will have to run up to the Dollar General later and get some for *me* since I am the one that really wants it.  

The Beast has the central heat on due to the crappy weather.  They are saying we might get some drizzles later.  I can hardly wait for Spring.

A piece of news....we have a peach tree that the Beast was going to chop down since it had the appearance of being dead last year.  I noticed, however, that it actually has blossoms on it this year.  That was a real shock.  Now we have to wait and see what happens to it in a few weeks.  Last year, it didn't even have a leaf on it!  Do peach trees do that?  I mean, go dormant for a year at some point in their lifetime?  I guess we will find out.

It's time to get this posted.  Love you all.  Hope you are having a better day than I am.  At least I hope you have some sun shining.   ***Hugs***

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