Today was *Doppler* day, which actually is just a type of sonogram but seems like it's a lot shorter. There was the part on my empty stomach, then I was given crackers and water (peanut butter crackers) and there was another set taken so there were shots of my stomach actually working on digestion. But I was in and out of the department in about 15-20 minutes.
I was almost at the hospital before I realized that I had forgotten my phone so I wasn't able to call Cee when I finished up. I went to her door and knocked (loudly) but got no answer so I left for home. Actually, that was really kind of a saving of me since I had not taken any of my pills and was afraid I would end up with an IBS-D attack. All this because I woke up late and had to hurry to make the appointment.
Today was a totally wonderful day and kind of a surprise since we ended up having a temperature of 78 degrees and almost no wind at all. I spent some time sitting out on the deck, watching Dennis run around the yard, tossing a stick up in the air. It seems to be one of his favorite things to do besides digging by the fence that separates our yard from our next door neighbor's. He doesn't really like the pup next door. I had to yell at him and the Beast packed the dirt back that he had dug up.
I ate more spaghetti today that I spiced up a bit again. For some reason, I was craving it but only had a small bowl of it. That was lunch or I should say my brunch since I hadn't eaten anything but the peanut butter crackers at the hospital. Soup and a sandwich was dinner along with some cole slaw. I like the cole slaw from the deli at Walmart. It tastes very much like what I make.
The Beast ended up taking Dennis for a run with the scooter. Not really by choice. He took him out front without his training collar on (and no leash!) and Dennis took off down the road. But when the Beast showed him the collar that he had grabbed before he got on the scooter, Dennis stopped dead and turned around to meet up with him. He really does love that collar and becomes very obedient when he has it on. But, knowing that Dennis really needed to get rid of some energy, he finished the run and made Dennis very happy. It also did tire him out. He didn't even fuss with the cat....LOL
Now I have to wait for the gastro doctor to let me know the results of the Doppler. Until then, it's my usual days. *Sigh* I'm still trying to de-clutter my computer room. Some of the stuff in here, I really have no place to put that will make it neater. Not without some thought, anyway.
I'm just sorry that tomorrow won't be as warm as today was. For the weatherman's first day of Spring date, this was perfect. I just wish it would mean the end of cold weather but, alas!, there's another cold front expected. Oh well. At least no snow will get to us here.
Time for bed. Love you all. Stay warm and dry. Have a wonderful day. ***Hugs***
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