Thursday, March 9, 2017

I Love Warm Weather....

I am still feeling really good about  the day we had today.  The weather was perfect and I loved getting out to enjoy it.  I put all the windows down and let it mess up my hair.  I miss the warm weather and this was such a great taste of what will be here all the time in just a few more weeks!  *Sigh*  I just wish I could hurry it.

Even though I shouldn't say it (knock on wood), we don't usually get more than one or two days where we get snow every year but this year we've had none.  We got a few flakes one day but that lasted all of a minute or two then...pfft!  Nothing that you could even measure.  In a way, that kind of scares me.  With as weird as our weather has been all winter (for Alabama), I feel a bit like Mother Nature has a HUGE surprise for us in the days ahead.  It COULD happen.   It wouldn't surprise me one bit since I would just chalk it up to Murphy's Law.  I won't hold my breath but I will be watching....and wondering.

The Beast came home with a nice head of cabbage today and said he just suddenly got a taste for some.  I laughed because he wouldn't eat it when we first got married.  He even hated the smell of it cooking.  Unless you love cabbage, the smell can put you off.  I finally started putting a whole walnut in with it when I cooked it.  Then you don't get the smell and it doesn't affect the taste at all.  That's really part of the way I finally got him to eat some.  He pretty much ate almost any vegetable so I figured his dad must not have liked cabbage for anything but cole slaw.  His dad did most of the cooking so he inherited his dad's taste for certain foods.  When we first got married, he even ate fried fat back.  YUK!  He stopped that when I started showing him articles about cholesterol and plaque in arteries, strokes, etc.  Of course, he still loves a lot of greasy things but he also had a stroke (actually, two of them but one was relatively minor).

When I asked him why he didn't get any corned beef, he said none of the ones the store had out looked good to him but he will hit one of the other stores we use and check out what they have.  We have time.  They are all putting out the popular fixings for St. Paddy's for the next week or two....until they sell out of the *over* stocked items, anyway.

Did I mention that I actually went out to the coop yesterday and gathered the eggs?  I took my cane with me because I was a bit afraid that I might get too tired coming back to the house to make it up the stairs without having to sit down and boost myself up, one at a time.  But I didn't even get tired!  My hips started to hurt me but they seem to do that all the time if I walk more than five minutes.

The chickens got so excited when I let myself into the coop.  They gathered around the door because they knew they were going to get their cracked corn treat.  They really love that stuff.  It's weird because their feed has some in it (admittedly, not a lot).  When I came out of the barn with the cup of corn, six of them ran back a bit so I could spread it out.  But, one of the chickens stayed right at my feet.  And you should have seen her run to be the first to start eating it!  LOL  It was really funny to me.  They kind of push and shove each other even though I broadcast the corn over a wide area.  The cup I use is actually a bowl with a handle and it holds a LOT of the corn.  They clean it all up, though.  I swear, they would eat all of TWO full cups if I threw it out for them.  They are pigs with feathers.

I am still amazed at how light in color Freddie has gotten these past couple of months.  It's very noticeable.  He looks like he's turning white and he struts around like he knows he's different (besides being the rooster).  The girls don't pick at him any more, either.  I'm wondering if it is a sign that he is finally mature now.  None of the magazines or the book I have about them mentions that at all.

Well, time to close this.  It's going to be cooler tomorrow (only mid-60's) but sunny most of the day.  Some rain possible, of course.  Tonight it's expected to go down to around 34 degrees and even colder tomorrow night.  All good weather must end...sigh.  It was just a tease.

Have a great night and an even better day.  Love you all.  Be happy.  ***Hugs***

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