Monday, March 6, 2017

More Tornaodes Hit Midwest....

Looks like more weird weather is hitting both the Midwestern states and they are saying a LOT of snow for D.C. and New York.  I don't think we can get use to all the strange weather we are getting now.  Strange to think of it being caused by US.  Looks like technology has a real down-side to it.  As much as we love all the convenience, can we live with what it is doing to the world's weather?  Worse still, do we really think we can help heal it?  I don't know if that's really true.

I like to check on the Weather channel from time to time and that's how I know what the weather forecast is for the country.  I worry when we are having warm weather with a cold front behind it.  That's what seems to spawn the truly bad weather fronts that cause so many problems and, unfortunately, deaths.  Sad but true.  I haven't heard what the latest news is from the areas that have already been hit by tornadoes but it will still cause a lot of heartache for the people affected.  The best we can hope for is that it's mostly loss of power from downed lines and fallen trees.  The worst I don't even want to think about.  It's all just too sad.

They are saying it's possible for our area to be hit tomorrow by at least high winds.  All we can do is wait and see.  At least I won't be up all night worrying.....this time.

It was another nice, peaceful day for us.  The Beast got his new lens for the camera (a used one) and took some pictures with it.  Not pictures he wanted to keep....just to check on sharpness and a few other things like depth of field and how wide a field it gave him.  The lens looks like new.  I think it was probably returned due to one feature it doesn't have...and that is a very new feature of lots of lenses.  It helps prevent loss of focus due to shaking when it's hand-held.  But he's either gotten stronger or using the speed he was made a difference.  But enough of that.  

I'm just gathering strength with my up-and-down chores I do.  Today was a good day and no back aches.  But I am tired and it's late for me so I bid you all good night.

Love you all.  Be kind to everyone.  ***Hugs***

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