Sunday, March 19, 2017

Lazy Day...

Looks like when I have a busy day, I pay the next day with a real lack of energy.  I also had a single case of IBS-D where I almost didn't make it to the bathroom.  I'm glad I use pads for bladder leaks because it helped keep it from making a real mess.  One of the *break-through* episodes I mentioned to the doctor.  If I have  too many of them, I am supposed to let him know.

Tomorrow is the Doppler scan and I think it means I will have to have some kind of dye or other in order to actually be able to see if my arteries are blocked in any way.  I won't find out until I get there since I have never had one before.  At least, not one that was identified as a *Doppler*.  I know that the Doppler radar they use to track the weather in real time tracks all the changes it undergoes from minute to minute.  It might be interesting to see, if I can.

This is a short blog today since I really didn't do much at all.  I just watched TV most of the day and took a couple short naps.  I did spend most of the morning up since the Beast was gone and didn't get home until around 2:30pm or so.  The day was nice and I spent part of it (after noon) outside on the deck just watching Dennis running around the yard, tossing sticks up in the air and trying to scare the chickens.  Freddie stands his ground because he knows Dennis can't get through the fence around the coop but the girls all scatter.  That seems to amuse Dennis and makes him happy.  

Love you all.  Stay warm, dress right for your weather and be kind to everyone.  ***Hugs***

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