Thursday, March 23, 2017

Amazing !

Although it wasn't predicted to get so warm, today it got up to 73 degrees the last time I checked.  And the next few days it's predicted to all be in the lower to mid-70's.  The Beast is happy because he is supposed to take some outdoor pictures of a girl from his church who wants some nice pictures of herself to send to family and friends.  She's another of the home schooled kids so she doesn't get access to school pictures she can send.  

Dennis is proving to be becoming a very smart and well-behaved dog.  Although not perfect yet, he does know what *heel* means and obeys as long as he has his training collar on.  I don't know what it is about that collar but even our dear departed Baron loved it.  They say it mimics the way a mother dog carries her pups and I can almost believe that.  Why else would Dennis, who was abandoned as a young pup, love it so much.  I guess he remembers that loving touch.  It may even be why he's so attached to the Beast.

I ended up with two loads of clothes, towels and one small bath rug today.  I even grabbed a couple towels from the Beast's bathroom to add to the loads.  I haven't folded any of it yet since I didn't start washing until rather late in the day.  There is still a load to be washed and dried.  I'll finish it in the morning.

I made us dinner tonight:  fish fillets (cod), mashed potatoes and some corn.  I really wanted peas but we were out of them (I love peas with my mashed makes the Beast shudder to watch me pick up the peas with my mashed potatoes).  He keeps his food all separate from each other.  He doesn't even like it to touch.

 Nothing special today except for the weather being so great.  I'm looking forward to the next five or six days since they all are supposed to be in the 70's.  Monday may even hit 80 degrees if the weather doesn't take an unexpected turn.  I hope not.  I plan on spending some time outdoors tomorrow.

The Beast says our Walmart is doing some kind of major make-over and nothing is where it used to be.  I told him that I suspected something was going on just from the clearance sale emails I have been getting.  The prices are definitely clearance ones.  

Time for me to hit the shower and get ready for bed.  It's only going down into the upper 50's tonight so I will be wearing one of the lighter pj's that I bought for Spring so that I don't sweat.  That always wakes me up because it gets uncomfortable for me.

Love you all.  Have a wonderful day.  ***Hugs***

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