Friday, July 10, 2015

Mattress Was NOT Delivered Today Even Tho' It Said It Would Be....

The notice the Beast had said that UPS was supposed to deliver the new mattress today but....NO mattress.  Figures, since the Beast will be gone tomorrow.  The delivery man better carry it into the house for me so I can get it out of the box and onto the bed.  It said the mattress must be aired for 48 hours.  That way it will decompress.  A friend of the Beast's from his church said he got the same mattress and it took a full two days to max out.  I had no idea that they compress them for shipment.  Should be fun to get it out of the box.  NOT!

I started out my day not feeling so hot.  Had an upset stomach almost all night and into the morning.  I think the sandwich I ate was bad.  It smelled okay but tasted *off* so I threw half of it away.  Good thing!  After having some toast, I started to feel better.  Finishing off the day feeling normal.  If what I feel is *normal*....LOL.

Had a phone call from my friend in England today with his wife on Skype so she was part of the conversation, too.  Only 7 more days until she arrives back in England.  They were both concerned about my bff, Carol.  I told him the last time I heard from her, she was tired but okay.  In truth, I am concerned since she hasn't acknowledged my email to her.   It was about the self-same couple since she was concerned about the immigration status of the wife.  England is weird, I gather.  Their financial requirements are to make sure no immigrant ends up on the dole.  At least one from the States, anyway.  I know they have people from other (third world) countries that ARE on the dole so what gives???

They are both excited about being reunited, finally, but, after a month, she has to return to the States to oversee the sale of her house.  In the meantime, they are putting HIS house on the market to guarantee that HE will have enough to satisfy England that HE will not end up on the dole.  I think they are planning on getting a home together that will be easier to manage for them since he is so ill.  Say a little prayer for him.  He has a failing heart and it's inoperable in England.  Carol found a doctor in the States that is performing miracles on his type of problem but he would die flying.  His heart wouldn't be able to take it.  *Sigh*

The Beast (damn him!) bought the most incredible looking cupcakes tonight.  They are red velvet with real cream cheese frosting.  He ate one and even the smell was enough to make you salivate!  I may just have to closely monitor my blood sugar tomorrow and try one in the morning when we have our coffee together before he leaves.  He has a big church meeting up in the large town north of us.  It's about a 30-45 minute drive from us, depending on the traffic.  Since it's a workday for many, I expect it will be heavy.

Time to close for now.  I am tired and need to get a few hours sleep before I get up and make sure the Beast takes everything for his lunch...and perhaps a snack for on the way home.  I have to figure out what I will make for dinner.  I am thinking about going out to buy some shrimp and making either shrimp scampi or shrimp alfredo.  I have to check what pasta we have and decide then, I guess.  Hmm...I think I may also need more garlic if I make scampi.  Have to remember to check that, too.

Love you all.  Smile if it's raining.  I found out that it seems to cheer people up.  ***Hugs***

HINT #1 (I promised three tonight so brace yourself!):  If your cat or dog has bad breath, try adding some fresh chopped parsley to their food.

HINT#2:  Unfortunately, cats rarely respon when you tell them *no* so to make sure they have a reason to not repeat bad behavior, spray them in the face with water from a spray bottle when you catch them being bad.  (I know this works from Bratfink)  If this doesn't work, try spraying them with air from a compressed air can (usually used to clean electronics and computer keyboards).  Cats hate the feeling of air on their faces.

HINT#3:  It seems like a silly habit of guilty *dog parents*, but it's true.  Leaving the TV or radio on low in the room next to your pup will keep him calm while you are away.  (This is primarily for dogs that are kenneled when you are not there).  *I know our dog likes the TV left on...he is not kenneled....and he especially likes Animal Planet and/or National Geographic.*  LOL!

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