Thursday, December 8, 2016

Finally Feeling Better !!

I have to make an admission.  I've actually been under the weather for over a week.  I really wasn't sure what it was but I felt awful.  For the first couple days, I was running a fever (only 100 degrees) and was vomiting every time I tried to eat anything.  I finally tried crackers (didn't work...those came up, too).  Then just peanut butter on a spoon.  That actually stayed down to my surprise.  I thought that I might actually have a mild case of flu but then my IBS-D kicked in, which was awful but not as bad as usual when it happens.  Then I thought it might actually be stress since I was really upset over the Beast and the dog that he ADOPTED, not fostered.

I spent most of the time sleeping (hence the idea of cold/hibernation).  I think, now that it's over, that it was probably a bit of everything.  I hate the cold and that is a stress all it's own.  I haven't had my flu shot for this year and a slight case might be possible since our area has quite a few reported cases of it.  That would possibly explain the fever.  And I really don't want to be upset by the dog since he is very sweet and smart, too.  He's learned to respond to commands easily.  But the Beast?  Yes, HE stresses me out a LOT.  It was really thinking all this over that helped me get over the *HUMP*, so-to-speak.  Today is the second day that I feel good again except that I do think I might be coming down with a cold.  At least I can eat now without any *side effects*.  Oh, and I also found out that the nausea pills the doctor gave me actually made me MORE nauseous.  What gives with that?

I've been up today since 8am and no nap!  After what I went through, to me, that's amazing.  I've been keeping warm even when I ran out to the store to buy some cough syrup.  My IBS-D only lasted a day and a half before the pills kicked in from my gastroenterologist.  He was wrong about me being able to go without using them pro-actively.  I apparently need to use them all the time.  Or, until I have managed to go six months without having an attack.  He DID mention that sometimes it requires that.  I guess I am one of those people.  Who knows?  I may even have to take them longer.  That would be MY luck!

Oh, and I think the package that my bff sent me finally showed up here.  It was two large bags of our favorite coffee that she got us addicted to....LOL.  She calls herself our *dealer* and takes full credit for doing that to us.  I'm so glad that she sent those since the Beast won't order it because it's *expensive*.  He's subjected us to all kinds of different coffees if we run out or get very low.  I haven't checked but I am sure they are whatever is cheapest.  THIS from the man who thinks nothing of buying all kinds of gadgets he sees advertised on TV.  The majority of those things are what is cluttering up the garage shelves now.  *Sigh*  He doesn't learn.  I would rather he gave up those things and spend the extra money on the coffee.  I'm sure it would actually save us money in the long run.  But that's not a hope that I think will ever happen.

Oh well.  I called Cee to let her know I was feeling like myself again and that I would probably go over there tomorrow.  I don't usually go this long without seeing her and I miss that.  I am going to bring her all the containers from Thanksgiving so she has some of them back.  She won't get the ones back from her son, I'm sure.  He probably uses them for Lucia's lunches.  He works from home so he takes care of that for her and he also makes dinner.  I think that's incredibly sweet of him since it really does mess with his day at times.  I think he needs a Crock Pot meals cookbook.  Then he wouldn't have to break up his day like he does.  But that's just an idea.  

Time to get this posted.  Remember, I love you all.  Be good.  ***Hugs***

PS:  We are going to be hit by that damn Arctic air tonight and they are predicting our temperature will drop down to around 24 degrees!  Oh, and Freddie has found his voice again.  For the last two days, he's been very vocal.  Trauma is over, I guess.  Of course, it helps that he hasn't seen hide nor hair of Dennis since the initial feather pulling incident....LOL.  It still makes me chuckle even with his hind end naked.....or should I say BECAUSE it's naked?  

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