Tuesday, December 6, 2016

My Poor BFF!!

My bff has been suffering with one thing after another lately and I really felt bad for her, being in such misery.  As if the blistering wasn't bad enough, she got these little scabbed areas all over the place and they itched like crazy.  When she finally was driven to see a doctor so that she could get some relief via medication/salve...something!  she gets more bad news.

It turns out that it's actually an auto-immune disease with a really awful name.  It requires a steroid ointment to give temporary relief and the stuff is EXPENSIVE.  She's reached the point that she has actually met her *deductible* so that she now does not have to pay ANYTHING for medication BUT....they get you a different way.  They limit how often you can get a particular medication.  Of course.  There's always a way to spare the insurance company and at YOUR discomfort.  She says if she uses the medication the way the doctor prescribed it, it would be gone in four days.  BUT, she can't get a refill for it until 10 days have elapsed.  Figures, right?

The only other alternative she has is to be admitted to the hospital and get the medication via IV.  But she worries about her hubby being all alone and, even worse, having to drive at night.  She says he's scary driving during the day (I know what she means..the Beast has that same effect on ME).  So please say a little prayer for her if you think of it.  SHE is a non-believer but I have always believed in the power of prayer.  She needs to catch a break somewhere.  She has a good heart and is one of the sweetest, dearest people I have ever known.  

The Beast went in to his dermatologist's on Monday for more treatment for the skin cancer on his face.  You never really get to see the affected areas the first day but, oh boy!, today was a different matter.  I was glad it was so overcast and drizzling all day long.  It looks just awful and so sore today, especially down both sides of his face.  He said it was extremely painful, too.  He didn't even think about going to church tonight and I can't say I blame him.  I'm sure he would have scared a few of the kids, at the very least.  At least it does seem to be clearing up more and more of the areas affected now.  It used to be his whole face that looked like something out of a horror movie.  Now it's the sides of his face and some of his forehead.  It's not nearly as bad as it used to be.  You can recognize him now.....LOL.

Can you believe that my bff STILL has a package coming for me that is still out there?  It seems, however, that Amazon is playing a game with it.  The one that should have been delivered last Saturday was in Montgomery instead of being forwarded to us locally.  Well, on Monday, it was somewhere in Georgia!!  I have no idea what is going on but poor Carol was really upset with Amazon.  Me?  I'm just flabbergasted that my bff still is sending me stuff and that she is upset over whatever is going on with Amazon and whatever this is that she wanted to be here already.  *Sigh*

I've been feeling a bit under the weather today (and nauseous) so I am going to head to bed in a little bit.  I took one of the nausea pills the doctor gave to me this summer and hope that does the trick so I can get to sleep.  I'm hoping I feel good tomorrow so I can get out of the house for a bit.  I'll probably see if Cee is going to be home and go visit for a while.  But only if I feel good.  I'm not sure why I feel so crappy but I sure don't want to spread anything....just in case it's more than this cold I've had.  Heck, I don't even want to spread a cold!

Love you all.  Stay healthy.  Stay warm.  Be kind to everyone....even those that don't deserve it.  You never know what may tip the balance for them.  We are all fighting battles in our lives that we don't let others know about.  So, most of all, be kind.  ***Hugs***

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