Saturday, December 31, 2016

Beating My Head Against The Wall.....

I really should have seen it coming.  I guess I just thought that the Honda CRV would have been enough but NO!!!!  Of course not.  I saw the handwriting on the wall when the Princess got her new car.  It's like a fever with the Beast.  He traded in the Yaris for the Honda but it wasn't enough. he traded in the Prius for a new Corolla.  

You read that right.  He traded in the Prius for a brand spanking new 2016 Toyota Corolla with lots of goodies.  I will admit that he got a good deal on it but we needed it like a hole in the head.  At first, he tried to make it seem like he was asking my permission but I didn't fall for that.  I said to him, *You are trying to tell me that you like this car, aren't you?*  When he said yes, I then said, *Why the pretense that you want my permission to buy it?  If you like it, you are going to buy it regardless of what I say.  You are the biggest spendthrift that I have ever known in my entire life.*  He got that weird grin on his face that he's had since he was a teenager and said, *Probably!*  My reply was, *There's no probably about it!* as I just walked away.

He gathered up the title for the Prius, the use and care book, and off he went, lickety-split, to the dealer's.  The only good thing about this?  He will finally lay off the Honda, which is supposed to be mine but he was using it for everything he did.  The Corolla has a lot more things for him to explore and learn how to use.

As for me, I'm just gobswapped.  I don't understand this peculiar need of his to have the newest and best of whatever catches his fancy.  

So excuse me if I just take this time to wish each and everyone a very Happy New Year.  May it be better than this past year was.  I'm going to head for bed shortly.  I don't know if I will sleep or not but I know I will be awakened by the firecrackers and rifles going off around us at midnight.  

Love you all.  Be good.  Be safe.  Be careful driving and, for heaven's sake, don't drink and drive!  ***Hugs***

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