Saturday, December 3, 2016

Our Poor Rooster!

Today Dennis showed the Beast that I knew what I was talking about when I said that Labs were hunting dogs....and mainly, bird dogs.  Even at just 7months old, Dennis wants to hunt them.  We've only had him for a couple days and the Beast acts like he has Baron's disposition.  NOT!!!!  

He let the dog out back (without supervision) to pee and he decided it was time to HUNT!!!  He picked Freddie as the victim.  I don't think it went easy and he probably had to chase Freddie a bit.  I was surprised that  Freddie didn't spur him but we didn't see everything that went on.  The Beast finally went outside to check on Dennis and discovered him with a mouth full of feathers.  Freddie's tail feathers to be exact.  And Freddie was in the corner of the fence looking like he had a heart attack.  He was stretched out on the ground and barely quivering.  I think he was in shock.  After checking to see if he was bleeding anywhere, the Beast let him recover on his own and brought Dennis into the house.

I guess I have a weird sense of humor because it struck me as hilarious.  I could envision Dennis, being a puppy and wanting to play, might just have wanted to play with Freddie but Freddie had no idea what to make of Dennis.  He certainly isn't the dog they were all used to having around.  Dennis could have pinned him to the ground and then taken a mouthful of his tail feathers and pulled.  The poor rooster looks so strange with his rear end naked.  He hasn't crowed all day.  He was THAT traumatized.    The Beast actually put the door cover on the door they use to go in and out of the barn so he could let Dennis out in the morning without worrying about the chickens.  He'll go out after Dennis comes back into the house and let the chickens go in and out, as usual.

I told him to hire one of the neighbors sons to walk Dennis around the circle once a day.  I don't know if he will or not but he found out that Dennis is afraid of the scooter.  He might not be when he's a bit older and gets used to the sound of the engine but you just don't know.  But the Beast can't walk (and neither can I) and Dennis needs to be walked on his leash with his training collar on.  

The neighbor has 3 boys of different ages.   They also go to the same church as the Beast and he knows them well.   Their oldest son is 18 and just graduated from high school.  He's been home schooled his whole life and is working with his dad now.  His father owns a scrap yard that is the neatest thing I have ever seen.   The father is actually a skilled cabinet maker.  I would love to have him make new cabinets for our house but we can't afford him.  

 They also have a boy that is about 12 or 13 (I don't remember his name) but I think he might like earning money just for walking the dog.  Their youngest son is only 8 and usually plays with Chewlee when she is here.  He's a real little cutie and Chewlee loves to play soccer and other games with him.  He has a bunch of board games they play from time to time or else they ride their bikes around here.  They aren't supposed to go by the goat farm but we know they do.   At least they don't have the guard dogs any more since the one attacked poor little Sammy during the summer last year.  I know the one dog was put down and I think the farmer gave away the other dog.  Now he just has a big billy goat that acts as a guard for the goat herd.  He's not the least bit friendly but he can't get out of the fence, thankfully.

I waited all day for a package my bff said was coming today but they obviously lied!  No package but I let her know that.  I just hope she didn't pay anything extra for something like two-day delivery.  I guess it will get here on Monday.

I broke down and got myself some hair coloring.  I have a lot of white spots and they aren't the least bit attractive.   They make me look like Cruella Divile from the Disney movie 101 Dalmations.  Except that my natural color is a kind of dishwater blonde so the white areas make it look like I am losing my hair.  No thanks.  My hair is so damn baby fine anyway.  I cut it short...almost pixie style to try to tame it.  The white areas look awful because they are so kinked from my natural curl.  No, my natural finger-waving.  Yuk!!!!!  The coloring will do more than cover the white.  It helps tame those areas, too.

Okay.  Time to close this post and get my hair done.  Love you all.  Be happy.....please!  This life is all we get so enjoy yourself.  Keep company with people you really like.  Get rid of negative people in your life.  ***Hugs***

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