Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Greenpeace? She Has To Be Kidding !!!

I asked my son about my daughter, Buttmunch, and wanted to know if she had found any work yet.  He told me that she had actually applied to Greenpeace!  I was stunned that she had that kind of nerve because she has nothing.....NOTHING....to bring to THAT table!  No college education, no military training, not even a hobby that would appeal to them.  She asked Marcus Aurelius to answer the psychological questions for her.  I was a bit shocked at that bit of news but I do know that one of her roommates is really disgusted with her right now.  She's raised the utility bills and the food bills and has shown no sign of actually going out and applying for work.  Greenpeace?  OMG.....just because she used to go out with her dad on the ocean when she lived with us in South Florida does NOT make her a sailor!  She can't even apply make the proper knot for tying up a boat.  She MIGHT qualify as a cook's helper or a maid but, other than that, she brings nothing to the table that would appeal to Greenpeace.  I hope she can take rejection.

It was not a bad day yesterday (Monday).  The nurse came around 1pm and drew my blood for testing.  She also changed the toe bandage although I was underwhelmed at how she did it.  But I suppose it isn't fair to compare her to the nurses at the Wound Center and a Home Health nurse.  The nurses at the WC do so many wounds each day that they are just experts at it in comparison.

It was a bit on the cool side here but we expected that.  At least we had mostly sun and just a little wind.  Today we are going to have thunderstorms and lots of rain!  The Paint River area and all the homes around it have been warned about the possibility of flooding.  We have a lot of active creeks close to us, including one just down the road from us and a pond across the street that COULD cause a problem.  It would affect our friends, Dennis and Di, most critically since it is just slightly behind the base of their new house which was only poured a week ago.  They have three weeks before the framing can be done.  The base needs to *cure* for 30 days first.

It looks awful outside right now.  You can tell we are going to get some kind of storm.  If we were further north, I would say we have a snow sky but our temperature here isn't low enough for that.  Not quite!  If we have severe enough thunderstorms going through here, it will affect our television and satellite internet.  If we are snug in the house and not really inconvenienced, do we care?  LOL!  We do not!

Love you all.  Be good.  Stay warm and dry.  Drive carefully wherever you are.  ***Hugs***

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