Tuesday, August 16, 2016

All Is Quiet On The Southern Front....

The Beast and Baron are sound asleep for several hours now and so are the chickens.  Now that Freddy has found his voice (and likes it!), the silence is nice.  It's a nice night with just a little bit of a breeze and no rain....yet.  However, tomorrow is a different story.  The weather people claim we will get thunderstorms in the afternoon.  So I am enjoying this time.

The Beast is going to go to Chicago either on the 1st or 2nd of September (yay!) and he will not be back home until the 12th.  Cee and I are  hoping to be able to afford to get out for a nice lunch while that takes place.  If possible, we will even take Baby Brat out with us.  We are definitely going to have a Girl's Night at least once, also.  By that I mean a sleepover.  We can make popcorn or eat some shrimp cocktail, watch movies (I have to make sure my DVD player is connected right...again!) and just have a few laughs.  I have a few DVD's of old movies that are always good for a few laughs because the acting is SO bad...LOL.

When I told Cee about the Beast finally deciding on when (and IF) he was going, she laughed and said it would be just like our having another vacation.  I had to agree.  

The Beast informed me that one of the women he knows from his church said she would love to take five of our chickens off our hands.  She had heard him saying we had too many of them (because of the amount of eggs).  So she is going to come over to fetch them one day in the next week.  That will leave us seven hens and the rooster, which actually IS more than enough and we shouldn't end up with eight dozen eggs at a time in our fridge even though we are supplying a LOT of people eggs all the time.

I hope he gives her the Broody hen.  She is only the first.  We will have that happen to more of them as time goes on, unfortunately.  I want to keep Frantic Fran, however.  And the shy one, too.  That will probably be easy since they both will keep out of reach when the Beast tries to herd them for their new abode.  

I did more wash today and discovered I named the wrong fabric softener.  I thought it was Downy but it's Snuggle.  Which makes more sense to me since I really didn't remember the fragrance of Downy lasting so long.  I was just so used to it being stored in the cabinets over the washer sideways and the shape of the bottles are so similar that I really didn't look at the front of it.  Truth is, the Beast couldn't remember the name of the softener I said I wanted (I knew Downy DID, in fact, soften the clothes).  So he saw the Snuggle (it must have been a bit cheaper...LOL) and grabbed that.  I'm glad he did.  I wasn't aware of how fantastic it smelled or how long it lasts.  Now it will be the only one I get.

Love you all.  Live each day like it's your last and enjoy it!  Be kind.  Even the smallest act can make a real impact on someone's life.   ***Hugs***


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