Saturday, August 6, 2016

No Clue About Broody Hen.....

That's because the Beast put the chickens to bed without telling me and then went to bed at only 7:30pm!  I know he collected 7 eggs because he left the bag with them on the counter.  It's the first time in ages that he didn't tell me he was going to bed.  It may have been because he wasn't sure if he would fall asleep but, when I checked at 7:45pm, he was sound asleep.  I guess his staying out with his church group until 2pm really exhausted him.  He didn't take a nap like he usually did because he was reading the Bible when I discovered him at the kitchen table.  He didn't tell me he was home, either.

We both ate chicken soup for dinner so my worry about him not eating *leftovers* didn't materialize this time like usual.  But it might have been that he was hungry well before our usual dinner time and didn't want to wait.  He only ate a sandwich when he got home in the afternoon so that may have contributed to his changing his habits.

I spent time today working on things that my diabetes makes necessary.  Stuff like making sure my skin was lotioned (I have to do this often) and that I take care of my feet.  Sometimes taking care of my feet takes me over an hour since I have to use a special lotion on them, let it soak in and then get rid of any thick skin plus clip my toenails.  I don't know if it's age or what but they seem to have gotten thicker the past couple years.  I know they are tougher to clip these days.

Then I worked on organizing my closet.  That was a disaster and I needed to get my winter clothes moved then separate my tops, pants, etc. so that it was easier to find what I needed without having to go through every single hanger.  That took me HOURS and I was glad I wasn't interrupted by the Beast.  That alone should have told me he wasn't really feeling well.  The heat destroys him, especially when the humidity is high, too.  Since it got up to 95 today (heat index of 104) and he was out in that, I'm surprised he didn't get heat stroke.  But I had the house nice and cool.  The stinker had turned OFF the AC when he left the house early in the morning but I got up shortly after he left and turned it on again.  I don't have it in my computer room but I knew Baron would be miserable without it.    I think the Beast might have turned it off because of taking his shower in the morning (since he said he had awakened during the night in a sweat).  I'm not sure because I went into my computer room and fell asleep....LOL.

So, after eating my soup, I got online to check my emails and reply to the ones that needed replies (a lot of them are jokes or things they think might interest me).   I only discovered the things above when I went to get more ice water.  Since it was so early in the evening and the Beast doesn't go to church until 1pm (he leaves here at 12:30pm so he can socialize a bit before services takes 5 minutes from here to drive).

The Beast told me yesterday that he thinks he's going to go to Chicago in September to visit his brother and sister there.  Hurrah!  I've been urging him to go, mostly to see his brother who has Muscular Sclerosis.  It's degenerative but does have times when his symptoms are less debilitating than at others.  But it will eventually cause death...usually from complications.  Although his brother is 17 years younger than he is, it would really hit the Beast hard to lose another sibling.  Especially if he could have spent some time with him and didn't.  He's already lost one brother and a cousin that was like a brother to him (he was very close with him his whole life).  It  would also feed HIS fear of dying, especially since his health and general well-being seems to be degenerating.

Oh well!  C'est la vie!  Time to post this.  Love you all.  Chose to be happy.  Get rid of toxic people in your life.  Life is too short to have negative people around.  Have a great Sunday.  ***Hugs***

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