It looks like our broody hen may be over her desire to hatch some chicks. At least, I sure hope so. But she wasn't on any eggs today and was out in the yard with all the other hens. She came into the coop when the Beast went out to put them away for the night. It was too funny because they formed a line and came into the coop yard one-by-one. That made it easier for the Beast to count them AND he was surprised that the broody hen was with them.
When the Beast first went into the coop, Baron followed him. That upset the chickens because they may like him out in the yard but they didn't like him in THEIR house! LOL When the Beast told him *out!*, Baron went and that's when the chickens marched in, waiting for their corn.
It's funny but when I go outside, it always seems like they are all roaming the yard and eating weeds and grass alike. Yet their food container shows that they are all eating like pigs. That is in the barn portion of their coop. If they are pigging out, it has to be around noon when they hide from the sun. A lot of them hide in the barn or under this one tree that overhangs their coop and is where their water is located.
I went over to Cee's right after the Beast came home from his adventures with his church members (don't ask!). It's funny how relaxed I get over there. We just sit and talk. It seems like we never get tired of each other. Although I don't usually go over there more than once a week. Okay, sometimes twice a week but who's counting? We spent 8 days together when we went to Chicago....24/7 and had a great time. I could probably do the same thing with most of my sisters (except BabyBrat). I would just hate spending so much time with her due to her memory being about 10 minutes long. That's no exaggeration as most of my sisters know. It's a sad story there but not for me to go into just now.
Although, Cee and I took her out for lunch last week and enjoyed ourselves. Babybrat even joked around. We just wanted to get her out of the house to do something different and get her out of her depression. She can't drive and there's no such thing as public transportation or even cab service here. We could use a couple uber drivers, that's for sure.
I talked to Cee a bit ago and she told me the soup I gave her was almost gone. Once she started eating it, she just kept heating up more and more bowls. LOL. I told you it turned out great. She loved the flavor, which was very good. My homemade noodles are also good and they were tender, too. *Grin*
It was 95 degrees when I left Cee's around 3:30pm. I came home with four crumb cake muffins and a container of her pudding, which was to die for! The texture is very dense and the flavor is wonderful. Even the Beast noticed the difference in it from the Jello pudding we make (we like the cooking kind). But Cee used heavy whipping cream instead of milk. I didn't ask her if it was the kind you cook or instant. Not that it matters. It's wonderful.
It looks like the kids are back in school now. I think their first day was on Wednesday but don't quote me on that. I just saw a post from the sister of a friend who took a selfie with her son on his first day of first grade.
One of my granddaughters is pregnant with her second child. Atticus is now three years old but she is having a horrible time with this prenancy. She's into her second trimester and is still suffering with morning sickness and loss of appetite because of nausea most of the day. I feel so bad for her. I had such easy pregnancies and only got nauseous once during my pregnancy with Mustachio. It was awful because it was the smell of frying bacon that did me in. LOL! And I LOVE bacon. I was glad it was just the one time though.
Well, time to get this posted. The weatherman says we might get thunderstorms here tonight. If we do, I will lose both my TV and my Internet. Love you all. Be good and be kind. Try to do something fun this coming weekend. The Beast and I are planning on an early trip to a farmers market. It's a bit of a drive since it's close to Gadsden but we want to see the exotic chickens they have there. ***Hugs***
I hear you about the bacon thing. My first pregnancy the smell of cooking pork made me sick and I cried because I thought it would last forever.
ReplyDeleteI was afraid of the same thing with the bacon but was glad it was just that one time. I love bacon and couldn't imagine not being able to ever eat it again!