Wednesday, August 31, 2016

So Now He Calls!!!

Doesn't it just figure?  Now that he's left for Chicago, he calls me to let me know where he is all the time?  He called me when he stopped for his nap.  He calls me when he's just two hours away from his sister's house.  He wanted to make sure I had let the chickens out and taken Baron out for his morning pee.  He calls me when he gets to his sister's.  He calls me when he wants to make sure that I don't forget to put the chickens away for the night.  I was amazed he didn't call me to say *good night!*.

I can't get him to call me when he's going to stop to eat something before coming home after church.  But today, he calls me for everything except when he stops to pee.  *Sheesh!*

I was up at 6am to let the chickens out of the coop.  They were already gathered around the door, waiting.  I was surprised they didn't knock me over when they rushed out.  I took Baron out front when he was ready to go and he did what he needed to do and then wanted back in the house so in we went after about just 10 minutes.  The one thing I almost forgot was to give Baron his morning snack.  It's not his big meal of the day.  That he gets around 4 or so.  

I put the chickens away around 7:15pm after I gathered the 6 eggs for the day.  It's weird only having the 7 hens now.  But they are easier to count, that's for sure.

After that, I took a little nap before letting Baron out into the back yard for whatever it was he needed to do.  Poor baby had a tough time getting up the stairs.  It took him four tries before he made it but at least he didn't fall this time.  He's done that a time or two.  

When he came in, I gave him a hot dog with the low dose aspirin inside it.  I knew he had to be hurting.  He sometimes has to concentrate to even get up the three front stairs.  But that's more fear than pain.  But when he does this about the six back stairs, I know he's in pain.  It was actually seeing the cat come into the house that spurred him into making the attempt. He's always afraid the cat will eat his dry food....LOL.  Once he made it into the house, the first thing he did was run over to his dry food bowl to check that out.

I don't know if he is checking how much food he has in it or he smells for any cat scent but he sniffed around it and looked intently at it then seemed satisfied.  I know the cat didn't bother the food (I watched) so I think he must be able to smell the cat scent.  Since there wasn't any tonight, he was satisfied his food was okay.

The cat is curled up, asleep, next to a sleeping Baron right now.  It is really cute to see.  But the cat is going to want out in a little bit.  That's the usual routine.  She will come into the doorway of my computer room and meow at me then start walking away as soon as I turn around.  That's the signal.  She's slowly coming out of her feral stage but not completely yet.  It's more like she comes to visit with us but she's still reluctant to be petted for long and won't stay in our laps for anything longer than 5 or 6 seconds.

Well, she's outside now, sleeping on the shelf with the bird feeder.  It's her favorite spot.  Now I can go ahead and shower and get ready for bed myself.  Another early day ahead for me tomorrow.  Love you all.  Decide to be happy.  Don't allow anyone with negative energy around you.  You don't need that in your life.  ***Hugs***


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