Saturday, August 27, 2016

Chewlee's Recital....

Today was the big day of Chewlee's recital.  Of course, it wasn't all her.  There were about 10-12 kids that played.  It seems the majority of them had been taking lessons for a year.  Chewlee has only been taking them for 10 months.  I only know that because of the certificate of achievement she was given today.  I actually thought it had been a year but time passes differently for me these days so......

Cee and I stopped on our way to the place where the recital was held and bought her a dozen roses.  I bought her purple ones, kind of as a joke since she knows I love purple.  Cee and I split the cost so it was truly a gift from us both.  We just thought this was an important event in her life and she should have them.

Her paternal grandfather drove up from Destin to attend, which I thought was nice.  He does love her and he's been paying for her piano lessons so he should see the progress she has made.  We enjoyed it and took into account that these kids were truly novices.  But they were surprisingly good.  I told Cee that you could tell which of their selected pieces was their favorite because they played those the best of the two.  At one point, Chewlee froze but she recovered and went back to where she had left off before she froze and did just fine.

At the end, each of the kids was called up on the stage and each given one flower and their certificates.  When the kids could finally join their families, Cee gave her the roses and Chewlee looked at them and said, *Oh, they're real!*  It turns out the flowers given to the kids were not.  But Chewlee said, *When the real ones finally died, then she would put the fake flower in the vase and pretend it was real.*  I thought that was cute.

Gunner was adorable.  He didn't fuss at all and I teased him a bit.  When Chewlee was on the stage getting her flower and certificate, I asked him if he wanted to see Sissy (that's what he calls her).  He said yes so I picked him up and stood up so he could see over everyone's head.  He got excited and waved and was so tickled that she waved back at him.  He kept on waving and, when she came back to where we all were sitting, he ran up to her and she picked him up.    He was all smiles.

I carried him part way out of the hall and then he got down and held my hand until we got outside.  I would have loved to have spent more time with them but the paternal grandfather was taking them out to dinner so Cee and I just came back to the house.  She had driven so she had to bring me home.

The Beast plans to go to the Farmer's Market tomorrow morning, early (around 7am) because his church has a booth there.  He'll stay to help out before heading to church at his regular time.  It just means I will have the house to myself until around 3pm or so.   

It's only a few more days until the Beast goes to Chicago.  I was thinking about making a big pot of chicken soup with my homemade noodles and sending some up with him.  I'll have to discuss it with him tomorrow since it means he would have to take the big cooler with him and he might not want to do that.  He would also have to make sure to keep ice in it at all times.  I don't want to freeze it because it ruins the noodles.  

I think he's planning on bringing some eggs for both his siblings, too.  He might as well.  I have 8 dozen eggs in the fridge and some odd ones in the container on the counter, too.  It's not like the chickens will stop laying eggs any time soon.....LOL.  I'll easily have a few more dozen when he gets home although I plan on giving more to Dennis and Diane when he's gone.

Well, it's the end of my day now and time to think about bed.  I hope you had a nice Saturday and a great Sunday.  Do some grilling outdoors if you can stand the heat for a bit.  It will be a good day for it.  Invite a few friends over for a *Pot luck* with everyone contributing something....a salad, a dessert dish, bread...we had a lot of those when I was younger and it was always fun.  ***Hugs*** Love you all.

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